
来源:互联网 发布:宜春学院网络教育平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 17:27
package org.gradle.api.Projectimport java.nio.file.Filesimport java.nio.file.Paths/** * 建立一个文件夹 * 文件夹模式如下: *  /shrink/../国家/ 语言和默认语言 * */public class ShrinkResource {    String mVariantResourcePath;    ArrayList<String> mShrinkResources;    String mApptPath;    String mCompileVersion;    public String mProjectPath;    public ShrinkResource(String variantResourcePath, ArrayList<String> shrinkResources, String compileVersion) {        mVariantResourcePath = variantResourcePath;        mShrinkResources = shrinkResources;        this.mCompileVersion = compileVersion;    }    public ShrinkResource init(Project project) {        if (project == null) {            println("project is null");            return null;        }        String sdkDir = getSDKDir(project);        mProjectPath = project.projectDir.getAbsolutePath();        println("============SDK Dir============" + sdkDir);        this.mApptPath = new StringBuilder(sdkDir + File.separator + "build-tools" + File.separator + mCompileVersion + File.separator + "aapt").toString();        println("============AAPT Path==========" + mApptPath);        return this;    }    def String getSDKDir(Project project) {        if (project == null) {            return null;        }        Properties props = new Properties();        props.load(new FileInputStream(project.rootProject.file("")));        String dir = props.get('sdk.dir');        return dir;    }    def boolean isEmpty(String str) {        return null == str || str.length() == 0;    }    def void makeDir(String path) {        if (isEmpty(path)) {            return;        }        File file = new File(path);        if (file != null) {            file.mkdirs();        }    }    def void executeCommand(String cmd) {        if (isEmpty(cmd)) {            return;        }        try {            def execute = cmd;            execute.execute();            execute.waitFor();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    def void makeResourceDirs() {        if (mShrinkResources == null) {            return;        }        for (String res : mShrinkResources) {            String path = getResShrinkPath(res);            makeDir(path)        }    }    def void copyFiles(String fromPath, String targetPath) {        if (isEmpty(fromPath) || isEmpty(targetPath)) {            return;        }        try {            Files.copy(Paths.get(fromPath), Paths.get(targetPath));        } catch (Exception ex) {            ex.printStackTrace();        }    }    def String getResShrinkPath(String s) {        return mProjectPath + File.separator + "shrinkResource" + File.separator + s + File.separator;    }    def void startShrinking() {        // first make tmp Workpath        makeTmpWorkSpace();        // 第二个拷贝文件        copyResToTmpWorkSpace();        // 准备 Android MainFest 以及 R 文件等        prepareAndroidMainFest();        prepareStringResources();        // startToCompile        compileStringResources();    }    def void compileStringResources() {        println("======================COMPILE STRING RESOURCE==============================");    }    def void prepareStringResources() {        println("=====================PREPARE STRING RESOURCE===============================");    }    def void prepareAndroidMainFest() {        println("=====================PREPARE AndroidMainfest===============================");    }    def void copyResToTmpWorkSpace() {        println("=================START TO COPY FILES ===========================");        println("=================END TO COPY FILES ===========================");    }    private final static String S_TMP_WORKSPACE = "tmp";    def void makeTmpWorkSpace() {        String tmpWorkPath = getResShrinkPath(S_TMP_WORKSPACE);        log("tmp path" + tmpWorkPath)        deleteFiles(tmpWorkPath);        try {            makeDir(tmpWorkPath);        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    def void log(Object object) {        println(object);    }    def void deleteFiles(String path) {        if (isEmpty(path)) {            return;        }        try {            new File(path).deleteDir();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}

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