
来源:互联网 发布:网络运营总监培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:38

















package grid.common;import java.io.Serializable;import java.util.HashMap;public class CountMap<T> extends HashMap<T, Integer> implements Serializable {    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6097963798841161750L;    public void increase(T t) {        Integer count = get(t);        if (null == count) {            put(t, 1);        } else {            put(t, ++count);        }    }    public int count() {           int count = 0;        for (T t : keySet()) {            count += get(t);        }        return count;    }    public int get(char c) {        Integer count = super.get(c);        return null == count ? 0 : count;    }}



package grid.common;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.List;public class Node<T> {    protected List<Node<T>> children;    protected Node<T> parent;    protected T value;    Node(T value) {        this.value = value;    }    public Node<T> add(T value) {        if (null == children) {            children = new ArrayList<Node<T>>();        }        Node<T> child = new Node<T>(value);        child.setParent(this);        children.add(child);        return child;    }    public T getValue() {        return value;    }    public Node<T> getParent() {        return parent;    }    public void setParent(Node<T> parent) {        this.parent = parent;    }    private void recurseChildren(List<Node<T>> list, Node<T> parent) {        if (null == parent.children) {            list.add(parent);        } else {            for (Node<T> node : parent.children) {                recurseChildren(list, node);            }        }    }    public List<Node<T>> getLeaves() {        List<Node<T>> list = new ArrayList<Node<T>>();        recurseChildren(list, this);        return list;    }    public List<T> getBranchPath() {        List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();        Node<T> node = this;        do {            list.add(node.getValue());            node = node.parent;        } while (null != node && !(node instanceof Tree<?>));        Collections.reverse(list);        return list;    }    private void append(StringBuilder builder, int deep, Node<T> node) {        for (int i = 0; i < deep; i++) {            builder.append("  ");        }        builder.append("|--");        builder.append(node.getValue());        builder.append("\n");        if (null != node.children) {            for (Node<T> child : node.children) {                append(builder, deep + 1, child);            }        }    }    public String dump() {        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();        append(builder, 0, this);        return builder.toString();    }    public String toString() {        return value.toString();    }}



package grid.common;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStreamReader;public class TextDatReader {    @SuppressWarnings("resource")    public static String read(String path) throws IOException {        File file = new File(path);        FileInputStream s = new FileInputStream(file);    FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s,                "utf8"));        char buffer[] = new char[(int) file.length()];        reader.read(buffer);        return new String(buffer);    }    public static void createDir() {        File file = new File("./dat");        if (!file.exists() && !file.isDirectory()) {            file.mkdir();        }    }    public static final String SUFFIX = ".dat";     public static void divide(String name, long size) throws Exception {        File file = new File(name);        if (!file.exists() || (!file.isFile())) {            throw new Exception("指定文件不存在!");        }        long fileLength = file.length();        if (size <= 0) {            size = fileLength / 2;        }        int num = (fileLength % size != 0) ? (int) (fileLength / size + 1)                : (int) (fileLength / size);        String[] fileNames = new String[num];        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);        long end = 0;        int begin = 0;        createDir();        for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {            File outFile = new File("./dat", "text" + i + SUFFIX);            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFile);            end += size;            end = (end > fileLength) ? fileLength : end;            for (; begin < end; begin++) {                out.write(in.read());            }            out.close();            fileNames[i] = outFile.getAbsolutePath();            System.out.println("第"+i+"个子文件生成……");        }        in.close();    }}



package grid.common;public class TextUtils {    public static boolean isCnLetter(char c) {        return c >= 0x4E00 && c <= 0x9FCB;    }    public static boolean isNumeric(char c) {            return c >= '0' && c <= '9';    }    public static boolean isEnLetter(char c) {        return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');    }    public static boolean match(String src, int off, String dest) {        int len = dest.length();        int srcLen = src.length();        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {            if (srcLen <= off + i) {                return false;            }            if (dest.charAt(i) != src.charAt(off + i)) {                return false;            }        }        return true;    }    public static boolean isBlank(String str) {        return null == str || str.isEmpty() || str.trim().isEmpty();    }}



package grid.common;public class Tree<T> extends Node<T> {    public Tree(T value) {        super(value);    }}





package grid.text.dic;import grid.common.CountMap;import grid.common.TextDatReader;import grid.common.TextUtils;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Set;public class CnDictionary {    private final String COMMON_WORD_DIC_PATH = "common.dic";    private final String COMMON_LETTER_RESOURCE_PATH = "text.dat";    private Set<String> dictionary = new HashSet<String>();    private CountMap<Character> letterCountMap = new CountMap<Character>();    private int totalLetterCount;    private static CnDictionary instance;    public static CnDictionary Instance() {        if (null == instance) {            try {                instance = new CnDictionary();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return instance;    }    private CnDictionary() throws IOException {        initWordDic();        initLetterCountMap();    }    private void initLetterCountMap() throws IOException {        String letterResource = TextDatReader.read(COMMON_LETTER_RESOURCE_PATH);        final int len = letterResource.length();        char c;        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {            c = letterResource.charAt(i);            if (TextUtils.isCnLetter(c)) {                letterCountMap.increase(c);            }        }        totalLetterCount = letterCountMap.count();    }    private void initWordDic() throws IOException {        String bytes = TextDatReader.read(COMMON_WORD_DIC_PATH);        final int len = bytes.length();        String s = "";        char c;        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {            c = bytes.charAt(i);            if ('\n' == c || '\r' == c || 0 == c) {                if (!TextUtils.isBlank(s)) {                    dictionary.add(s.trim());                }                s = "";            } else {                s += c;            }            if (0 == c) {                break;            }        }    }    public boolean contains(String word) {        return dictionary.contains(word);    }    public double rate(char c) {        return (double) letterCountMap.get(c) / totalLetterCount;    }    public int size() {        return dictionary.size();    }}




package grid.text.evolution;import grid.common.CountMap;import grid.common.TextUtils;import grid.text.index.Pos;import grid.text.index.TextIndexer;public class EntropyJudger {    private TextIndexer indexer;    private static int LEAST_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 5;    private static double SOLID_RATE_THRESHOLD = 0.018;    private static double ENTROPY_THRESHOL = 1.92;    public EntropyJudger(TextIndexer indexer) {        this.indexer = indexer;    }    public boolean judge(String candidate) {        double solidRate = getSolidRate(candidate);        if (solidRate < SOLID_RATE_THRESHOLD) {            return false;        }        double entropy = getEntropy(candidate);        if (entropy < ENTROPY_THRESHOL) {            return false;        }        return true;    }    private double getEntropy(String candidate) {        Pos pos = new Pos(candidate);        CountMap<Character> frontCountMap = new CountMap<Character>();        CountMap<Character> backCountMap = new CountMap<Character>();        final int candidateLen = candidate.length();        int off = 0;        char c;        double rate, frontEntropy = 0, backEntropy = 0;        while (indexer.find(pos).isFound()) {            off = pos.getPos();            c = indexer.charAt(off - 1);            if (TextUtils.isCnLetter(c)) {                frontCountMap.increase(c);            }            c = indexer.charAt(off + candidateLen);            if (TextUtils.isCnLetter(c)) {                backCountMap.increase(c);            }        }        for (char key : frontCountMap.keySet()) {            rate = (double) frontCountMap.get(key) / frontCountMap.count();            frontEntropy -= rate * Math.log(rate);        }        for (char key : backCountMap.keySet()) {            rate = (double) backCountMap.get(key) / backCountMap.count();            backEntropy -= rate * Math.log(rate);        }        return frontEntropy > backEntropy ? backEntropy : frontEntropy;    }    public double getSolidRate(String candidate) {        final int candidateLen = candidate.length();        if (candidateLen < 2) {            return 1;        }        final int count = indexer.count(candidate);        double rate = 1;        if (count < LEAST_COUNT_THRESHOLD) {            return 0;        }        for (int i = 0; i < candidateLen; i++) {            rate *= (double) count / indexer.count("" + candidate.charAt(i));        }        return Math.pow(rate, 1D / candidateLen) * Math.sqrt(candidateLen);    }    public void setIndexer(TextIndexer indexer) {        this.indexer = indexer;    }}



package grid.text.evolution;import grid.common.TextUtils;import grid.text.dic.CnDictionary;import grid.text.index.CnPreviewTextIndexer;import grid.text.index.TextIndexer;import grid.text.selector.CnTextSelector;import grid.text.selector.TextSelector;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Set;public class NewWordDiscover {    private CnDictionary dictionary;    private final static int MIN_CANDIDATE_LEN = 2;    private final static int MAX_CANDIDATE_LEN = 6;    private static Set<Character> structuralLetterSet = new HashSet<Character>();    private static char[] structuralLetters = { '我', '你', '您', '他', '她', '谁',            '哪', '那', '这', '的', '了', '着', '也', '是', '有', '不', '在', '与', '呢',            '啊', '呀', '吧', '嗯', '哦', '哈', '呐' };    static {        for (char c : structuralLetters) {            structuralLetterSet.add(c);        }    }    public NewWordDiscover() {        dictionary = CnDictionary.Instance();    }    public Set<String> discover(String document) {        Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();        TextIndexer indexer = new CnPreviewTextIndexer(document);        TextSelector selector = new CnTextSelector(document, MIN_CANDIDATE_LEN,                MAX_CANDIDATE_LEN);        EntropyJudger judger = new EntropyJudger(indexer);        String candidate;        while (!selector.end()) {            candidate = selector.next();            if (TextUtils.isBlank(candidate)) {                continue;            }            if (structuralLetterSet.contains(candidate.charAt(0))                    || structuralLetterSet.contains(candidate.charAt(candidate                            .length() - 1))) {                continue;            }            if (dictionary.contains(candidate) || set.contains(candidate)) {                selector.select();            } else if (judger.judge(candidate)) {                set.add(candidate);            }        }        return set;    }}




package grid.text.index;import grid.common.TextUtils;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Vector;public class CnPreviewTextIndexer implements TextIndexer {    private final static int CN_LETTER_COUNT = 5021;    private String document;    private Map<Character, Vector<Integer>> posMap;    public CnPreviewTextIndexer(String document) {        this.document = document;        init();    }    private void init() {        final int len = document.length();        final int supposedMinCount = 1 + (int) Math.log(len / CN_LETTER_COUNT                + 1);        char c;        Vector<Integer> posVector;        posMap = new HashMap<Character, Vector<Integer>>(CN_LETTER_COUNT);        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {            c = document.charAt(i);            if (!TextUtils.isCnLetter(c)) {                continue;            }            posVector = posMap.get(c);            if (null == posVector) {                posVector = new Vector<Integer>(supposedMinCount);                posMap.put(c, posVector);            }            posVector.add(i);        }    }    @Override    public int count(String text) {        if (TextUtils.isBlank(text)) {            return 0;        }        Vector<Integer> vector = posMap.get(text.charAt(0));        if (null == vector) {            return 0;        }        if (1 == text.length()) {            return vector.size();        }        final int size = vector.size();        int count = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {            if (TextUtils.match(document, vector.get(i), text)) {                count++;            }        }        return count;    }    @Override    public Pos find(Pos pos) {        String text = pos.getTarget();        pos.setFound(false);        if (TextUtils.isBlank(text)) {            return pos;        }        Vector<Integer> vector = posMap.get(text.charAt(0));        if (null == vector) {            return pos;        }        final int arraySize = vector.size();        final int arrayIndex = pos.arrayIndex + 1;        for (int i = arrayIndex; i < arraySize; i++) {            if (TextUtils.match(document, vector.get(i), text)) {                pos.setFound(true);                pos.setPos(vector.get(i));                pos.arrayIndex = i;                break;            }        }        return pos;    }    @Override    public int len() {        return document.length();    }    @Override    public String sub(int off, int len) {        if (off < 0 || off + len >= document.length()) {            return "";        }        return document.substring(off, off + len);    }    @Override    public char charAt(int index) {        if (index < 0 || index >= document.length()) {            return 0;        }        return document.charAt(index);    }}


package grid.text.index;public class Pos {    private String target;    /**     * Pos for current matched full target text     */    private int pos = -1;    /**     * Index in position array for current matched full target text     */    int arrayIndex = -1;    private boolean found = false;    public Pos(String target) {        this.target = target;    }    public String getTarget() {        return target;    }    public int getPos() {        return pos;    }    public boolean isFound() {        return found;    }    void setPos(int pos) {        this.pos = pos;    }    void setFound(boolean found) {        this.found = found;    }}


package grid.text.index;public class SimpleTextIndexer implements TextIndexer {    private String document;    public SimpleTextIndexer(String document) {        this.document = document;    }    @Override    public int count(String text) {        int off = 0;        int count = 0;        final int len = text.length();        while ((off = document.indexOf(text, off)) > -1) {            count++;            off += len;        }        return count;    }    @Override    public Pos find(Pos pos) {        final String text = pos.getTarget();        final int len = text.length();        int off = pos.getPos() + len;        if (pos.getPos() < 0)            off = 0;        pos.setFound(false);        if ((off = document.indexOf(text, off)) > -1) {            pos.setFound(true);            pos.setPos(off);        }        return pos;    }    @Override    public int len() {        return document.length();    }    @Override    public String sub(int off, int len) {        return document.substring(off, off + len);    }    @Override    public char charAt(int index) {        if (index < 0 || index >= document.length()) {            return 0;        }        return document.charAt(index);    }}


package grid.text.index;public interface TextIndexer {    /**     * @param text     * @return count for specific text     */    public int count(String text);    /**     * @param pos     * @return next position for current pos     */    public Pos find(Pos pos);    /**     * @return original document length     */    public int len();    /**     * @param off     * @param len     * @return the sub string start from <b>off</b> and with a length with     *         <b>len</b>     */    public String sub(int off, int len);    /**     * @param index     * @return return the character in the specified index     */    public char charAt(int index);}




package grid.text.participle;import grid.text.dic.CnDictionary;import java.util.List;public class Chunk implements Comparable<Chunk> {    private List<String> list;    private int len = 0;    private double avg = 0;    private double variance = 0;    public Chunk(List<String> list) {        this.list = list;        init();    }    private void init() {        for (String s : list) {            len += s.length();        }        avg = (double) len / list.size();        for (String s : list) {            variance += Math.pow(avg - s.length(), 2);        }        variance = Math.sqrt(variance);    }    public int getLen() {        return len;    }    public double getAvg() {        return avg;    }    public double getVariance() {        return variance;    }    public String getHead() {        if (null == list || list.isEmpty()) {            return "";        }        return list.get(0);    }    private int compareDouble(double d1, double d2) {        if (d1 - d2 < -0.0000001D) {            return 1;        } else if (d1 - d2 > 0.0000001D) {            return -1;        }        return 0;    }    @Override    public int compareTo(Chunk o) {        if (len != o.len) {            return o.len - len;        }        int d = compareDouble(avg, o.avg);        if (0 != d) {            return d;        }        d = compareDouble(variance, o.variance);        if (0 != d) {            return d;        }        CnDictionary dictionary = CnDictionary.Instance();        double rateSrc = 0, rateDest = 0;        for (String s : list) {            if (1 == s.length()) {                rateSrc += dictionary.rate(s.charAt(0));            }        }        for (String s : o.list) {            if (1 == s.length()) {                rateDest += dictionary.rate(s.charAt(0));            }        }        return compareDouble(rateSrc, rateDest);    }    public String toString() {        return list.toString();    }}


package grid.text.participle;import grid.common.Node;import grid.common.TextUtils;import grid.common.Tree;import grid.text.dic.CnDictionary;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.List;public class ChunkStream {    /**     * Define the max supposed word length     *      * You could shorten the value if you don't need too long participle result     */    private static final int MAX_WORD_LEN = 7;    /**     * Define the predict level while execute participle.     *      * Negligible accuracy will be promoted if you increase this value     */    private static final int PREDICT_LEVEL = 3;    private static CnDictionary dictionary = CnDictionary.Instance();    public String next(String text, int off) {        Tree<String> root = new Tree<String>("ROOT");        recurse(root, off, text, 0);        List<Node<String>> list = root.getLeaves();        List<Chunk> chunkList = new ArrayList<Chunk>();        for (Node<String> node : list) {            chunkList.add(new Chunk(node.getBranchPath()));        }        Collections.sort(chunkList);        return chunkList.get(0).getHead();    }    private void recurse(Node<String> node, int off, String text,            int predictDeep) {        int len = MAX_WORD_LEN + off > text.length() ? text.length() - off                : MAX_WORD_LEN;        while (predictDeep < PREDICT_LEVEL) {            if (len < 1) {                return;            }            String s = text.substring(off, off + len);            if (len < 2) {                if (!TextUtils.isCnLetter(text.charAt(off))) {                    break;                }                recurse(node.add(s), off + 1, text, predictDeep + 1);            } else if (dictionary.contains(s)) {                recurse(node.add(s), off + s.length(), text, predictDeep + 1);            }            len--;        }    }}


package grid.text.participle;import grid.common.TextUtils;import java.util.Vector;public class MechanicalParticiple {    public Vector<String> partition(String document) {        Vector<String> vector = new Vector<String>();        final int docLen = document.length();        int off = 0;        char c;        String seg = "";        ChunkStream stream = new ChunkStream();        while (off < docLen) {            c = document.charAt(off);            if (TextUtils.isEnLetter(c) || TextUtils.isNumeric(c)) {                seg += c;                off++;            } else if (TextUtils.isCnLetter(c)) {                if (!TextUtils.isBlank(seg)) {                    vector.add(seg);                    seg = "";                }                String word = stream.next(document, off);                if (!TextUtils.isBlank(word)) {                    vector.add(word);                    off += word.length();                }            } else {                if (!TextUtils.isBlank(seg)) {                    vector.add(seg);                    seg = "";                }                /**                 * TODO: Uncomment the "ELSE IF" clause if you would like to                 * reserve punctuations                 */                // else if (!TextUtils.isBlank("" + c)) { vector.add("" + c); }                off++;            }        }        if (!TextUtils.isBlank(seg)) {            vector.add(seg);        }        return vector;    }}




package grid.text.selector;import grid.common.TextUtils;public class CnTextSelector extends CommonTextSelector {    public CnTextSelector(String document, int minSelectLen, int maxSelectLen) {        super(document, minSelectLen, maxSelectLen);    }    protected void adjustCurLen() {        while (pos < docLen && !TextUtils.isCnLetter(document.charAt(pos))) {            pos++;        }        for (int i = 0; i < maxSelectLen && pos + i < docLen; i++) {            if (!TextUtils.isCnLetter(document.charAt(pos + i))) {                curLen = i;                if (curLen < minSelectLen) {                    pos++;                    adjustCurLen();                }                return;            }        }        curLen = pos + maxSelectLen > docLen ? docLen - pos : maxSelectLen;    }}


package grid.text.selector;public class CommonTextSelector implements TextSelector {    protected String document;    protected int pos = 0;    protected int maxSelectLen = 5;    protected int minSelectLen = 2;    protected int curLen;    protected final int docLen;    public CommonTextSelector(String document, int minSelectLen,            int maxSelectLen) {        this.document = document;        this.minSelectLen = minSelectLen;        this.maxSelectLen = maxSelectLen;        docLen = document.length();        adjustCurLen();    }    public void select() {        pos += ++curLen;        adjustCurLen();    }    protected void adjustCurLen() {        curLen = pos + maxSelectLen > docLen ? docLen - pos : maxSelectLen;    }    public String next() {        if (curLen < minSelectLen) {            pos++;            adjustCurLen();        }        if (pos + curLen <= docLen && curLen >= minSelectLen) {            return document.substring(pos, pos + curLen--);        } else {            curLen--;            // return document.substring(pos, docLen);            return "";        }    }    public boolean end() {        return curLen < minSelectLen && curLen + pos >= docLen - 1;    }    @Override    public int getCurPos() {        return pos;    }}


package grid.text.selector;public interface TextSelector {    public boolean end();    public void select();    public String next();    public int getCurPos();}



package grid.test;import grid.common.TextDatReader;import grid.text.evolution.NewWordDiscover;import grid.text.index.CnPreviewTextIndexer;import java.io.BufferedWriter;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.Set;public class NewWordDiscoverTest {    public static void writefile(String m) {        try {            File file = new File("result.txt");            if (!file.exists()) {                file.createNewFile();            }            FileWriter fileWritter = new FileWriter(file.getName(), true);            BufferedWriter bufferWritter = new BufferedWriter(fileWritter);            bufferWritter.write(m);            bufferWritter.close();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    @SuppressWarnings("resource")    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        File filere = new File("result.txt");        filere.delete();        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);        System.out.println("请输入您要处理的文件名称:\n");        String path = scan.next();        File file = new File(path);        if (!file.exists() || (!file.isFile())) {            throw new Exception("指定文件不存在!");        }        long maxsize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;        long size = 1024 * 1024 * 5;         long fileLength = file.length();        if (size <= 0) {            size = fileLength / 2;        }        int num = (fileLength % size != 0) ? (int) (fileLength / size + 1)                : (int) (fileLength / size);        if (file.length() >= maxsize) {            System.out.println("文件大小超出1G,是否开始进行文件切割?1:是 0:否\n");            int t = scan.nextInt();            if (t == 1) {                TextDatReader.divide(path, size);                System.out.println("切割完成\n");                System.out.println("结果保存在当前目录下的dat文件夹中\n");            }            for (int m = 1; m <= num; m++) {                String pathdived = "./dat/text" + m + ".dat";                System.out.println("开始提取第" + m + "个文件……");                discovrWord(pathdived);            }        } else {            System.out.println("开始提取文件……");            discovrWord(path);        }    }    private static void discovrWord(String path) throws IOException {        String document = TextDatReader.read(path);        NewWordDiscover discover = new NewWordDiscover();        Set<String> words = discover.discover(document);        CnPreviewTextIndexer ci = new CnPreviewTextIndexer(document);        System.out.println("新词个数: " + words.size());        System.out.println("发现的新词:" + "\n");        for (String newword : words) {            System.out.println(newword + "," + ci.count(newword) + "\n");            writefile(newword + "," + ci.count(newword) + "\n");        }    }}



package grid.test;import grid.text.participle.MechanicalParticiple;import java.util.Vector;public class ParticipleTest {    private static String document = "我是中国人";    public static void main(String args[]) {        MechanicalParticiple participle = new MechanicalParticiple();        Vector<String> vec = participle.partition(document);        System.out.println(vec);    }}





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