
来源:互联网 发布:孤岛惊魂3 优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 07:27

1.git diff + filename


2.git log


3.git diff 查看修改情况


4.git reset filename


5.Git enables you to rewind to the part before you made the wrong turn and create a new destiny for the project. You can do this with:


git reset SHA

This command works by using the first 7 characters of the SHA of a previous commit.

 For example, if the SHA of the previous commitis 5d692065cf51a2f50ea8e7b19b5a7ae512f633ba, use:


gitreset 5d69206


6.git checkout HEAD filename

: Discards changesin the working directory.

git reset HEADfilename: Unstages file changes in the staging area.

git reset SHA: Can be used to reset to a previous commit in your commit history.


7.Additionally,you learned a way to add multiple files to the staging area with a single command:


git addfilename_1 filename_2


8. You can use the command below to answer the question:“which branch am I on?”

git branch


9. To create a new branch, use:

git branch new_branch


10. You can switch to the new branchwith

git checkout branch_name


11. We can easily accomplish this by merging the branch into masterwith:

git merge branch_name



git branch -d branch_name

will delete the specifiedbranch from your Git project.


it clone remote_location clone_name

In this command: 

·        remote_location tells Git where to go to find theremote. This could be a web address, or a filepath, such as:


·        clone_name is the name you give to the directoryin which Git will clone the repository.


You can see a list of a Git project's remotes with the command:

git remote -v


15.An easy way to see if changes have been made to the remote and bring the changes down to your local copy is with:

git fetch

This command will not merge changes from the remote into your local repository. It brings those changes onto what's called a remote branch.


16. Now we'll use the git merge command to integrate origin/master into your local master branch. The command:

git merge origin/master



git push origin your_branch_name

will push your branch up to the remote, origin


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