
来源:互联网 发布:外贸服装行业数据分析 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 18:33

想给firefox添加https://版本的谷歌搜索引擎。搜了下发现:评价颇高的Search Engine Creator 不支持中文(等UTF-8);类似问题在找LaTeX编辑器的时候就碰到过了。


使用XML Search Engines Exporter/Importer应该也行,下面似乎是不使用而修改xml的背后的操作?

 14down voteacceptedHere are the steps: 1) Need to create an xml file which will contain information about search engine like ShortName, Description, Url etc. Example of xml file: Give a name to that xml file and put it here:"%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\XXXXXXXX.default\searchplugins"or here:"%PROGRAM_FILES%\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins"3) Modifying firefox preferences file:"%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\XXXXXXXX.default\prefs.js"Simply add/modify this line:user_pref("", "engine_name");No needing to modify sqlite database file manually. New search engine will be added automatically after restarting firefox.`>About this Add-onFirefox 45 changed how the search engines added by the user are stored in disk: instead of plain XML files, now a unique compressed and hashed file is used. It was in order to provide a better protection against search hijacking, but it made impossible to edit or even inspect the data of these engines to knowledgeable users; even adding a new search engine from the local file system became an awkward task.This lightweight add-on provides two features:• Let to export any of the existent search engines in Firefox to a XML file in the OpenSearch format.• Let to add to Firefox one or more search engines from local XML files in the same format. Both features are accessible from the Search pane of the Preferences page in Firefox (check the screenshots). No toolbar button or global keyboard shortcut is provided, for the moment.Combining these two tools provides a workaround for the impossibility of editing a search engine added to Firefox from a website (you will need to remove the exported engine from Firefox before importing it back).Note that it's not possible to have a customized search engine with the same name as one of the search engines included by default in Firefox, even if the latter was hidden; it's an intentional restriction of the application.Included localizations: English (en-US), español (es-ES).This add-on is in an early development stage; in case of apparent problems, check first the Browser Console of Firefox for related messages. It's recommended to do a backup of your search.json.mozlz4 file in your Firefox user profile if you have planned to do a lot of exports & imports of engines for editing purposes.Rated 5 out of 5 stars Average Rated 5 out of 5 stars 4 .Rated 4 out of 5 stars 0 .Rated 3 out of 5 stars 0 .Rated 2 out of 5 stars 0 .Rated 1 out of 5 stars 0 .Write a review Report Abuse ReviewsGreat idea! Rated 5 out of 5 stars by decembre on September 6, 2016 · permalink · translate It's a pain to edit our search engine, but you help us with this addon:thanks!Ps about Other helpful addon for organize Search engines:- Add to Search Bar: Context Search X : have! Rated 5 out of 5 stars by bege1 on September 1, 2016 · permalink · translate I don't know why the Mozilla developers didn't do this when they changed the search plugins format. The answer to my request in bugzilla directed me here. So this extension is a must have if you want to edit or add search plugins manually.Thank you very much for this work!Perfect! Rated 5 out of 5 stars by Orangutan on August 26, 2016 · permalink · translate Saves trips to the Browser Console and makes installing search engines a breeze. Thank you for making this.By any chance, would you know if there is a way to make non-standard search engines such as that for about:config? I tried importing one but that gave me an error. Show the developer's reply to this review »`


<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this   - file, You can obtain one at --><SearchPlugin xmlns=""><ShortName>Google</ShortName><Description>Google Search</Description><InputEncoding>UTF-8</InputEncoding><Image width="16" height="16"></Image><Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="GET" template=";q={searchTerms}"/><Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="">  <Param name="q" value="{searchTerms}"/><Param name="ie" value="utf-8"/><Param name="oe" value="utf-8"/><Param name="aq" value="t"/><Param name="rls" value="{moz:distributionID}:{moz:locale}:{moz:official}"/>  <MozParam name="client" condition="defaultEngine" trueValue="firefox-a" falseValue="firefox"/></Url><!-- Keyword search URL is the same as the default, but with an additional parameter --><Url type="application/x-moz-keywordsearch" method="GET" template="">  <Param name="q" value="{searchTerms}"/><Param name="ie" value="utf-8"/><Param name="oe" value="utf-8"/><Param name="aq" value="t"/><Param name="rls" value="{moz:distributionID}:{moz:locale}:{moz:official}"/>  <MozParam name="client" condition="defaultEngine" trueValue="firefox-a" falseValue="firefox"/>  <Param name="channel" value="fflb"/></Url><!-- Context/Right-click search URL is the same as the default, but with an additional parameter --><Url type="application/x-moz-contextsearch" method="GET" template="">  <Param name="q" value="{searchTerms}"/><Param name="ie" value="utf-8"/><Param name="oe" value="utf-8"/><Param name="aq" value="t"/><Param name="rls" value="{moz:distributionID}:{moz:locale}:{moz:official}"/>  <MozParam name="client" condition="defaultEngine" trueValue="firefox-a" falseValue="firefox"/>  <Param name="channel" value="rcs"/></Url><SearchForm></SearchForm></SearchPlugin>



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Markdown Extra 表格语法:

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@requires_authorizationdef somefunc(param1='', param2=0):    '''A docstring'''    if param1 > param2: # interesting        print 'Greater'    return (param2 - param1 + 1) or Noneclass SomeClass:    pass>>> message = '''interpreter... prompt'''





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使用MathJax渲染LaTex 数学公式,详见

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更多LaTex语法请参考 这儿.

UML 图:


Created with Raphaël 2.1.0张三张三李四李四嘿,小四儿, 写博客了没?李四愣了一下,说:忙得吐血,哪有时间写。


Created with Raphaël 2.1.0开始我的操作确认?结束yesno
  • 关于 序列图 语法,参考 这儿,
  • 关于 流程图 语法,参考 这儿.





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  1. 这里是 脚注内容. ↩
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