来源:互联网 发布:新浪微博发淘宝链接 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 15:40


为了在MATLAB上演示算法,最近学了一下MATLAB的GUI,学习方法就是一边用一边百度……由于用这种随意的学习方法,这个过程中我也是遇到各种问题,花了不少精力。为了使得这些痛苦的过程不被浪费,这里就总结一下使用MATLAB GUI的知识点,已便今后查阅。

MATLAB GUI的运行原理——创建窗口


  • [GUI名]_OpeningFcn
  • [GUI名]_OutputFcn


MATLAB的GUI其实很容易使用,完全按照回调函数的思想去写代码就可以,但是这样往往会遇到一些无法理解的错误,所以我尝试对MATLAB GUI的原理进行了一些研究,看过这篇文章后我在GUI的入口函数设了一个断点,并单步运行,粗略地浏览了一下代码,虽说还有很多地方不理解,但是对GUI的运行方式大体有了一个概念。了解MATLAB GUI的运行原理对以后的debug有好处,所以写下来做总结以及记录。
在入口函数出设断点,开始单步调试,这时函数式没有参数的。可以看到程序最后会调用一个叫gui_mainfcn的函数。 步进这个函数,第一段代码如下

gui_StateFields =  {'gui_Name'    'gui_Singleton'    'gui_OpeningFcn'    'gui_OutputFcn'    'gui_LayoutFcn'    'gui_Callback'};gui_Mfile = '';% 获取文件名for i=1:length(gui_StateFields)    if ~isfield(gui_State, gui_StateFields{i})        error(message('MATLAB:guide:StateFieldNotFound', gui_StateFields{ i }, gui_Mfile));    elseif isequal(gui_StateFields{i}, 'gui_Name')        gui_Mfile = [gui_State.(gui_StateFields{i}), '.m'];    endend


numargin = length(varargin);if numargin == 0    % UNTITLED    % create the GUI only if we are not in the process of loading it    % already    gui_Create = true;elseif local_isInvokeActiveXCallback(gui_State, varargin{:})    % UNTITLED(ACTIVEX,...)    vin{1} = gui_State.gui_Name;    vin{2} = [get(varargin{1}.Peer, 'Tag'), '_', varargin{end}];    vin{3} = varargin{1};    vin{4} = varargin{end-1};    vin{5} = guidata(varargin{1}.Peer);    feval(vin{:});    return;elseif local_isInvokeHGCallback(gui_State, varargin{:})    % UNTITLED('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...)    gui_Create = false;else    % UNTITLED(...)    % create the GUI and hand varargin to the openingfcn    gui_Create = true;end

这里的varargin是从GUI入口函数的参数传入的,上面说到入口函数没有 参数,所以numargin 应该等于0,使得gui_Create被设为真。根据注释其实可以猜测这里gui_Create是一个决定了是否创建GUI的标志位。那为什么需要判断这样一个标志位呢?其实通过注释可以猜测,gui_mainfcn这个函数不但负责建立GUI,同时还负责响应来自各个控件的Callback,但是我们姑且不管这个猜测的正确性。

if ~gui_Create    ... %省略中间的代码else    if gui_State.gui_Singleton        gui_SingletonOpt = 'reuse';    else        gui_SingletonOpt = 'new';    end    % Check user passing 'visible' P/V pair first so that its value can be    % used by oepnfig to prevent flickering    gui_Visible = 'auto';    gui_VisibleInput = '';    for index=1:2:length(varargin)        if length(varargin) == index || ~ischar(varargin{index})            break;        end        % Recognize 'visible' P/V pair        len1 = min(length('visible'),length(varargin{index}));        len2 = min(length('off'),length(varargin{index+1}));        if ischar(varargin{index+1}) && strncmpi(varargin{index},'visible',len1) && len2 > 1            if strncmpi(varargin{index+1},'off',len2)                gui_Visible = 'invisible';                gui_VisibleInput = 'off';            elseif strncmpi(varargin{index+1},'on',len2)                gui_Visible = 'visible';                gui_VisibleInput = 'on';            end        end    end    ...%省略下面代码,这些代码在下面分块分析end%函数返回


    % Do feval on layout code in m-file if it exists    gui_Exported = ~isempty(gui_State.gui_LayoutFcn);    % this application data is used to indicate the running mode of a GUIDE    % GUI to distinguish it from the design mode of the GUI in GUIDE. it is    % only used by actxproxy at this time.       %直接把数据保存在UI中    setappdata(0,genvarname(['OpenGuiWhenRunning_', gui_State.gui_Name]),1);    if gui_Exported        gui_hFigure = feval(gui_State.gui_LayoutFcn, gui_SingletonOpt);        % make figure invisible here so that the visibility of figure is        % consistent in OpeningFcn in the exported GUI case        if isempty(gui_VisibleInput)            gui_VisibleInput = get(gui_hFigure,'Visible');        end        set(gui_hFigure,'Visible','off')        % openfig (called by local_openfig below) does this for guis without        % the LayoutFcn. Be sure to do it here so guis show up on screen.        movegui(gui_hFigure,'onscreen');    else        gui_hFigure = local_openfig(gui_State.gui_Name, gui_SingletonOpt, gui_Visible);        % If the figure has InGUIInitialization it was not completely created        % on the last pass.  Delete this handle and try again.        if isappdata(gui_hFigure, 'InGUIInitialization')            delete(gui_hFigure);            gui_hFigure = local_openfig(gui_State.gui_Name, gui_SingletonOpt, gui_Visible);        end    end    if isappdata(0, genvarname(['OpenGuiWhenRunning_', gui_State.gui_Name]))%       移除相应的变量        rmappdata(0,genvarname(['OpenGuiWhenRunning_', gui_State.gui_Name]));    end


    % Set flag to indicate starting GUI initialization    setappdata(gui_hFigure,'InGUIInitialization',1);    % Fetch GUIDE Application options    gui_Options = getappdata(gui_hFigure,'GUIDEOptions');    % Singleton setting in the GUI M-file takes priority if different    gui_Options.singleton = gui_State.gui_Singleton;    if ~isappdata(gui_hFigure,'GUIOnScreen')        % Adjust background color        if gui_Options.syscolorfig            set(gui_hFigure,'Color', get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'));        end        % Generate HANDLES structure and store with GUIDATA. If there is        % user set GUI data already, keep that also.        data = guidata(gui_hFigure);        handles = guihandles(gui_hFigure);        if ~isempty(handles)            if isempty(data)                data = handles;            else                names = fieldnames(handles);                for k=1:length(names)                    data.(char(names(k)))=handles.(char(names(k)));                end            end        end        guidata(gui_hFigure, data);    end

这里对窗口的背景色和handles进行了初始化,使用过MATLAB GUI的话可以知道,handles是GUI中的一个与窗口绑定的结构体,用来保存各控件对象和用户数据。

% Apply input P/V pairs other than 'visible'    for index=1:2:length(varargin)        if length(varargin) == index || ~ischar(varargin{index})            break;        end        len1 = min(length('visible'),length(varargin{index}));        if ~strncmpi(varargin{index},'visible',len1)            try set(gui_hFigure, varargin{index}, varargin{index+1}), catch break, end        end    end    % If handle visibility is set to 'callback', turn it on until finished    % with OpeningFcn    gui_HandleVisibility = get(gui_hFigure,'HandleVisibility');    if strcmp(gui_HandleVisibility, 'callback')        set(gui_hFigure,'HandleVisibility', 'on');    end%    开始运行gui_OpeningFcn    feval(gui_State.gui_OpeningFcn, gui_hFigure, [], guidata(gui_hFigure), varargin{:});


    if isscalar(gui_hFigure) && ishghandle(gui_hFigure)        % Handle the default callbacks of predefined toolbar tools in this        % GUI, if any        guidemfile('restoreToolbarToolPredefinedCallback',gui_hFigure);         % Update handle visibility        set(gui_hFigure,'HandleVisibility', gui_HandleVisibility);        % Call openfig again to pick up the saved visibility or apply the        % one passed in from the P/V pairs%         设置fig的可见性?        if ~gui_Exported            gui_hFigure = local_openfig(gui_State.gui_Name, 'reuse',gui_Visible);        elseif ~isempty(gui_VisibleInput)            set(gui_hFigure,'Visible',gui_VisibleInput);        end        if strcmpi(get(gui_hFigure, 'Visible'), 'on')            figure(gui_hFigure);            if gui_Options.singleton                setappdata(gui_hFigure,'GUIOnScreen', 1);            end        end        % Done with GUI initialization        if isappdata(gui_hFigure,'InGUIInitialization')            rmappdata(gui_hFigure,'InGUIInitialization');        end


  % If handle visibility is set to 'callback', turn it on until        % finished with OutputFcn        gui_HandleVisibility = get(gui_hFigure,'HandleVisibility');        if strcmp(gui_HandleVisibility, 'callback')            set(gui_hFigure,'HandleVisibility', 'on');        end        gui_Handles = guidata(gui_hFigure);    else        gui_Handles = [];    end    if nargout        [varargout{1:nargout}] = feval(gui_State.gui_OutputFcn, gui_hFigure, [], gui_Handles);    else        feval(gui_State.gui_OutputFcn, gui_hFigure, [], gui_Handles);    end    if isscalar(gui_hFigure) && ishghandle(gui_hFigure)        set(gui_hFigure,'HandleVisibility', gui_HandleVisibility);    end


MATLAB GUI的运行原理——回调函数




if ~gui_Create    % In design time, we need to mark all components possibly created in    % the coming callback evaluation as non-serializable. This way, they    % will not be brought into GUIDE and not be saved in the figure file    % when running/saving the GUI from GUIDE.    designEval = false;    if (numargin>1 && ishghandle(varargin{2}))        fig = varargin{2};        while ~isempty(fig) && ~ishghandle(fig,'figure')            fig = get(fig,'parent');        end        designEval = isappdata(0,'CreatingGUIDEFigure') || (isscalar(fig)&&isprop(fig,'GUIDEFigure'));    end    if designEval        beforeChildren = findall(fig);    end    % evaluate the callback now    varargin{1} = gui_State.gui_Callback;    if nargout        [varargout{1:nargout}] = feval(varargin{:});    else               feval(varargin{:});    end    % Set serializable of objects created in the above callback to off in    % design time. Need to check whether figure handle is still valid in    % case the figure is deleted during the callback dispatching.    if designEval && ishghandle(fig)        set(setdiff(findall(fig),beforeChildren), 'Serializable','off');    endelse...end%程序返回




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