CL visual C++

来源:互联网 发布:java base64加密乱码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 19:24

/c // compile only, no link
/IC:\include // add to include search path
/ZI // enable Edit and Continue debug info
/nologo- // not suppress copyright message
/W3 // set warning level 3(default 1)
/WX- // not treat warning as errors
/sdl // enable additional security features and warnings
/Od // disable optimizations (default)
/Oy- // disable frame pointer omission
/D WIN32 /D _DEBUG /D _CONSOLE /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE // define macro
/Gm // enable minimal rebuild
/EHsc // EHs enable C++ EH(no SEH exceptions); /EHc extern “C” defaults to nothrow
/RTC1 // Eanble fast checks
/MDd // link with MSVCRTD.LIB debug lib
/GS // enable security checks
/fp:precise // “precise” floating-point model; results are predictable
/Zc:wchar_t // wchar_t is the native type, not a typedef
/Zc:forScope // enfore Standard C++ for scoping rules
/Yu”stdafx.h” // use .PCH file
/Fp”Debug\HelloWorld.pch” // name .PCH file
/Fo”Debug\” // name object file
/Fd”Debug\vc110.pdb” // name .PDB file
/Gd // __cdecl calling convention
/TP // compile all file as .cpp
/analyze- // disable native analysis
/errorReport:queue // Report internal compiler errors to Microsoft

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