
来源:互联网 发布:网页美工设计培训价格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 02:46

代码清单2 window_redraw_scope的节略本

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * ...
 * Extract from winstl_window_redraw_scope.h  
 * www:        http://www.synesis.com.au/winstl
 *             http://www.winstl.org/
 * Copyright (C) 2002, Synesis Software Pty Ltd.
 *版权所有(C) 2002, Synesis Software Pty Ltd公司
 * (Licensed under the Synesis Software Standard Source License:
 *  http://www.synesis.com.au/licenses/ssssl.html)
* (Synesis Software Standard Source License授权许可:
 *  http://www.synesis.com.au/licenses/ssssl.html)
 * ...
 * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
namespace winstl
    class window_redraw_scope
// Construction 
// 构造
        // Takes a HWND and changes it's current redraw-status,
        // which is set back to the original state in the 
        // destructor. 
       //取得HWND 句柄并改变其当前重画状态,在析构器中设置其回到初始状态。
        ws_explicit_k window_redraw_scope(HWND hwnd, 
                        ws_bool_t bInvalidateOnUnlock = true)
            : m_hwnd(hwnd)
            , m_bInvalidateOnUnlock(bInvalidateOnUnlock)
            ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETREDRAW, false, 0L);
        ~window_redraw_scope() winstl_throw_0()
            ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETREDRAW, true, 0L);
                ::InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, NULL, true);
// Members 
// 成员变量
        HWND        m_hwnd;
        ws_bool_t   m_bInvalidateOnUnlock;
// Not to be implemented
// 不被实现
        window_redraw_scope(window_redraw_scope const &rhs);
        window_redraw_scope const 
            &operator =(window_redraw_scope const &rhs);
} // namespace winstl 名称空间


图表 1 Window作用域(scope)例子