枚举杂记 1

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝登录异常异地登录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 02:09
package thinkinginjava.charpter19;/* * here is my first time to check this strange  * syntactic that static can follow after import? * about this point, I should check some materials * from the Internet. * okay, now here, I got a little understand about * this, here, we just want to know the truth, if * we import one object, this is just meant that  * we can use this object, but it doesn't meant that * you can access the static value in object, here * is the point, user this import static keyword,  * than you can just use the static method without  * using class name to declare. *  */import static thinkinginjava.charpter19.Spiciness.*;import static java.lang.System.out;public class Burrito {    Spiciness degreeSpiciness;    public Burrito(Spiciness degress){        this.degreeSpiciness = degress;    }    @Override    public String toString() {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        return "Burrito is "+degreeSpiciness;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        out.println(new Burrito(NOT));        out.println(new Burrito(HOT));        out.println(new Burrito(FLAMING));    }}

define enum spiciness:

package thinkinginjava.charpter19;public enum Spiciness{NOT, MILD, MEDIUM, HOT , FLAMING}

execute result:

Burrito is NOTBurrito is HOTBurrito is FLAMING

here is just the same thing that I should understand, this is normal.

package thinkinginjava.charpter19;public enum OzWitch {    //just like here, instance must be defined first    WEST("Miss Gulch, aka the Wicked Witch of the West"),    NORTH("Glinda, the Good Witch of the North"),    EAST("Wichked Witch of the East, wearer of the Ruby Slippers, crushed by Dorothy's house"),    SOUTH("Good by inference, but missing");    private String description;    /*     * here I want to know something that doesn't matter     * this enum thing, I am wondering if I can check the     * Enum class and find how kind of methods it has.     * so I check the Enum class, and find it just got some     * method, what we care about is the property it has,     * one name, the enum name, so...     */    private OzWitch(String description){        this.description = description;    }    public String getDescription(){        return this.description;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        //现在我在纠结的一点就是怎么使用枚举类        for (OzWitch ozWitch : OzWitch.values()) {            /*             * 从这个for语句来推测,枚举类应该是一个有着静态方法values()的类             * 但是在查找了Enum类的源代码之后,发现,没有values()这个方法,             * 很多人都会觉得奇怪,values()是又编译器添加的static方法,这样子             * 似乎看起来问题就决解了。这边就先到这边顿住。             * 还可以看出的一点是,上面定义的WEST,NORTH,EAST,SOUTH其实都是             * OzWitch的实例,这样子看来,为题好像有清晰了许多,枚举类就是定义             * 本身的几个对象,按照一定顺序排列,然后...使用?             */            System.out.println("description: "+ozWitch.getDescription());        }    }}/*console result: description: Miss Gulch, aka the Wicked Witch of the Westdescription: Glinda, the Good Witch of the Northdescription: Wichked Witch of the East, wearer of the Ruby Slippers, crushed by Dorothy's housedescription: Good by inference, but missing*/


package thinkinginjava.charpter19;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.lang.reflect.Method;import java.lang.reflect.Type;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Set;import thinkinginjava.utils.OSExecute;enum Explore {HERE, THERE;}public class Reflection {    public static Set<String> analyze(Class<?> enumClass){        //interface        System.out.println("interface: ");        Type[] interfaceType = enumClass.getGenericInterfaces();        for (Type type : interfaceType) {            System.out.print(" | "+type);        }        //super class        System.out.println("\nBase: "+enumClass.getSuperclass());        //methods        System.out.println("method: ");        Method[] methods = enumClass.getMethods();        Set<String> methodSet = new HashSet<String>();        for (Method method : methods) {            methodSet.add(method.getName());        }        System.out.println(methodSet);        return methodSet;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        Set<String> exploreMethodSet = analyze(Explore.class);        Set<String> enumMethodSet = analyze(Enum.class);        System.out.println("Explore.containAll(Enum)? "+exploreMethodSet.containsAll(enumMethodSet));        System.out.println("Explore.removeAll(Enum): "+exploreMethodSet.removeAll(enumMethodSet));        System.out.println("leftSet: "+ exploreMethodSet);    }    /*     OUTPUT:        Base: class java.lang.Enum        method:         [getClass, getDeclaringClass, values, equals, notify, name, ordinal, hashCode, compareTo, toString, wait, valueOf, notifyAll]        interface:          | java.lang.Comparable<E> | interface java.io.Serializable        Base: class java.lang.Object        method:         [getClass, getDeclaringClass, equals, notify, name, ordinal, hashCode, compareTo, toString, wait, valueOf, notifyAll]        Explore.containAll(Enum)? true        Explore.removeAll(Enum): true        leftSet: [values]     */}


Compiled from "Reflection.java"final class thinkinginjava.charpter19.Explore extends java.lang.Enum<thinkinginjava.charpter19.Explore> {  public static final thinkinginjava.charpter19.Explore HERE;  public static final thinkinginjava.charpter19.Explore THERE;  static {};  public static thinkinginjava.charpter19.Explore[] values();  public static thinkinginjava.charpter19.Explore valueOf(java.lang.String);}

这样的结果,我不知道能说明什么,但是上面的values方法明显是编译器生成的,同样的,你还可以看到另外的多出来的两个,valueOf(String) 和static{}, 意识到Enum中也有一个avluesOf方法,但是是两个参数,一个Class,String.这边应该是待处理的……


package thinkinginjava.charpter19;public enum SpaceShip {    SCOUT, CARGO, TRANSPORT, CRUISER, BATTLESHIP, MOTHERSHIP;    /*     * (non-Javadoc)     * @see java.lang.Enum#toString()     * here we just override toString method.     */    public String toString() {        String id = name(); //here name is the method of Enum class        String lower = id.substring(1).toLowerCase();        /*         * 这边会是感觉怪怪的,但是没办法,就是这样子拼接的,是否可以有更好的办法来处理这样的         * 事情呢,除非传唤称StringBuffer,否则,我们知道String是不可变的。         */        return id.charAt(0) + lower;    };    public static void main(String[] args) {        for (SpaceShip spaceShip : SpaceShip.values()) {            System.out.println(spaceShip);        }    }    /*     * Output:        Scout        Cargo        Transport        Cruiser        Battleship        Mothership     */}


package thinkinginjava.charpter19;enum Signal{RED, GREEN, YELLOW;}public class TrafficLight {    Signal color = Signal.RED;    //so, here , this is normal    public void change(){        switch (color) {        case RED:            color = Signal.YELLOW;            break;        case GREEN:            color = Signal.RED;            break;        case YELLOW:            color = Signal.GREEN;            break;        default:            break;        }    }    @Override    public String toString() {        return "the traffic light is: "+color;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        TrafficLight tl = new TrafficLight();        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {            System.out.println(tl);            tl.change();        }    }    /*output:        the traffic light is: RED        the traffic light is: YELLOW        the traffic light is: GREEN        the traffic light is: RED        the traffic light is: YELLOW        the traffic light is: GREEN        the traffic light is: RED     */}


package thinkinginjava.charpter19;enum Search{HITHER, YON};public class UpcaseEnum {    public static void main(String[] args) {        Search[] searchValues = Search.values();        Enum e = Search.HITHER;        /*         * it looks rediculous, you need just find one enum instance,          * and then, use this instance to find the kind of class it          * belongs, and find all instance of this class, now it is         * not so rediculous as what I thought before.         */        for (Enum<Search> search : e.getClass().getEnumConstants()) {            System.out.println(search);        }    }}/*output:HITHERYON */

是的,上面说的是enum,但是这样要说明的是这个getEnumConstants()这个方法,但是这个方法是Class的,所以, 想着是不是应该普通的类也是可以通过这个方法去获取普通类的枚举实例?

package thinkinginjava.charpter19;public class NonEnum {    /*     * here I just want to try to find the enum constants     * of an object     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        Class<Integer> integerClass = Integer.class;        for (Object an: integerClass.getEnumConstants()) {            System.out.println(an);        }    }}/*    output:    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException    at thinkinginjava.charpter19.NonEnum.main(NonEnum.java:11) */


package thinkinginjava.charpter19;import java.util.Random;/* * I don't know, why Bruce Eckel use this code to * show this tip, but we can see nuderstand this * is okay. */enum CartoonCharacter implements Generator{SLAPPY, APANKY, PUNCHY, SILLY,BOUNCY, NUTTY, BON;    private Random random = new Random(47);    //this is a method in Generator    public Generator next(){        //return a random generator        return values()[random.nextInt(values().length)];    }}public class EnumImplementation{    public static void main(String[] args) {        CartoonCharacter cc = CartoonCharacter.BON;        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {            printNext(cc);        }    }    public static void printNext(Generator rg){        System.out.println(rg.next()+",");    }}/*output:-------------------------------------BON,PUNCHY,BON,APANKY,NUTTY,PUNCHY,SLAPPY,NUTTY,NUTTY,SLAPPY,*/

and here, the interface generator is:

package thinkinginjava.charpter19;public interface Generator {    Generator next();}

here is the exercise: modify upper java file, write one static method with let enum implement the interface. so:

    package thinkinginjava.charpter19.exercise;    import java.util.Random;    enum Document{        XML, DOC, XLS, SQL, PPT, MK, C, CPP, JAVA, CS;        private static Random random = new Random(52);        public static Document next(){            return values()[random.nextInt(values().length)];        }    }    public class e1902 {    /*     * here, we want ot modify the EnumImplementation class without     * implements the generator in enum, just write a own static next     * method     */        public static void main(String[] args) {            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {                System.out.println(Document.next());            }        }    }    /*        output:        DOC        CS        CPP        MK        DOC        PPT        DOC        MK        DOC        CPP    */

if you want to recognize the difference between, it may just only the logic and rational analyze it. the second example make more sense.
so, here we have a utils class:

package thinkinginjava.utils;import java.util.Random;/** * here, this is the utils to generate * random enum instance * @author Saturday * @time 2016年10月15日 下午5:34:24 * @file Enums.java */public class Enums {    private static Random random = new Random(47);    public static <T extends Enum<T>> T random(Class<T> ec){        return random(ec.getEnumConstants());    }    private static <T> T random(T[] values){        return values[random.nextInt(values.length)];    }}


package thinkinginjava.charpter19;import thinkinginjava.utils.Enums;enum Activity{RUNNING, WALKING, LYING, STANDING, SITTING, JUMPING, FALLING, FLYING;}// now it looks easy for us to pick a random enum, just use this utils class.public class RandomTest {    public static void main(String[] args) {        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {            System.out.println(Enums.random(Activity.class));        }    }}/*output:JUMPINGSTANDINGSITTINGRUNNINGWALKINGSITTINGWALKINGSTANDINGSITTINGJUMPING*/
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