Poi2010 Railway

来源:互联网 发布:windows api 窗口置顶 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 18:30


A railroad siding consists of two (dead-end) sidetracks 1 and 2. The siding is entered by track A, and left by track B (see figure below).

There are cars on track A, numbered from to . They are arranged in such a way that they enter the siding in the order . The cars are to be transferred to the siding, so that they leave it by track B in the order . Each car is to be transferred once from track A to one of the sidetracks 1 or 2, and later (possibly after some transfers of the remaining cars) once from that sidetrack to the track B. The sidetracks are long enough to store even the longest trains, so there is no need to worry about their capacity.

The first line of the standard input holds one integer () that denotes the number of cars for transfer. The second line stores the numbers that are a permutation of (i.e., each belongs to , and all these numbers are unique), separated by single spaces.

The first line of the standard output should contain the word TAK (yes in Polish) if there is a way of transferring the cars so that they enter track B in the order , or the word NIE (no in Polish) if it is impossible. If the answer is TAK, the second line should give, separated by single spaces, the numbers of sidetracks (1 or 2) to which successive cars are moved in a correct transfer. If there are several ways of making the transfer, choose one arbitrarily.

Sample Input
1 3 4 2

2 3 4 1

Sample Output
1 1 2 1






接下来是之前说的后向边,就是满足x< u<=l(x),a[u]>a[x]


#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<vector>#define M 100005#define INF 1000000007using namespace std;int a[M],Appear[M],ap[M],Co[M];int n;bool mark[M];struct Mx_Seg_Tree{    int Mx[M<<2],v[M];    int up(int A,int B){        if(v[A]<v[B])return B;        else return A;    }    void build(int L,int R,int p){        if(L==R){            Mx[p]=L;            return;        }        int mid=L+R>>1;        build(L,mid,p<<1),build(mid+1,R,p<<1|1);        Mx[p]=up(Mx[p<<1],Mx[p<<1|1]);    }    void update(int L,int R,int p,int x,int val){        if(L==R){            v[L]=val;            return;        }        int mid=L+R>>1;        if(mid>=x)update(L,mid,p<<1,x,val);        else update(mid+1,R,p<<1|1,x,val);        Mx[p]=up(Mx[p<<1],Mx[p<<1|1]);    }    int query(int L,int R,int p,int l,int r){        if(L==l&&R==r)return Mx[p];        int mid=L+R>>1;        if(mid>=r)return query(L,mid,p<<1,l,r);        else if(mid<l)return query(mid+1,R,p<<1|1,l,r);        return up(query(L,mid,p<<1,l,mid),query(mid+1,R,p<<1|1,mid+1,r));    }}Mx;struct W{    int fr,to,v;}lis[M<<5];int tot=0;struct Mi_SegTree{    int Begin[M<<2],End[M<<2];    void build(int L,int R,int p){        Begin[p]=End[p]=-1;        if(L==R)return;        int mid=L+R>>1;        build(L,mid,p<<1);        build(mid+1,R,p<<1|1);    }    void update(int L,int R,int p,int l,int r,int v){        if(L==l&&R==r){            lis[tot].fr=End[p];            lis[tot].v=v;            lis[tot].to=-1;            if(Begin[p]==-1)Begin[p]=tot;            if(End[p]!=-1)lis[End[p]].to=tot;            End[p]=tot++;            return;        }        int mid=L+R>>1;        if(mid>=r)update(L,mid,p<<1,l,r,v);        else if(mid<l)update(mid+1,R,p<<1|1,l,r,v);        else update(L,mid,p<<1,l,mid,v),update(mid+1,R,p<<1|1,mid+1,r,v);    }    int query(int L,int R,int p,int x){        for(int i=Begin[p];i!=-1;i=lis[i].to){            if(mark[Co[lis[i].v]]){//要删掉这个点                 if(i==Begin[p]&&i==End[p])Begin[p]=End[p]=-1;                else if(i==Begin[p])Begin[p]=lis[i].to;                else if(i==End[p])End[p]=lis[i].fr;                else {                    int fr=lis[i].fr,to=lis[i].to;                    lis[fr].to=to,lis[to].fr=fr;                }            }else if(lis[i].v>=a[x])break;            else return lis[i].v;        }        if(L==R)return -1;        int mid=L+R>>1;        if(mid>=x)return query(L,mid,p<<1,x);        else return query(mid+1,R,p<<1|1,x);    }}Mi;int col[M];vector<int>edge[M];void build_edge(int x){    //front     mark[x]=true;    bool f=true;    if(x>1){        int now;        while((now=Mi.query(1,n,1,x))!=-1){            edge[x].push_back(Co[now]);            edge[Co[now]].push_back(x);            build_edge(Co[now]);        }    }    //behind     if(x+1>ap[a[x]])return;    f=true;    while(f){        int now=Mx.query(1,n,1,x+1,ap[a[x]]);        if(Mx.v[now]==-INF||Mx.v[now]<a[x]){            f=false;        }else if(mark[now]){            Mx.update(1,n,1,now,-INF);        }else if(Mx.v[now]>a[x]){            edge[x].push_back(now);            edge[now].push_back(x);            build_edge(now);            Mx.update(1,n,1,now,-INF);        }    }}void Color(int x){    int up=edge[x].size();    for(int i=0;i<up;i++){        int to=edge[x][i];        if(col[to]!=0)continue;        if(col[x]==1)col[to]=2;        else col[to]=1;        Color(to);    }}struct Stk{    int sz,stk[M];    void input(int x){        stk[sz++]=x;    }    int top(){        if(sz==0)return -1;        return stk[sz-1];    }    void pop(){        sz--;    }}stk1,stk2;int main(){    scanf("%d",&n);    a[n+1]=INF;    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)scanf("%d",&a[i]),ap[a[i]]=i,Co[a[i]]=i;    for(int i=2;i<=n;i++)ap[i]=max(ap[i-1],ap[i]);    Mi.build(1,n,1);    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)if(ap[i]>Co[i])Mi.update(1,n,1,Co[i]+1,ap[i],i);    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)Mx.v[i]=a[i];    Mx.build(1,n,1);    memset(mark,0,sizeof(mark));    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)        if(!mark[i])build_edge(i);    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)        if(col[i]==0){            col[i]=1;            Color(i);        }    int ned=1;    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){        while(stk1.top()==ned||stk2.top()==ned){            if(stk1.top()==ned)stk1.pop();            else stk2.pop();            ned++;        }        if(col[i]==1)stk1.input(a[i]);        else stk2.input(a[i]);    }    while(stk1.top()==ned||stk2.top()==ned){        if(stk1.top()==ned)stk1.pop();        else stk2.pop();        ned++;    }    if(ned==n+1){        puts("TAK");        bool f=false;        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){            if(f)putchar(' ');f=true;            printf("%d",col[i]);        }        puts("");    }else puts("NIE");    return 0;}
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