
来源:互联网 发布:红蚂蚁手机炒股软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 04:02













#include "sort.hpp"#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>const std::vector<int> array_src{ 12, -32, 138, -54, 34, 87, 200, -1, -901, 88 };static void print_result(const std::vector<int>& vec){for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)fprintf(stderr, "%d  ", vec[i]);fprintf(stderr, "\n");}int test_sort_bubble() // 冒泡排序{// reference: http://mathbits.com/MathBits/CompSci/Arrays/Bubble.htmstd::vector<int> vec(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());int tmp = 0;for (int i = 1; i < vec.size(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < vec.size() - 1; j++) {if (vec[j + 1] < vec[j]) {tmp = vec[j];vec[j] = vec[j + 1];vec[j + 1] = tmp;}}}fprintf(stderr, "bubble sort result: \n");print_result(vec);return 0;}int test_sort_insertion() // 插入排序{// reference: http://cforbeginners.com/insertionsort.htmlstd::vector<int> vec(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());int tmp = 0, j = 0;for (int i = 1; i < vec.size(); i++){j = i;while (j > 0 && vec[j] < vec[j - 1]){tmp = vec[j];vec[j] = vec[j - 1];vec[j - 1] = tmp;j--;}}fprintf(stderr, "insertion sort result: \n");print_result(vec);return 0;}int test_sort_selection() // 选择排序{// reference: http://mathbits.com/MathBits/CompSci/Arrays/Selection.htmstd::vector<int> vec(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());int tmp = 0;for (int i = vec.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {int first = 0;for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {if (vec[j] > vec[first])first = j;}tmp = vec[first];vec[first] = vec[i];vec[i] = tmp;}fprintf(stderr, "selection sort result: \n");print_result(vec);return 0;}int test_sort_shell() // 希尔排序{// reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/123961/std::vector<int> vec(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());int tmp = 0, gap = 0;for (int gap = vec.size() / 2; gap > 0; gap /= 2) {for (int i = gap; i < vec.size(); i++) {for (int j = i - gap; j >= 0 && vec[j] > vec[j + gap]; j -= gap) {tmp = vec[j];vec[j] = vec[j + gap];vec[j + gap] = tmp;}}}fprintf(stderr, "shell sort result: \n");print_result(vec);return 0;}// left is the index of the leftmost element of the subarray// right is one past the index of the rightmost elementstatic void merge(std::vector<int>& vecSrc, int left, int right, std::vector<int>& vecDst){// base case: one elementif (right == left + 1) {return;} else {int i = 0;int length = right - left;int midpoint_distance = length / 2;/* l and r are to the positions in the left and right subarrays */int l = left, r = left + midpoint_distance;/* sort each subarray */merge(vecSrc, left, left + midpoint_distance, vecDst);merge(vecSrc, left + midpoint_distance, right, vecDst);/* merge the arrays together using scratch for temporary storage */for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {/* Check to see if any elements remain in the left array; if so,* we check if there are any elements left in the right array; if* so, we compare them.  Otherwise, we know that the merge must* use take the element from the left array */if (l < left + midpoint_distance && (r == right || std::min(vecSrc[l], vecSrc[r]) == vecSrc[l])) {vecDst[i] = vecSrc[l];l++;} else {vecDst[i] = vecSrc[r];r++;}}/* Copy the sorted subarray back to the input */for (i = left; i < right; i++) {vecSrc[i] = vecDst[i - left];}}}int test_sort_merge() // 归并排序{// reference: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/computersciencetheory/merge.htmlstd::vector<int> vecSrc(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());std::vector<int> vecDst(array_src.size());merge(vecSrc, 0, vecSrc.size(), vecDst);fprintf(stderr, "merge sort result: \n");print_result(vecDst);return 0;}static void quick(std::vector<int>& vec, int left, int right){int i = left, j = right;int tmp;int pivot = vec[(left + right) / 2];// partitionwhile (i <= j) {while (vec[i] < pivot)i++;while (vec[j] > pivot)j--;if (i <= j) {tmp = vec[i];vec[i] = vec[j];vec[j] = tmp;i++;j--;}};// recursionif (left < j)quick(vec, left, j);if (i < right)quick(vec, i, right);}int test_sort_quick() // 快速排序{// reference: http://www.algolist.net/Algorithms/Sorting/Quicksortstd::vector<int> vec(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());quick(vec, 0, vec.size() - 1);fprintf(stderr, "quick sort result: \n");print_result(vec);return 0;}static void max_heapify(std::vector<int>& vec, int i, int n){int temp = vec[i];int j = 2 * i;while (j <= n) {if (j < n && vec[j + 1] > vec[j])j = j + 1;if (temp > vec[j]) {break;} else if (temp <= vec[j]) {vec[j / 2] = vec[j];j = 2 * j;}}vec[j / 2] = temp;}static void heapsort(std::vector<int>& vec, int n){for (int i = n; i >= 2; i--) {int temp = vec[i];vec[i] = vec[1];vec[1] = temp;max_heapify(vec, 1, i - 1);}}static void build_maxheap(std::vector<int>& vec, int n){for (int i = n / 2; i >= 1; i--)max_heapify(vec, i, n);}int test_sort_heap() // 堆排序{// reference: http://proprogramming.org/heap-sort-in-c/std::vector<int> vec(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());vec.insert(vec.begin(), -1);build_maxheap(vec, vec.size()-1);heapsort(vec, vec.size()-1);std::vector<int> vecDst(vec.begin() + 1, vec.end());fprintf(stderr, "heap sort result: \n");print_result(vecDst);return 0;}static bool cmp(int i, int j){return (i<j);}int test_sort_STL() // std::sort{// reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort/std::vector<int> vec(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), cmp);fprintf(stderr, "STL sort result: \n");print_result(vec);std::vector<int> vec1(array_src.begin(), array_src.end());std::stable_sort(vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), cmp);fprintf(stderr, "STL stable sort result: \n");print_result(vec1);return 0;}


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