Spark IndexedRDD:高效细粒度更新的RDD

来源:互联网 发布:ca网络检测未通过 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:40
  1. 问题由来

由于RDD是只读不可更改的,即Spark RDD的Immutable特性,如果想要更新或删除RDD里面的数据,就要遍历整个RDD进行操作,并生成一个新的RDD。



并且对于Streaming Aggregation(聚合)以及Incremental(增量) Algorithm之类的算法,每次迭代都会更新少量数据,但是需要迭代非常多的次数,所以每一次对RDD的更新代价都很大。

针对这个问题AMPLab的Ankur Dave提出了IndexedRDD,它是Immutability和Fine-Grained updates的精妙结合。IndexedRDD是一个基于RDD的Key-Value Store,扩展自RDD[(K, V)],可以在IndexRDD上进行高效的查找、更新以及删除。


  1. 设计思路





  1. IndexedRDD API


multiget: 获取一组Key的Value

multiput: 更新一组Key的Value

delete: 删除一组Key的Value

class IndexedRDD[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag] extends RDD[(K, V)] {    /** Gets the values corresponding to the specified keys, if any. */    def multiget(ks: Array[K]): Map[K, V]    /**       * Updates the keys in `kvs` to their corresponding values, running `merge` on old and new values       * if necessary. Returns a new IndexedRDD that reflects the modification.       */    def multiput[U: ClassTag](kvs: Map[K, U], z: (K, U) => V, f: (K, V, U) => V): IndexedRDD[K, V]    /**      * Deletes the specified keys. Returns a new IndexedRDD that reflects the deletions.      */    def delete(ks: Array[K]): IndexedRDD[K, V]}

此外IndexedRDD还提供了基于RDD 构建IndexedRDD的函数:

object IndexedRDD {  /**   * Constructs an updatable IndexedRDD from an RDD of pairs, merging duplicate keys arbitrarily.   */  def apply[K: ClassTag : KeySerializer, V: ClassTag] (elems: RDD[(K, V)]): IndexedRDD[K, V]}
  1. IndexedRDD使用


import edu.berkeley.cs.amplab.spark.indexedrdd.IndexedRDD// Create an RDD of key-value pairs with Long keys.val rdd = sc.parallelize((1 to 1000000).map(x => (x.toLong, 0)))// Construct an IndexedRDD from the pairs, hash-partitioning and indexing// the entries.val indexed = IndexedRDD(rdd).cache()// Perform a point update.val indexed2 = indexed.put(1234L, 10873).cache()// Perform a point lookup. Note that the original IndexedRDD remains// unmodified.indexed2.get(1234L) // => Some(10873)indexed.get(1234L) // => Some(0)// Efficiently join derived IndexedRDD with original.val indexed3 = indexed.innerJoin(indexed2) { (id, a, b) => b }.filter(_._2 != 0)indexed3.collect // => Array((1234L, 10873))// Perform insertions and deletions.val indexed4 = indexed2.put(-100L, 111).delete(Array(998L, 999L)).cache()indexed2.get(-100L) // => Noneindexed4.get(-100L) // => Some(111)indexed2.get(999L) // => Some(0)indexed4.get(999L) // => None


resolvers += "Spark Packages Repo" at ""libraryDependencies += "amplab" % "spark-indexedrdd" % "0.3"
  1. Persistent Adaptive Radix Trees(PART)

IndexedRDD的每个Partition的存储用的是Persisten Adaptive Radix Trees,翻译出来应该是“持久化自适应基数树”。在Linux中也是有“基数树”,主要作用是做内存管理。IndexedRDD的PART 主要特点有:


针对CPU Cache进行优化(相对B-Tree)

支持多个Key同时查询 (Hash Table每次只能查一个Key)


数据保持有序,支持Range Scan和Prefix Lookup

更多细节请看PART论文以及Github: ART Java实现。

  1. PART的主要函数

    public class ArtTree extends ChildPtr implements Serializable {

    public ArtTree snapshot();

    public Object search(final byte[] key);

    public void insert(final byte[] key, Object value) throws UnsupportedOperationException;

    public void delete(final byte[] key);

    public Iterator

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