
来源:互联网 发布:蘑菇街算法工程师 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 21:24

  • Demo
  • 算法原理
  • 结构
  • 调用方法
    • exchange
    • doExchange
    • hashIndex
    • createSlot
    • await
    • tryCancel
    • spinWait
  • 总结




public class Hello {    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {        final Exchanger<String> presents = new Exchanger<String>();        Thread boy = new Thread(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread()+ "送美女一朵:鲜花");                try {                    String gift = presents.exchange("flower");                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + "获得美女赠送的:" + gift);                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                }            }        });        Thread girl = new Thread(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread()+ "送哥们一个kiss");                try {                    String gift = presents.exchange("kiss");                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + "获得帅哥赠送的:" + gift);                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                }            }        });        boy.start();        girl.start();        Thread.yield();    }}






The basic idea is to maintain a "slot", which is a reference toa Node containing both an Item to offer and a "hole" waiting toget filled in.  If an incoming "occupying" thread sees that theslot is null, it CAS'es (compareAndSets) a Node there and waitsfor another to invoke exchange.  That second "fulfilling" threadsees that the slot is non-null, and so CASes it back to null,also exchanging items by CASing the hole, plus waking up theoccupying thread if it is blocked.  In each case CAS'es mayfail because a slot at first appears non-null but is null uponCAS, or vice-versa.  So threads may need to retry theseactions.



/** cup个数,控制slot数量和自旋 */private static final int NCPU = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();/** slot数量 */private static final int CAPACITY = 32;/**  * slot最大用到多少 */private static final int FULL =    Math.max(0, Math.min(CAPACITY, NCPU / 2) - 1);/** spin次数 */private static final int SPINS = (NCPU == 1) ? 0 : 2000;/** 超时exchange在park前的自旋次数 */private static final int TIMED_SPINS = SPINS / 20;/** tryCancel时更新,表示取消 */private static final Object CANCEL = new Object();/** 代表null入参或exchange返回null */private static final Object NULL_ITEM = new Object();/** 要交换数据的节点 */private static final class Node extends AtomicReference<Object> {    /** 创建该Node的线程要交换的数据 */    public final Object item;    /** 绑定的线程 */    public volatile Thread waiter;    /**     * Creates node with given item and empty hole.     * @param item the item     */    public Node(Object item) {        this.item = item;    }}/** * slot(坑位)就是数据交换的地方,用了缓存行填充,避免伪共享 */private static final class Slot extends AtomicReference<Object> {    // Improve likelihood of isolation on <= 64 byte cache lines    long q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, q9, qa, qb, qc, qd, qe;}/** * Slot 数组 */private volatile Slot[] arena = new Slot[CAPACITY];/** * slot数组最大有几个可用 */private final AtomicInteger max = new AtomicInteger();/** 空构造 */public Exchanger() {}



public V exchange(V x) throws InterruptedException {    if (!Thread.interrupted()) {        Object v = doExchange((x == null) ? NULL_ITEM : x, false, 0);        if (v == NULL_ITEM)            return null;        if (v != CANCEL)            return (V)v;        Thread.interrupted(); // Clear interrupt status on IE throw    }    throw new InterruptedException();}public V exchange(V x, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)    throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException {    if (!Thread.interrupted()) {        Object v = doExchange((x == null) ? NULL_ITEM : x,                              true, unit.toNanos(timeout));        if (v == NULL_ITEM)            return null;        if (v != CANCEL)            return (V)v;        if (!Thread.interrupted()) //线程没有被中断抛超时异常            throw new TimeoutException();    }    throw new InterruptedException();}

1. 交换到null;
2. 正常值;
3. 被中断,抛异常。


/** 实现交换的方法,timed和nanos控制超时 */private Object doExchange(Object item, boolean timed, long nanos) {    Node me = new Node(item);                 // 创建node    int index = hashIndex();                  // hasIndex近似对max的mode操作,获取slot的index    int fails = 0;                            // cas失败次数    for (;;) {        Object y;                             // Contents of current slot        Slot slot = arena[index]; //arena并没有初始化,所以slot用到的时候需要create        if (slot == null)                     // 如果slot为null,那就创建一个            createSlot(index);                // Continue loop to reread        else if ((y = slot.get()) != null &&  // 如果某个slot不会null,那就说明已经有其他线程占用在等待交换                 slot.compareAndSet(y, null)) { //先cas设置为null,防止其他线程            Node you = (Node)y;               // Transfer item            if (you.compareAndSet(null, item)) {                 LockSupport.unpark(you.waiter); //交换自己的值,然后唤醒节点等待的线程                return you.item; //返回交换后的值            }                                 // Else cancelled; continue        }        else if (y == null &&                 // 如果slot还没有被占用,那就占用                 slot.compareAndSet(null, me)) {            if (index == 0)                   // 在0 slot上阻塞                return timed ?                    awaitNanos(me, slot, nanos) :                    await(me, slot);            Object v = spinWait(me, slot);    // Spin wait for non-0            if (v != CANCEL)                return v;            me = new Node(item);              // 丢弃之前的cancel节点,新建一个            int m = max.get();            if (m > (index >>>= 1))           // 有可能是max太大了,减少下                max.compareAndSet(m, m - 1);          }        else if (++fails > 1) {               // 如果在一个index slot上2次都失败            int m = max.get();            if (fails > 3 && m < FULL && max.compareAndSet(m, m + 1)) //失败3次,那就扩大max,index换个位置试试                index = m + 1;                // Grow on 3rd failed slot            else if (--index < 0)                index = m;                    // Circularly traverse        }    }}


private final int hashIndex() {    long id = Thread.currentThread().getId();    int hash = (((int)(id ^ (id >>> 32))) ^ 0x811c9dc5) * 0x01000193;    int m = max.get();    int nbits = (((0xfffffc00  >> m) & 4) | // Compute ceil(log2(m+1))                 ((0x000001f8 >>> m) & 2) | // The constants hold                 ((0xffff00f2 >>> m) & 1)); // a lookup table    int index;    while ((index = hash & ((1 << nbits) - 1)) > m)       // May retry on        hash = (hash >>> nbits) | (hash << (33 - nbits)); // non-power-2 m    return index;}



/** 创建一个slot */private void createSlot(int index) {    // Create slot outside of lock to narrow sync region    Slot newSlot = new Slot();    Slot[] a = arena;    synchronized (a) {        if (a[index] == null)            a[index] = newSlot;    }}


/** slot 0上的阻塞 */private static Object await(Node node, Slot slot) {    Thread w = Thread.currentThread();    int spins = SPINS; //跟awaitNanos不一样    for (;;) {        Object v = node.get();        if (v != null) //这里判断node.get,如果有其他线程交换会cas这个值            return v;        else if (spins > 0)                 // 先自旋            --spins;        else if (node.waiter == null)       // 自旋次数够了后,如果节点的等待线程null,设置当前            node.waiter = w;        else if (w.isInterrupted())         // 如果线程被中断,cancel节点            tryCancel(node, slot);        else                                // park等待唤醒            LockSupport.park(node);    }}/** 响应超时的await */private Object awaitNanos(Node node, Slot slot, long nanos) {    int spins = TIMED_SPINS; //跟await不一样    long lastTime = 0;    Thread w = null;    for (;;) {        Object v = node.get();        if (v != null)            return v;        long now = System.nanoTime();        if (w == null)            w = Thread.currentThread();        else            nanos -= now - lastTime;        lastTime = now;        if (nanos > 0) { //还没超时            if (spins > 0)                --spins;            else if (node.waiter == null)                node.waiter = w;            else if (w.isInterrupted())                tryCancel(node, slot);            else                LockSupport.parkNanos(node, nanos);        }        else if (tryCancel(node, slot) && !w.isInterrupted())             //超时后cancel节点,如果线程没有被中断,扫描其他位置slot,看看有没有可交换的,有就交换            return scanOnTimeout(node);    }}



/** cancel指定slot位置的节点,清空slot、设置节点的值cancel */private static boolean tryCancel(Node node, Slot slot) {    if (!node.compareAndSet(null, CANCEL))        return false;    if (slot.get() == node) // 再次校验node是否变化,估计是怕节点被交换处理掉了        slot.compareAndSet(node, null);    return true;}


/** 在非0slot自旋 */private static Object spinWait(Node node, Slot slot) {    int spins = SPINS; //这里的spins跟awaitNanos里面的超时自旋不一样    for (;;) {        Object v = node.get();        if (v != null)            return v;        else if (spins > 0)            --spins;        else            tryCancel(node, slot); //自旋次数达到还没有交换,那就cancel    }}




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