MIT ML 听课笔记(一)

来源:互联网 发布:catdrawing转换软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 21:08

machine Learning : 

  • supervised learning ; 
  • unsupervised Learning

supervised learning:对于数据集中的每个数据,都有相应的正确答案。算法就是基于这些来做出预测。

  1.regression problem (predict continuous valued output):

Regression is a ML task where T has a real-valued outcome on some continuous sub-space 

  2.classification problem (预测是否为某种离散值)

Classification is a ML task where T has a discrete set of outcomes


m=number of training examples

xs= input variable/features

ys=output variable/target variable

     (x,y) one training example

:=means assignment.  

a:=b means take the value in b and use it overwrite whatever value is a . This means set a to be equal to the value of b, which is assignment.


  1. feature scaling :特征缩放(讲特征范围控制在-3—3

mean normalization replace xi with xi-ui to make features have approximately zero mean

x <-  x-u/s

u: average value of x in training set

s: range(max-min)



如何确保梯度下降算法work correctly

for sufficiently small alpha, j-theta should decrease on every iteration. cost一直在减小)

所以如果j(theta)变大或者没有一直变小,往往是learning rate太大了,需要变小。


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