
来源:互联网 发布:怎么更改mac地址 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 07:01


但是还有一个不太完美的地方就是在Androidmanifest里面设置好设计稿尺寸之后就不能修改了,这样在我的项目中就会有一个问题:我们的APP不用支持横屏,但是需要支持一个平板的横屏,所以需要写两套布局,也需要连个设计稿。我查看了AutoLayout的代码,但是没有发现可以更改设计尺寸的方法。最初想到的办法是在BaseActivity中获取屏幕尺寸信息,然后获取Androidmanifest里面 的

 <meta-data            android:name="design_width"            android:value="720"/>        <meta-data            android:name="design_height"            android:value="1280"/>


首先定义一个变量private boolean useDynamicDesignSize;用来判断时候需要使用动态的设计尺寸


 public AutoLayoutConifg useDynamicDesignSize(int with, int height)    {        useDynamicDesignSize = true;        this.mDesignWidth = with;        this.mDesignHeight = height;        return this;    }



public void init(Context context)    {        if(!useDynamicDesignSize)        {            getMetaData(context);        }        int[] screenSize = ScreenUtils.getScreenSize(context, useDeviceSize);        mScreenWidth = screenSize[0];        mScreenHeight = screenSize[1];        L.e(" screenWidth =" + mScreenWidth + " ,screenHeight = " + mScreenHeight);    }
这样就可以根据是否调用了useDynamicDesignSize(int with, int height)方法来觉得是使用哪种设计尺寸了,


package com.zhy.autolayout.config;import android.content.Context;import;import;import com.zhy.autolayout.utils.L;import com.zhy.autolayout.utils.ScreenUtils;/** * Created by zhy on 15/11/18. */public class AutoLayoutConifg{    private static AutoLayoutConifg sIntance = new AutoLayoutConifg();    private static final String KEY_DESIGN_WIDTH  = "design_width";    private static final String KEY_DESIGN_HEIGHT = "design_height";    private int mScreenWidth;    private int mScreenHeight;    private int mDesignWidth;    private int mDesignHeight;    private boolean useDeviceSize;    private boolean useDynamicDesignSize;    private AutoLayoutConifg()    {    }    public void checkParams()    {        if(mDesignHeight <= 0 || mDesignWidth <= 0)        {            throw new RuntimeException("you must set " + KEY_DESIGN_WIDTH + " and " + KEY_DESIGN_HEIGHT + "  in your manifest file.");        }    }    public AutoLayoutConifg useDeviceSize()    {        useDeviceSize = true;        return this;    }    public AutoLayoutConifg useDynamicDesignSize(int with, int height)    {        useDynamicDesignSize = true;        this.mDesignWidth = with;        this.mDesignHeight = height;        return this;    }    public static AutoLayoutConifg getInstance()    {        return sIntance;    }    public int getScreenWidth()    {        return mScreenWidth;    }    public int getScreenHeight()    {        return mScreenHeight;    }    public int getDesignWidth()    {        return mDesignWidth;    }    public int getDesignHeight()    {        return mDesignHeight;    }    public void init(Context context)    {        if(!useDynamicDesignSize)        {            getMetaData(context);        }        int[] screenSize = ScreenUtils.getScreenSize(context, useDeviceSize);        mScreenWidth = screenSize[0];        mScreenHeight = screenSize[1];        L.e(" screenWidth =" + mScreenWidth + " ,screenHeight = " + mScreenHeight);    }    private void getMetaData(Context context)    {        PackageManager  packageManager = context.getPackageManager();        ApplicationInfo applicationInfo;        try        {            applicationInfo = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);            if(applicationInfo != null && applicationInfo.metaData != null)            {                mDesignWidth = (int) applicationInfo.metaData.get(KEY_DESIGN_WIDTH);                mDesignHeight = (int) applicationInfo.metaData.get(KEY_DESIGN_HEIGHT);            }        }        catch(PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e)        {            throw new RuntimeException("you must set " + KEY_DESIGN_WIDTH + " and " + KEY_DESIGN_HEIGHT + "  in your manifest file.", e);        }        L.e(" designWidth =" + mDesignWidth + " , designHeight = " + mDesignHeight);    }}

到此,大功告成,在获得屏幕尺寸之后如果得出结果认为是在横屏平板上运行,调用 AutoLayoutConifg.getInstance().useDynamicDesignSize(1280, 800).init(this);就可以了。


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