GDI+图表绘制(三) 之 曲线图

来源:互联网 发布:即时通讯软件 军工 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 22:25
        public class Curve        {            #region 变量            private Graphics objGraphics; //Graphics 类提供对象绘制的方法            private Bitmap objBitmap; //位图对象            private int m_Width = 900; //图像宽度            private int m_Height = 500; //图像高度            private float m_XSlice = 50; //X轴刻度宽度            private float m_YSlice = 50; //Y轴刻度宽度            private float m_YSliceValue = 20; //Y轴刻度的数值宽度            private float m_YSliceBegin = 0; //Y轴刻度开始值            private float m_Tension = 0.5f;            private string m_Title = "××公司销售情况曲线图"; //Title            private string m_Unit = "万元"; //单位            private string m_XAxisText = "月份"; //X轴说明文字            private string m_YAxisText = "万元"; //Y轴说明文字            private string[] m_Keys = new string[] { "一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月" }; //键            private float[] m_Values = new float[] { 20.0f, 30.0f, 50.0f, 55.4f, 21.6f, 12.8f, 99.5f, 36.4f, 78.2f, 56.4f, 45.8f, 66.5f }; //值            private Color m_BgColor = Color.Snow; //背景            private Color m_TextColor = Color.Black; //文字颜色            private Color m_BorderColor = Color.Black; //整体边框颜色            private Color m_AxisColor = Color.Black; //轴线颜色            private Color m_AxisTextColor = Color.Black; //轴说明文字颜色            private Color m_SliceTextColor = Color.Black; //刻度文字颜色            private Color m_SliceColor = Color.Black; //刻度颜色            private Color m_CurveColor = Color.Red; //曲线颜色            #endregion            #region 属性            public int Width            {                set                {                    if (value < 300)                    {                        m_Width = 300;                    }                    else                    {                        m_Width = value;                    }                }                get                {                    return m_Width;                }            }            public int Height            {                set                {                    if (value < 300)                    {                        m_Height = 300;                    }                    else                    {                        m_Height = value;                    }                }                get                {                    return m_Height;                }            }            public float XSlice            {                set                {                    m_XSlice = value;                }                get                {                    return m_XSlice;                }            }            public float YSlice            {                set                {                    m_YSlice = value;                }                get                {                    return m_YSlice;                }            }            public float YSliceValue            {                set                {                    m_YSliceValue = value;                }                get                {                    return m_YSliceValue;                }            }            public float YSliceBegin            {                set                {                    m_YSliceBegin = value;                }                get                {                    return m_YSliceBegin;                }            }            public float Tension            {                set                {                    if (value < 0.0f && value > 1.0f)                    {                        m_Tension = 0.5f;                    }                    else                    {                        m_Tension = value;                    }                }                get                {                    return m_Tension;                }            }            public string Title            {                set                {                    m_Title = value;                }                get                {                    return m_Title;                }            }            public string Unit            {                set                {                    m_Unit = value;                }                get                {                    return m_Unit;                }            }            public string[] Keys            {                set                {                    m_Keys = value;                }                get                {                    return m_Keys;                }            }            public float[] Values            {                set                {                    m_Values = value;                }                get                {                    return m_Values;                }            }            public Color BgColor            {                set                {                    m_BgColor = value;                }                get                {                    return m_BgColor;                }            }            public Color TextColor            {                set                {                    m_TextColor = value;                }                get                {                    return m_TextColor;                }            }            public Color BorderColor            {                set                {                    m_BorderColor = value;                }                get                {                    return m_BorderColor;                }            }            public Color AxisColor            {                set                {                    m_AxisColor = value;                }                get                {                    return m_AxisColor;                }            }            public string XAxisText            {                set                {                    m_XAxisText = value;                }                get                {                    return m_XAxisText;                }            }            public string YAxisText            {                set                {                    m_YAxisText = value;                }                get                {                    return m_YAxisText;                }            }            public Color AxisTextColor            {                set                {                    m_AxisTextColor = value;                }                get                {                    return m_AxisTextColor;                }            }            public Color SliceTextColor            {                set                {                    m_SliceTextColor = value;                }                get                {                    return m_SliceTextColor;                }            }            public Color SliceColor            {                set                {                    m_SliceColor = value;                }                get                {                    return m_SliceColor;                }            }            public Color CurveColor            {                set                {                    m_CurveColor = value;                }                get                {                    return m_CurveColor;                }            }            #endregion            #region 方法            //生成图像并返回bmp对象            public Bitmap CreateImage()            {                InitializeGraph();                DrawContent(ref objGraphics);                return objBitmap;            }            //初始化和填充图像区域,画出边框,初始标题            private void InitializeGraph()            {                //根据给定的高度和宽度创建一个位图图像                objBitmap = new Bitmap(Width, Height);                //从指定的 objBitmap 对象创建 objGraphics 对象 (即在objBitmap对象中画图)                objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBitmap);                //根据给定颜色(LightGray)填充图像的矩形区域 (背景)                objGraphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(BorderColor, 1), 0, 0, Width, Height);                objGraphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(BgColor), 1, 1, Width - 2, Height - 2);                //画X轴,pen,x1,y1,x2,y2 注意图像的原始X轴和Y轴计算是以左上角为原点,向右和向下计算的                objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(AxisColor), 1), 100, Height - 100, Width - 75, Height - 100);                //画Y轴,pen,x1,y1,x2,y2                objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(AxisColor), 1), 100, Height - 100, 100, 75);                //初始化轴线说明文字                SetAxisText(ref objGraphics);                //初始化X轴上的刻度和文字                SetXAxis(ref objGraphics);                //初始化Y轴上的刻度和文字                SetYAxis(ref objGraphics);                //初始化标题                CreateTitle(ref objGraphics);                //平移图像对象                objGraphics.TranslateClip(200, 0);            }            private void SetAxisText(ref Graphics objGraphics)            {                objGraphics.DrawString(XAxisText, new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(AxisTextColor), Width / 2 - 50, Height - 50);                int X = 30;                int Y = (Height / 2) - 50;                for (int i = 0; i < YAxisText.Length; i++)                {                    objGraphics.DrawString(YAxisText[i].ToString(), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(AxisTextColor), X, Y);                    Y += 15;                }            }            private void SetXAxis(ref Graphics objGraphics)            {                int x1 = 100;                int y1 = Height - 110;                int x2 = 100;                int y2 = Height - 90;                int iCount = 0;                int iSliceCount = 1;                float Scale = 0;                int iWidth = (int)((Width - 200) * (50 / XSlice));                objGraphics.DrawString(Keys[0].ToString(), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(SliceTextColor), 85, Height - 90);                for (int i = 0; i <= iWidth; i += 10)                {                    Scale = i * (XSlice / 50);                    if (iCount == 5)                    {                        objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(AxisColor)), x1 + Scale, y1, x2 + Scale, y2);                        //The Point!这里显示X轴刻度                        if (iSliceCount <= Keys.Length - 1)                        {                            objGraphics.DrawString(Keys[iSliceCount].ToString(), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(SliceTextColor), x1 + Scale - 15, y2);                        }                        else                        {                            //超过范围,不画任何刻度文字                        }                        iCount = 0;                        iSliceCount++;                        if (x1 + Scale > Width - 100)                        {                            break;                        }                    }                    else                    {                        objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(SliceColor)), x1 + Scale, y1 + 5, x2 + Scale, y2 - 5);                    }                    iCount++;                }            }            private void SetYAxis(ref Graphics objGraphics)            {                int x1 = 95;                int y1 = (int)(Height - 100 - 10 * (YSlice / 50));                int x2 = 105;                int y2 = (int)(Height - 100 - 10 * (YSlice / 50));                int iCount = 1;                float Scale = 0;                int iSliceCount = 1;                int iHeight = (int)((Height - 200) * (50 / YSlice));                objGraphics.DrawString(YSliceBegin.ToString(), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(SliceTextColor), 60, Height - 110);                for (int i = 0; i < iHeight; i += 10)                {                    Scale = i * (YSlice / 50);                    if (iCount == 5)                    {                        objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(AxisColor)), x1 - 5, y1 - Scale, x2 + 5, y2 - Scale);                        //显示Y轴刻度                        objGraphics.DrawString(Convert.ToString(YSliceValue * iSliceCount + YSliceBegin), new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(SliceTextColor), 60, y1 - Scale);                        iCount = 0;                        iSliceCount++;                    }                    else                    {                        objGraphics.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(SliceColor)), x1, y1 - Scale, x2, y2 - Scale);                    }                    iCount++;                }            }            private void DrawContent(ref Graphics objGraphics)            {                if (Keys.Length == Values.Length)                {                    Pen CurvePen = new Pen(CurveColor, 1);                    PointF[] CurvePointF = new PointF[Keys.Length];                    float keys = 0;                    float values = 0;                    float Offset1 = (Height - 100) + YSliceBegin;                    float Offset2 = (YSlice / 50) * (50 / YSliceValue);                    for (int i = 0; i < Keys.Length; i++)                    {                        keys = XSlice * i + 100;                        values = Offset1 - Values[i] * Offset2;                        CurvePointF[i] = new PointF(keys, values);                    }                    objGraphics.DrawCurve(CurvePen, CurvePointF, Tension);                }                else                {                    objGraphics.DrawString("Error!The length of Keys and Values must be same!", new Font("宋体", 16), new SolidBrush(TextColor), new Point(150, Height / 2));                }            }            //写标题            private void CreateTitle(ref Graphics objGraphics)            {                objGraphics.DrawString(Title, new Font("宋体", 16), new SolidBrush(TextColor), new Point(5, 5));            }            #endregion        }    }}