Redmine Gantt 实现 (Show relations in Gantt diagram)

来源:互联网 发布:如何修改淘宝发货地址 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 12:06

Redmine 是一个比较强大的项目工具,里面的Gantt的选项,看起来好像功能不强,其实是很多默认的选项没有打开。


1 relations in Gante:

The relations in Gante have several types ,in this doc ,we use the "follows" type to connect the due date issue for the each task of the projects.

2 build the Issues in Issues TAB as normal

eg, we build two task for: task01,and task02

3 Build the related between the taskes

Target: We will connec the task02 to task01

3.1 choose the edit to edit the task02 relations

3.2  after open the edit windows for task02 , then [click] the [add] on the [Related issues] 

3.3  it will show a list to choose the [Related issues] Type, 

it got have : "Related to", "Duplicated","Blocks","Precedes","follows","Copy", and so on ,types related.

3.3.1 choose the follows for issue

3.3.2 input the issue number of task02,

3.3.3 press the add to build the connect between the task01 and task02

4 Check the relates on [gantt] Tab

4.1 you will see a arrow connect from the task01 to task02

5 Try to adjust the due date of the task01

e.g delay ten days,

then you will find the task02 start day also postponed ten days.

Now it got done for relations of task01 and taks02 


ReRlated issues

'Related issues' allow developers to link issues to each other in order to remove duplicates or simplify their workflow.

It is possible to link issues based on various relations. Current relations are:
  • related to - Just adds a link to the other issue.【这个是构建项目相关性常用的一条】把某个任务和其他项目关联起来。
  • duplicates - Links issues so that closing one, will close the other (e.g. closing A will close B)
    For example, if issue B duplicates A:
    - closing B will leave A open
    - closing A will automatically close B
  • duplicated by - Reciprocal of duplicates.
    For example, if issue A is duplicated by issue B:
    - closing B will leave A open
    - closing A will automatically close B
  • blocks - Links issues so that closing one can be blocked by an issue which is still open 
  • 【案,milestone的时候,可以用这个来阻止下一阶段的项目误开始,这里可以用来实现milestone的定义,在一个软件节点上,如果不完成,下一个任务不予许开始】【项目相关性如果有关键路径的前后关系,也可以采用这个方法】
    If issue B blocks A,
    A can't be closed unless B is.
  • blocked by - Reciprocal of blocks.
  • precedes - 【follows的反任务】Links issues to define an "order", where A needs to be completed x days before B can be started on
    If B follows A, you can't give B
    a starting date equal or less
    than the ending date of A.

  • follows - Reciprocal of precedes.【最常用的一个任务关系,一个项目必须在另外一些项目之后完成。】
    If issue B follows A (ex A ends the 21/04 and B begins the 22/04)
    and you add +2 day at the ending date of A,
    the starting and ending dates of B will be +2 too.
  • copied from - Links issues to identify whether it was copied, and from which issue it was copied from.
  • copied to - Reciprocal of copied from


1  redmine的实现

2 RedmineIssues

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