
来源:互联网 发布:遗传算法 图形分割 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:16




// ConsoleWinApp.cpp : implementation file//#include "stdafx.h"#ifdef _CONSOLEWIN//Set subsystem to console#pragma comment ( linker, "/subsystem:console" )BOOL WINAPI ConsoleWinHandlerRoutine( DWORD dwCtrlType ){   // Signal type   switch( dwCtrlType )   {   case CTRL_C_EVENT:   case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:   case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT:   case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT:   case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT:      // You can stop here gracefully:      //      // AfxGetMainWnd()->SendMessage( WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );      // WaitForSingleObject( AfxGetThread(), INFINITE );      //      ExitProcess(0);      break;   }   return TRUE;}// Console main functionint _tmain( DWORD, TCHAR**, TCHAR** ){#define SPACECHAR   _T(' ')#define DQUOTECHAR  _T('/"')   // Set the new handler   SetConsoleCtrlHandler( ConsoleWinHandlerRoutine, TRUE );   // Get command linLPTSTR lpszCommandLine = ::GetCommandLine();if(lpszCommandLine == NULL)return -1;// Skip past program name (first token in command line).// Check for and handle quoted program name.if(*lpszCommandLine == DQUOTECHAR){// Scan, and skip over, subsequent characters until// another double-quote or a null is encountered.do{lpszCommandLine = ::CharNext(lpszCommandLine);}while((*lpszCommandLine != DQUOTECHAR) && (*lpszCommandLine != _T('/0')));// If we stopped on a double-quote (usual case), skip over it.if(*lpszCommandLine == DQUOTECHAR)lpszCommandLine = ::CharNext(lpszCommandLine);}else{while(*lpszCommandLine > SPACECHAR)lpszCommandLine = ::CharNext(lpszCommandLine);}// Skip past any white space preceeding the second token.while(*lpszCommandLine && (*lpszCommandLine <= SPACECHAR))lpszCommandLine = ::CharNext(lpszCommandLine);STARTUPINFO StartupInfo;StartupInfo.dwFlags = 0;::GetStartupInfo(&StartupInfo);return _tWinMain(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, lpszCommandLine,(StartupInfo.dwFlags & STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) ?StartupInfo.wShowWindow : SW_SHOWDEFAULT);}#endif // _CONSOLEWIN


Crete your MFC windows project and add the ConsoleWindowsApp.cpp or this source code to your project, and 

  • Do Define _CONSOLEWIN in your project settings, if you want your project to work like a console and windows application. The standard output, and input will be redirected to the parent console. You can use cout, cerr, cin, printf, etc.
  • Do not define _CONSOLEWIN in your project settings, and you will get a windows application. (Default)