WINDBG,Deferred Symbol Loading

来源:互联网 发布:siam journal 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 02:45
  1. By default, symbol information is not actually loaded when the target modules are loaded. Instead, symbols are loaded by the debugger as they are needed. This is called deferred symbol loading or lazy symbol loading. When this option is enabled, the debugger loads symbols whenever it encounters an unrecognized symbol.
  2. (默认情况下,符号信息在模板模块加载时才加载。因此这些还未加载但可以的符号信息叫做延迟符号加载货懒惰符号加载)
  3. When deferred symbol loading is disabled, process startup can be much slower, because all symbols are read whenever a module is loaded.
  4. In WinDbg, the deferred symbol loading behavior can be modified for symbols that have no module prefix by using the Resolve Unqualified Symbols option on the Debug menu.
  5. You can override deferred symbol loading by using the ld (Load Symbols) command or the .reload (Reload Module) command with the /f option. These force the specified symbols to be loaded immediately, although the loading of other symbols is deferred. If the symbol path is changed, symbols are not automatically reloaded.
  6. (ld(加载符号)或.reload(重载模块), ld wdm 或.reload wdm /f
  7. By default, deferred symbol loading is enabled. In CDB and KD, the -scommand-line option will turn this option off. It can also be turned off in CDB by using the LazyLoad variable in the tools.ini file. Once the debugger is running, this option can be turned on or off by using .symopt+0x4 or .symopt-0x4, respectively.

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下一篇:WinDBG 技巧:设断点命令详解(bp, bu, bm, ba 以及bl, bc, bd, be)

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