MFC CWinApp Class成员变量及成员函数

来源:互联网 发布:c语言长整型数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:35


           CWinApp派生于CWinThread类。在头文件afxwin.h中定义,在用户定义的类CUserApp theApp;初始化时优先于Main函数执行CWinApp构造函数。MFC库提供下列全局函数来访问CWinApp对象和其它全局信息:

  1. AfxGetApp 获得CWinApp对象指针。
  2. AfxGetInstanceHandle 获得当前应用程序实例的句柄。
  3. AfxGetResourceHandle 获得应用程序资源句柄。
  4. AfxGetAppName 获得一个字符串指针,该字符串包含应用程序名称。也可以用CWinApp->m_pszExeName。





class CWinApp : public CWinThread{    DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CWinApp)public:// Constructor    /* explicit */ CWinApp(LPCTSTR lpszAppName = NULL);     // app name defaults to EXE name// Attributes    // Startup args (do not change)    // This module's hInstance.    HINSTANCE m_hInstance;    ////进程句柄,用于加载程序内资源等功能。    ////与Windows传送给WinMain的参数hInstance一致。    ////m_hInstance数据成员是Windows应用程序当前实例的句柄    ////它是全局函数AfxGetInstanceHandle的返回值            // Pointer to the command-line.    LPTSTR m_lpCmdLine;        ///与Windows传送给WinMain的参数lpCmdLine一致。    ///用m_lpCmdLine来访问当应用程序开始时用户输入的任何命令行参数。    ///m_lpCmdLine是LPSTR型的公共变量。    ////一般在CMyApp::InitInstance中处理命令    /*    BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance()    {       if (m_lpCmdLine[0] == '/0')            ...........    }    */        // Initial state of the application's window; normally,    // this is an argument to ShowWindow().    int m_nCmdShow;    // Running args (can be changed in InitInstance)    // Human-redable name of the application. Normally set in    // constructor or retreived from AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE.    LPCTSTR m_pszAppName;    ///(a、ExeName中获取,b、AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE中获取,c、CWinApp构造函数)    free((void*)m_pszAppName);    m_pszAppName=_tcsdup(_T("d://somedir//myapp.exe"));    /// <summary>    /// Application User Model ID.</summary>    LPCTSTR m_pszAppID;    // Name of registry key for this application. See    // SetRegistryKey() member function.    LPCTSTR m_pszRegistryKey;    ////用来检测储存应用程序描述设置的全部注册键。通常它是只读态的。    // Pointer to CDocManager used to manage document templates    // for this application instance.    CDocManager* m_pDocManager;    // Support for Shift+F1 help mode.    // TRUE if we're in SHIFT+F1 mode.    BOOL m_bHelpMode;public:    // set in constructor to override default    // Executable name (no spaces).    LPCTSTR m_pszExeName;    ///可用m_pszExeName来得到应用程序名称    // Default based on this module's path.    LPCTSTR m_pszHelpFilePath;    ///指针,指向包含应用程序的帮助文件的路径的字符串。    // Default based on this application's name.    LPCTSTR m_pszProfileName;    ///const char*型的公共变量,应用程序的.INI文件名。    // Sets and initializes usage of HtmlHelp instead of WinHelp.    void EnableHtmlHelp();    // Sets and initializes usage of HtmlHelp instead of WinHelp.    void SetHelpMode( AFX_HELP_TYPE eHelpType );    AFX_HELP_TYPE GetHelpMode();    // help mode used by the app    AFX_HELP_TYPE m_eHelpType;public:    // Loads a cursor resource.    HCURSOR LoadCursor(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName) const;    HCURSOR LoadCursor(UINT nIDResource) const;    ///指向包含光标资源名称的以null结尾的字符串指针    // Loads a stock cursor resource; for for IDC_* values.    HCURSOR LoadStandardCursor(LPCTSTR lpszCursorName) const;    // Loads an OEM cursor; for all OCR_* values.    HCURSOR LoadOEMCursor(UINT nIDCursor) const;    // Loads an icon resource.    HICON LoadIcon(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName) const;    HICON LoadIcon(UINT nIDResource) const;    // Loads an icon resource; for stock IDI_ values.    HICON LoadStandardIcon(LPCTSTR lpszIconName) const;    // Loads an OEM icon resource; for all OIC_* values.    HICON LoadOEMIcon(UINT nIDIcon) const;    // Retrieve an integer value from INI file or registry.    virtual UINT GetProfileInt(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, int nDefault);    ///从应用程序的.INI文件获取一个条目。            // Sets an integer value to INI file or registry.    virtual BOOL WriteProfileInt(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, int nValue);    // Retrieve a string value from INI file or registry.    virtual CString GetProfileString(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszDefault = NULL);    // Sets a string value to INI file or registry.    virtual BOOL WriteProfileString(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszValue);    // Retrieve an arbitrary binary value from INI file or registry.    virtual BOOL GetProfileBinary(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPBYTE* ppData, UINT* pBytes);    // Sets an arbitrary binary value to INI file or registry.    virtual BOOL WriteProfileBinary(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPBYTE pData, UINT nBytes);    // Override in derived class.    virtual void InitLibId();    // Register    virtual BOOL Register();    // Unregisters everything this app was known to register.    virtual BOOL Unregister();    /// <summary>    /// Deletes the subkeys and values of the specified key recursively.</summary>    /// <returns>     /// If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in Winerror.h</returns>    /// <param name="hParentKey">A handle to an open registry key.</param>    /// <param name="strKeyName">The name of the key to be deleted.</param>    /// <param name="pTM">Pointer to CAtlTransactionManager object</param>    LONG DelRegTree(HKEY hParentKey, const CString& strKeyName, CAtlTransactionManager* pTM = NULL);// Running Operations - to be done on a running application    // Dealing with document templates    void AddDocTemplate(CDocTemplate* pTemplate);    POSITION GetFirstDocTemplatePosition() const;    CDocTemplate* GetNextDocTemplate(POSITION& pos) const;    // Open named file, trying to match a regsitered    // document template to it.    virtual CDocument* OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName);    virtual CDocument* OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName, BOOL bAddToMRU);    // Add a string to the recent file list. Remove oldest string,    // if no space left.    virtual void AddToRecentFileList(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);    // Printer DC Setup routine, 'struct tagPD' is a PRINTDLG structure.    void SelectPrinter(HANDLE hDevNames, HANDLE hDevMode,        BOOL bFreeOld = TRUE);    // Create a DC for the system default printer.    BOOL CreatePrinterDC(CDC& dc);    BOOL GetPrinterDeviceDefaults(PRINTDLG* pPrintDlg);    // Run this app as an embedded object.    BOOL RunEmbedded();    // Run this app as an OLE automation server.    BOOL RunAutomated();    // Parse the command line for stock options and commands.    void ParseCommandLine(CCommandLineInfo& rCmdInfo);    // React to a shell-issued command line directive.    BOOL ProcessShellCommand(CCommandLineInfo& rCmdInfo);// Overridables    // Hooks for your initialization code    virtual BOOL InitApplication();    // exiting    virtual BOOL SaveAllModified(); // save before exit    void HideApplication();    ///关闭所有文档前隐藏应用程序。        void CloseAllDocuments(BOOL bEndSession); // close documents before exiting    ///关闭所有打开的文档。    // Advanced: to override message boxes and other hooks    virtual int DoMessageBox(LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, UINT nType, UINT nIDPrompt);    为应用程序实现AfxMessageBox。        virtual void DoWaitCursor(int nCode); // 0 => restore, 1=> begin, -1=> end    ///等待”光标的开关。            // Advanced: process async DDE request    virtual BOOL OnDDECommand(_In_z_ LPTSTR lpszCommand);    // Advanced: Help support    virtual void WinHelp(DWORD_PTR dwData, UINT nCmd = HELP_CONTEXT);    virtual void HtmlHelp(DWORD_PTR dwData, UINT nCmd = 0x000F);    virtual void WinHelpInternal(DWORD_PTR dwData, UINT nCmd = HELP_CONTEXT);    // Restart Manager support    virtual HRESULT RegisterWithRestartManager(BOOL bRegisterRecoveryCallback, const CString &strRestartIdentifier);    virtual HRESULT RegisterWithRestartManager(LPCWSTR pwzCommandLineArgs, DWORD dwRestartFlags, APPLICATION_RECOVERY_CALLBACK pRecoveryCallback, LPVOID lpvParam, DWORD dwPingInterval, DWORD dwCallbackFlags);    virtual DWORD ApplicationRecoveryCallback(LPVOID lpvParam);    virtual BOOL SupportsRestartManager() const { return m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags & AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_SUPPORT_RESTART; }    virtual BOOL SupportsApplicationRecovery() const { return m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags & AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_SUPPORT_RECOVERY; }    virtual BOOL SupportsAutosaveAtRestart() const { return m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags & AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_AUTOSAVE_AT_RESTART; }    virtual BOOL SupportsAutosaveAtInterval() const { return m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags & AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_AUTOSAVE_AT_INTERVAL; }    virtual BOOL ReopenPreviousFilesAtRestart() const { return m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags & AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_REOPEN_PREVIOUS_FILES; }    virtual BOOL RestoreAutosavedFilesAtRestart() const { return m_dwRestartManagerSupportFlags & AFX_RESTART_MANAGER_RESTORE_AUTOSAVED_FILES; }    virtual DWORD GetApplicationRestartFlags() { return 0; }  // Flags for RegisterApplicationRestart: default is none of RESTART_NO_CRASH/RESTART_NO_HANG/RESTART_NO_PATCH/RESTART_NO_REBOOT    virtual LPVOID GetApplicationRecoveryParameter() { return NULL; }  // Parameter to be passed along to RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallbackpublic: // public for implementation access    CCommandLineInfo* m_pCmdInfo;    ATOM m_atomApp, m_atomSystemTopic;   // for DDE open    UINT m_nNumPreviewPages;        // number of default printed pages    size_t  m_nSafetyPoolSize;      // ideal size    void (AFXAPI* m_lpfnDaoTerm)();    void DevModeChange(_In_z_ LPTSTR lpDeviceName);    void SetCurrentHandles();    // Finds number of opened CDocument items owned by templates    // registered with the doc manager.    int GetOpenDocumentCount();    virtual CDataRecoveryHandler *GetDataRecoveryHandler();    /// <summary>     /// Tells whether Windows 7 Taskbar interaction is enabled.</summary>    /// <returns>     /// Returns TRUE if EnableTaskbarInteraction has been called and Operation System is     /// Windows 7 or higher.</returns>    /// <remarks> Taskbar interaction means that MDI application displays the content of MDI children     /// in separate tabbed thumbnails that appear when mouse pointer is over application taskbar button.</remarks>    virtual BOOL IsTaskbarInteractionEnabled();    /// <summary>    /// Enables Taskbar interaction</summary>    /// <returns>     /// Returns TRUE if taskbar interaction can be enabled or disabled (e.g. this method was called before creation of main window).</returns>    /// <remarks>     /// This method must be called before creation of main window, otherwise it asserts and returns FALSE.</remarks>    /// <param name="bEnable"> Specifies whether interaction with Windows 7 taskbar should be enabled (TRUE), or disabled (FALSE).</param>    BOOL EnableTaskbarInteraction(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);    // helpers for standard commdlg dialogs    BOOL DoPromptFileName(CString& fileName, UINT nIDSTitle,            DWORD lFlags, BOOL bOpenFileDialog, CDocTemplate* pTemplate);    INT_PTR DoPrintDialog(CPrintDialog* pPD);    void EnableModeless(BOOL bEnable); // to disable OLE in-place dialogs    // overrides for implementation    virtual BOOL InitInstance();    ///当你从CWinApp 派生一个应用程序类时    ///重载InitInstance成员函数来创建应用程序的主窗口对象。        virtual int ExitInstance(); // return app exit code    virtual BOOL RestartInstance(); // handle restart by Restart Manager    virtual int Run();    virtual BOOL OnIdle(LONG lCount); // return TRUE if more idle processing    virtual LRESULT ProcessWndProcException(CException* e, const MSG* pMsg);    virtual HINSTANCE LoadAppLangResourceDLL();    // Helper for message boxes; can work when no CWinApp can be found    static int ShowAppMessageBox(CWinApp *pApp, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, UINT nType, UINT nIDPrompt);    static void DoEnableModeless(BOOL bEnable); // to disable OLE in-place dialogspublic:    virtual ~CWinApp();#ifdef _DEBUG    virtual void AssertValid() const;    virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;#endif    // helpers for registration    /// <summary>    /// returns key for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\"Software"\RegistryKey\AppName\lpszSection.</summary>    /// <returns>     /// Section key if the function succeeds, NULL - otherwise</returns>    /// <param name="lpszSection">The name of the key to be obtained.</param>    /// <param name="pTM">Pointer to CAtlTransactionManager object</param>    HKEY GetSectionKey(LPCTSTR lpszSection, CAtlTransactionManager* pTM = NULL);    /// <summary>    /// returns key for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\"Software"\RegistryKey\ProfileName.</summary>    /// <returns>     /// Applixation key if the function succeeds, NULL - otherwise</returns>    /// <param name="pTM">Pointer to CAtlTransactionManager object</param>    HKEY GetAppRegistryKey(CAtlTransactionManager* pTM = NULL);protected:    DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()public :    // System Policy Settings    virtual BOOL LoadSysPolicies(); // Override to load policies other than the system policies that MFC loads.    BOOL GetSysPolicyValue(DWORD dwPolicyID, BOOL *pbValue); // returns the policy's setting in the out parameter};

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