数据结构与算法习题 Expression Expression tree Expression evaluation(栈与树结构综合)

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数据结构与算法习题 Expression Expression tree Expression evaluation(栈与树结构综合)
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As is known toall, any expression can be expressed by an expression tree. For example, theexpression a+b*c can be expressed as sample output.

Now you are given a infix expression expressed by variables (numbers are include).Please output the expression binary tree of the infix expression.

The input can be divided into three parts.
The first part has one line: the infix expression(length no more than 50). The infix expression may include lowercase(a-z) representing variables and operators, but not numbers or blank space.
The second part is an integer n(n < 10), which means the number of variables in the infix expression.
The third part has n lines, each of which is in the form of C x. C is the character of the variable and x is the value of the variable.

The output can be divided into three parts.
The first part is the reverse polish notation of the expression, that is, the sequence of post order of the expression binary tree. It takes one line.
The second part is the display of the expression tree, as the sample shows. If the binary tree is full binary tree, the leaf nodes at the bottom take the abscissa of 1 、3、 5、 7 …… (the leftmost position is 1), and the abscissa of their father nodes is between them. If not, the position without nodes will be replaced by a blank space (But please ignore all the blank space at the end of lines.) The father nodes and child nodes are separated by a line, where ‘/’ and ‘\’ represents the relationship of the tree. ‘/’ appears at the position with abscissa smaller than the father node’s of 1, and ‘\’ appears at the position with abscissa bigger than the father node’s of 1. That is, output 2m-1 lines for a tree whose height is m.
The third part is an integer, which is the result value of the expression when all the values have being put into the variables. Note that the division means the exact division, abandoning the decimal part. Meanwhile, the test data guarantee there won’t be the case where a number is divided by 0.

Sample Input

a 2
b 7
c 5

Sample Output


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#include<stdio.h>#include<memory.h>const int LEN=50; const int SIZE_H=100;const int SIZE_W=1024;typedef struct{    int f,l,r;    int level;//leaf:the level, and the level of leaf is 0    int bias;//bias:the bias,and the bias of leftmost leaf in full tree is 1}node_type;//node_type:the node of evaluation treechar infix[LEN+1],post[LEN+1];int lp=-1;//lp:len of post int dic[26];//dic[i]:value of variable 'a'+i; node_type tree[LEN+1];//tree[i]:exactly the node in post[i] char canvas[SIZE_H][SIZE_W];//canvas:the canvas of the picturevoid transfer();void build_tree();void print(int node);void modify(int node);void draw();int calculate();int main(){    int n,val,layer;    char ch;     //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    memset(canvas,' ',sizeof(canvas));    scanf("%s\n",infix);    scanf("%d\n",&n);    while (n--)    {        scanf("%c %d\n",&ch,&val);        dic[ch-'a']=val;    }    transfer();    printf("%s\n",post);    build_tree();    draw();    printf("%d",calculate());     return 0;}int op(int x,int y,char op){    if (op=='+')        return x+y;    if (op=='-')        return x-y;    if (op=='*')        return x*y;    if (op=='/')        return x/y;}int calculate(){    int stack[LEN];    int top=-1;    for (int i=0;i<lp;i++)    {        if ('a'<=post[i] && post[i]<='z')            stack[++top]=dic[post[i]-'a'];        else        {            stack[top-1]=op(stack[top-1],stack[top],post[i]);            top--;        }    }    return stack[0];}void draw(){    int l=tree[lp-1].level;    for (int i=0;i<lp;i++)    {        canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)][tree[i].bias-1]=post[i];        canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)][tree[i].bias]='\0';        for (int j=0;j<tree[i].bias-1;j++)            if (canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)][j]=='\0')                canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)][j]=' ';        if (tree[i].l!=-1)        {            canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)+1][tree[i].bias-2]='/';            canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)+1][tree[i].bias-1]='\0';            for (int j=0;j<tree[i].bias-1;j++)                if (canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)+1][j]=='\0')                    canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)+1][j]=' ';        }        if (tree[i].r!=-1)        {            canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)+1][tree[i].bias]='\\';            canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)+1][tree[i].bias+1]='\0';            for (int j=0;j<tree[i].bias+1;j++)                if (canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)+1][j]=='\0')                    canvas[2*(l-tree[i].level)+1][j]=' ';        }    }    for (int i=0;i<=2*l;i++)        printf("%s\n",canvas[i]);    return;}void transfer(){    char stack[LEN];    int top=-1;    for (char* ch=infix;*ch;ch++)    {        if ('a'<=*ch && *ch<='z')            post[++lp]=*ch;        if (*ch=='(')            stack[++top]='(';        if (*ch==')')        {            while (stack[top]!='(')                post[++lp]=stack[top--];            top--;        }        if (*ch=='+' || *ch=='-')        {            if (top!=-1)                while (stack[top]!='(')                {                    post[++lp]=stack[top--];                    if (top==-1)                        break;                }            stack[++top]=*ch;        }        if (*ch=='*' || *ch=='/')        {            if (top!=-1)                while (stack[top]!='(' &&(stack[top]=='*' || stack[top]=='/'))                {                    post[++lp]=stack[top--];                    if (top==-1)                        break;                  }            stack[++top]=*ch;        }    }    while (top!=-1)        post[++lp]=stack[top--];        post[++lp]='\0';    return; }void modify(int node){    if (tree[node].f!=-1)        tree[node].level=tree[tree[node].f].level-1;    else        tree[node].bias=1<<tree[node].level;    if (tree[node].l!=-1)    {         tree[tree[node].l].bias=tree[node].bias-(1<<(tree[node].level-1));         modify(tree[node].l);    }    if (tree[node].r!=-1)    {        tree[tree[node].r].bias=tree[node].bias+(1<<(tree[node].level-1));        modify(tree[node].r);    }     return;}void build_tree(){    int stack[LEN];    int top=-1;    int l,r;    for (int i=0;i<lp;i++)    {        if ('a'<=post[i] && post[i]<='z')        {            stack[++top]=i;            tree[i].l=tree[i].r=tree[i].f=-1;            tree[i].level=0;        }        else        {            r=stack[top--];            l=stack[top--];            stack[++top]=i;            tree[i].l=l;            tree[i].r=r;            tree[l].f=tree[r].f=i;            tree[i].f=-1;            tree[i].level=(tree[l].level<tree[r].level?tree[r].level:tree[l].level)+1;        }    }    modify(lp-1);    return;}//for test void print(int node){    if (tree[node].l!=-1)    {        printf("<");        print(tree[node].l);        printf(">");    }    printf("(%c:%d,%d)",post[node],tree[node].level,tree[node].bias);    if (tree[node].r!=-1)    {        printf("<");        print(tree[node].r);        printf(">");    }    return;}
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