threadPool example

来源:互联网 发布:程序员 白发老头图片 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 19:32

Thread Pools are useful when you need to limit the number of threads running in your application at the same time. There is aperformance overhead associated with starting a new thread, and each thread is also allocated some memory for its stack etc.

Instead of starting a new thread for every task to execute concurrently, the task can be passed to a thread pool. As soon as the pool has any idle threads the task is assigned to one of them and executed. Internally the tasks are inserted into a Blocking Queue which the threads in the pool are dequeuing from. When a new task is inserted into the queue one of the idle threads will dequeue it successfully and execute it. The rest ofthe idle threads in the pool will be blocked waiting to dequeue tasks.

Thread pools are often used in multi threaded servers. Each connection arriving at the server via the network is wrapped as a task and passed on to a thread pool. The threads in the thread pool will process the requests on the connections concurrently. A later trail will get into detail about implementing multithreaded servers in  c++.

#include <stdio.h>#include <queue>#include <unistd.h>#include <pthread.h>#include <stdlib.h>// Base task for Tasks// run() should be overloaded and expensive calculations done there// showTask() is for debugging and can be deleted if not usedclass Task {public:    Task() {}    virtual ~Task() {}    virtual void run()=0;    virtual void showTask()=0;};// Wrapper around std::queue with some mutex protectionclass WorkQueue {public:    WorkQueue() {        // Initialize the mutex protecting the queue        pthread_mutex_init(&qmtx,0);        // wcond is a condition variable that's signaled        // when new work arrives        pthread_cond_init(&wcond, 0);    }        ~WorkQueue() {        // Cleanup pthreads        pthread_mutex_destroy(&qmtx);        pthread_cond_destroy(&wcond);    }    // Retrieves the next task from the queue    Task *nextTask() {        // The return value        Task *nt = 0;        // Lock the queue mutex        pthread_mutex_lock(&qmtx);        // Check if there's work        if (finished && tasks.size() == 0) {            // If not return null (0)            nt = 0;        } else {            // Not finished, but there are no tasks, so wait for            // wcond to be signalled            if (tasks.size()==0) {                <span style="color:#ff0000;">//No task ,block! Upon successful return,</span> <span style="color:#ff0000;">the mutex shall have been locked and shall be owned by the calling thread</span>.                pthread_cond_wait(&wcond, &qmtx);            }            // get the next task            nt = tasks.front();            tasks.pop();            // For debugging            if (nt) nt->showTask();        }        // Unlock the mutex and return        pthread_mutex_unlock(&qmtx);        return nt;    }    // Add a task    void addTask(Task *nt) {        // Only add the task if the queue isn't marked finished        if (!finished) {            // Lock the queue,if all thread busy             pthread_mutex_lock(&qmtx);            // Add the task            tasks.push(nt);            // signal there's new work            pthread_cond_signal(&wcond);            // Unlock the mutex            pthread_mutex_unlock(&qmtx);        }    }    // Mark the queue finished    void finish() {        pthread_mutex_lock(&qmtx);        finished = true;        // Signal the condition variable in case any threads are waiting        pthread_cond_signal(&wcond);        pthread_mutex_unlock(&qmtx);    }    // Check if there's work    bool hasWork() {        return (tasks.size()>0);    }    private:    std::queue<Task*> tasks;    bool finished;    pthread_mutex_t qmtx;    pthread_cond_t wcond;};// Function that retrieves a task from a queue, runs it and deletes itstatic void *getWork(void* param) {    Task *mw = 0;    WorkQueue *wq = (WorkQueue*)param;    while (mw = wq->nextTask()) {        mw->run();        delete mw;    }    return 0;}class ThreadPool {public:    // Allocate a thread pool and set them to work trying to get tasks    ThreadPool(int n) : _numThreads(n) {        printf("Creating a thread pool with %d threads\n", n);        threads = new pthread_t[n];        for (int i=0; i< n; ++i) {            pthread_create(&(threads[i]), 0, getWork, &workQueue);        }    }    // Wait for the threads to finish, then delete them    ~ThreadPool() {        workQueue.finish();        waitForCompletion();        for (int i=0; i<_numThreads; ++i) {            pthread_join(threads[i], 0);        }        delete [] threads;    }    // Add a task    void addTask(Task *nt) {        workQueue.addTask(nt);    }    // Tell the tasks to finish and return    void finish() {        workQueue.finish();    }        // Checks if there is work to do    bool hasWork() {        return workQueue.hasWork();    }    // Super inefficient way to wait for all tasks to finish    void waitForCompletion() {        while (workQueue.hasWork()) {}    }    private:    pthread_t *threads;    int _numThreads;    WorkQueue workQueue;};// stdout is a shared resource, so protected it with a mutexstatic pthread_mutex_t console_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;// Debugging functionvoid showTask(int n) {    pthread_mutex_lock(&console_mutex);    printf("Adding fib(%d)\n", n);    pthread_mutex_unlock(&console_mutex);}// Task to compute fibonacci numbers// It's more efficient to use an iterative algorithm, but// the recursive algorithm takes longer and is more interesting// than sleeping for X seconds to show parrallelismclass FibTask : public Task {public:    FibTask(int n) : Task(), _n(n) {}    ~FibTask() {        // Debug prints        pthread_mutex_lock(&console_mutex);        printf("tid(%d) - fibd(%d) being deleted\n", pthread_self(), _n);        pthread_mutex_unlock(&console_mutex);            }    virtual void run() {        // Note: it's important that this isn't contained in the console mutex lock        long long val = innerFib(_n);        // Show results        pthread_mutex_lock(&console_mutex);        printf("Fibd %d = %lld\n",_n, val);        pthread_mutex_unlock(&console_mutex);        // The following won't work in parrallel:        //   pthread_mutex_lock(&console_mutex);        //   printf("Fibd %d = %lld\n",_n, innerFib(_n));        //   pthread_mutex_unlock(&console_mutex);    }    virtual void showTask() {        // More debug printing        pthread_mutex_lock(&console_mutex);        printf("thread %d computing fibonacci %d\n", pthread_self(), _n);        pthread_mutex_unlock(&console_mutex);            }private:    // Slow computation of fibonacci sequence    // To make things interesting, and perhaps imporove load balancing, these    // inner computations could be added to the task queue    // Ideally set a lower limit on when that's done    // (i.e. don't create a task for fib(2)) because thread overhead makes it    // not worth it    long long innerFib(long long n) {        if (n<=1) { return 1; }        return innerFib(n-1) + innerFib(n-2);    }    long long _n;};int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {    // Create a thread pool    ThreadPool *tp = new ThreadPool(12);    // Create work for it    for (int i=0;i<100; ++i) {        int rv = rand() % 50 + 1;        showTask(rv);        tp->addTask(new FibTask(rv));        // wait for long-time  calculation of thread run        sleep(1);    }    // Finish up    tp->finish();    // Delete it    delete tp;    printf("Done with all work!\n");}

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