OpenCV 系列---交互(二)鼠标

来源:互联网 发布:java api手机安卓版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 16:25




  1. 本文的核心函数有两个


void line(Mat& img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)

* img:输入图像,也是将要画标签的图像
* pt1:起始点
* pt2:终点
* color:标签的颜色
* thickness:标签线的宽度
* lineType:四邻域或者八邻域


void setMouseCallback(const string& winname, MouseCallback onMouse, void* userdata=0 )

* winname:鼠标回调函数所依赖的主窗口
* onMouse:鼠标回调函数
* userdata:传递的参数,有默认值

  1. 废话少说,直接上代码,分析在后面
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"#include <string>#include <vector>using namespace std;using namespace cv;string g_sMainWindowName = "Mouse operation";string g_sMaskWindowName = "Mask Image";bool   g_bLeftButtonDown = false;vector<Point> g_vpLinePoints;Point g_pPrevious; // previous point positionPoint g_pCurrent; // current mouse positionMat g_mMaskImg;void on_MouseCallBack(int event,int x,int y,int flags,void* params);int main(){    Mat srcImg = imread("Turtle.jpg");    Mat tempImg;    Size srcSize = srcImg.size();    g_mMaskImg = Mat(srcSize.height,srcSize.width, CV_8UC1);    g_mMaskImg = Scalar::all(0);    srcImg.copyTo(tempImg);    namedWindow(g_sMainWindowName);    namedWindow(g_sMaskWindowName);// set mouse call back function    setMouseCallback(g_sMainWindowName, on_MouseCallBack, (void*)&tempImg);    while (1)    {        imshow(g_sMainWindowName, tempImg);        imshow(g_sMaskWindowName, g_mMaskImg);        if (waitKey(10) == 27)        {            break;        }    }    return 0;}void on_MouseCallBack(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* params){    Mat& img = *(Mat*)params;    switch (event)    {        case EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:        {            if (g_bLeftButtonDown)            {                g_pCurrent = Point(x, y); // current mouse position                g_vpLinePoints.push_back(g_pCurrent); // add current mouse position                line(img, g_pPrevious, g_pCurrent, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 8, 8); // draw line on the input image                line(g_mMaskImg, g_pPrevious, g_pCurrent, 255, 8, 8); // draw line on the mask image                g_pPrevious = g_pCurrent; // after drawing, current mouse position should be previous mouse position of next movement            }        }            break;        case EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:        {            g_bLeftButtonDown = true;                   g_pPrevious = Point(x, y);            g_vpLinePoints.push_back(g_pPrevious);        }            break;        case EVENT_LBUTTONUP:        {            g_bLeftButtonDown = false;        }            break;    }}
  1. 需要注意的几个地方
    • 利用一个bool变量来判断鼠标左键是否按下,只有在鼠标左键被按下,并且进行移动的时候,才能进行画线操作
    • 在mouse move 情况下,一定要记得进行g_pPrevious = g_pCurrent这个操作,否则画出的将不会是线,而会是一个类型锥形的结构。感兴趣的朋友可以将这行注释掉看看结果。之所以会发生这种情况,是因为如果不进行以上赋值,则起始点始终是最开始的那一个,而终点则是变的,因此画出的将会是类似锥形的结构。将此行进行注释,得到如下图所示结果:



  • g_vpLinePoints这个vector中,保存了鼠标选中的点,这里只是单像素宽的点。在进行算法设计时,比较理想的方案是用g_mMaskImg来得到标签点。

    1. 更多的运行结果


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