[从头学数学] 第286节 [计算几何] 多边形的布尔运算(上)

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星历2016年10月21日 14:37:23, 银河系厄尔斯星球中华帝国江南行省。



<span style="font-size:18px;">#import mathfrom collections import namedtuplefrom decimal import Decimal, getcontextimport refrom random import randint# from subprocess import callimport osgetcontext().prec = 8horizontal = Decimal('-Infinity')Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')DoublePoint = namedtuple('DoublePoint', 'x y')#生成随机多边形def RandomPoly(maxWidth, maxHeight, vertCnt):    result = []    for _ in range(vertCnt):        result.append(Point(randint(0, maxWidth), randint(0, maxHeight)))    return resultdef tmp():    scale = 1;    a = RandomPoly(640 * scale, 480 * scale, 10);    print('a = ', a);    b = RandomPoly(640 * scale, 480 * scale, 16);    print('b = ', b);if __name__ == '__main__':    tmp();>>> a =  [Point(x=376, y=223), Point(x=471, y=386), Point(x=110, y=381), Point(x=206, y=85), Point(x=190, y=41), Point(x=547, y=249), Point(x=501, y=75), Point(x=501, y=183), Point(x=497, y=240), Point(x=528, y=83)]b =  [Point(x=432, y=428), Point(x=558, y=145), Point(x=64, y=52), Point(x=381, y=467), Point(x=460, y=321), Point(x=614, y=318), Point(x=173, y=80), Point(x=301, y=399), Point(x=431, y=129), Point(x=82, y=79), Point(x=449, y=71), Point(x=300, y=29), Point(x=558, y=225), Point(x=5, y=87), Point(x=613, y=327), Point(x=342, y=353)]>>> #</span>


<span style="font-size:18px;">##读取/保存多边形数据到文件def LoadFile1(lines):    # File type 1: first line is total polygons count and subsequent lines     # contain the polygon vertex count followed by its coords     try:        polygons = []        poly = []        for l in lines:            vals = re.split(' |, |,', l.strip())            if len(vals) < 2:                  if (len(poly)  > 2):                    polygons.append(poly)                poly = []            else:                 poly.append(Point(int(vals[0]), int(vals[1])))        if (len(poly)  > 2):            polygons.append(poly)        return polygons    except:        return Nonedef LoadFile2(lines):    # File type 2: vertex coords on consecutive lines for each polygon     # where each polygon is separated by an empty line     try:        polygons = []        poly = []        for l in lines:            l = l.strip()            if (l == ''):                 if (len(poly)  > 2):                    polygons.append(poly)                poly = []            else:                 vals = re.split(' |, |,', l)                poly.append(Point(int(vals[0]), int(vals[1])))        if (len(poly)  > 2):            polygons.append(poly)        return polygons    except:        return Nonedef LoadFile(filename):    try:        f = open(filename, 'r')        try:            lines = f.readlines()        finally:            f.close()        # pick file type from format of first line ...        if len(lines) == 0: return []        elif not ',' in lines[0]: return LoadFile1(lines)        else: return LoadFile2(lines)    except:        return None    def SaveToFile(filename, polys, scale = 1.0):    invScale = 1.0 / scale    try:        f = open(filename, 'w')        try:            if invScale == 1:                for poly in polys:                    for pt in poly:                        f.write("{0}, {1}\n".format(pt.x, pt.y))                    f.write("\n")            else:                for poly in polys:                    for pt in poly:                        f.write("{0:.4f}, {1:.4f}\n".format(pt.x * invScale, pt.y * invScale))                    f.write("\n")        finally:            f.close()    except:        return#测试多边形数据生成def tmp_0():    scale = 1;    a = RandomPoly(640 * scale, 480 * scale, 10);    print('a = ', a);    b = RandomPoly(640 * scale, 480 * scale, 16);    print('b = ', b);#测试多边形数据写入文件def tmp_1():    scaleExp = 0    scale = math.pow(10, scaleExp)    invScale = 1.0 / scale       subj, clip = [], []    subj.append(RandomPoly(640 * scale, 480 * scale, 10))    clip.append(RandomPoly(640 * scale, 480 * scale, 16))    SaveToFile('./subj2.txt', subj, scale)    SaveToFile('./clip2.txt', clip, scale)    print('写入文件完毕。');>>> subj =  [[Point(x=199, y=133), Point(x=577, y=464), Point(x=468, y=386), Point(x=130, y=128), Point(x=336, y=140), Point(x=324, y=418), Point(x=91, y=223), Point(x=67, y=455), Point(x=168, y=458), Point(x=639, y=227)]]clip =  [[Point(x=233, y=423), Point(x=193, y=76), Point(x=369, y=373), Point(x=538, y=416), Point(x=155, y=301), Point(x=215, y=323), Point(x=82, y=473), Point(x=136, y=405), Point(x=466, y=145), Point(x=250, y=336), Point(x=480, y=218), Point(x=135, y=320), Point(x=492, y=135), Point(x=40, y=361), Point(x=467, y=323), Point(x=347, y=26)]]>>> #获取多边形坐标点数据def tmp():    subj = LoadFile('./subj2.txt')    clip = LoadFile('./clip2.txt')    vert_subj = [];    vert_clip = [];    for i in range(len(subj[0])):        vert_subj.append([subj[0][i].x, subj[0][i].y]);    for i in range(len(clip[0])):        vert_clip.append([clip[0][i].x, clip[0][i].y]);    print('vert_subj = ', vert_subj);    print('vert_clip = ', vert_clip);>>> vert_subj =  [[199, 133], [577, 464], [468, 386], [130, 128], [336, 140], [324, 418], [91, 223], [67, 455], [168, 458], [639, 227]]vert_clip =  [[233, 423], [193, 76], [369, 373], [538, 416], [155, 301], [215, 323], [82, 473], [136, 405], [466, 145], [250, 336], [480, 218], [135, 320], [492, 135], [40, 361], [467, 323], [347, 26]]>>> #</span>

<span style="font-size:18px;">//if (1) {var r = 20;              config.setSector(8,15,7,2);                config.graphPaper2D(0, 0, r);              config.axis2D(0, 0, 450, 1.2);   //坐标轴设定                var scaleX = 2*r, scaleY = 2*r;                  var spaceX = 50, spaceY = 50;                   var xS = 0, xE = 640;                  var yS = 0, yE = 480;                  config.axisSpacing(xS, xE, spaceX, scaleX, 'X');                    config.axisSpacing(yS, yE, spaceY, scaleY, 'Y');                                        var transform = new Transform();    var lable = [];for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {lable.push(i.toFixed(0));}var colorArray = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'purple'];var color = 0;var seg = [];//主多边形seg = transform.scale($vert_subj, scaleX/spaceX, scaleY/spaceY);shape.pointDraw([].concat(seg), 'red', 1, 1, lable);//从多边形seg = transform.scale($vert_clip, scaleX/spaceX, scaleY/spaceY);shape.pointDraw([].concat(seg), 'blue', 1, 1, lable);plot.fillText('图:主多边形和从多边形的顶点', 10, 60, 300);}//</span>


<span style="font-size:18px;">#class ClipType: (Intersection, Union, Difference, Xor) = range(4)class PolyType:    (Subject, Clip) = range(2)class PolyFillType: (EvenOdd, NonZero, Positive, Negative) = range(4)class JoinType: (Square, Round, Miter) = range(3)class EndType: (Closed, Butt, Square, Round) = range(4)class EdgeSide: (Left, Right) = range(2)class Protects: (Neither, Left, Right, Both) = range(4)class Direction: (LeftToRight, RightToLeft) = range(2)class LocalMinima(object):    leftBound = rightBound = nextLm = None    #根据坐标的y值确定它的等高扫描线的左右范围    def __init__(self, y, leftBound, rightBound):        self.y = y        self.leftBound = leftBound        self.rightBound = rightBoundclass Scanbeam(object):    __slots__ = ('y','nextSb')    def __init__(self, y, nextSb = None):        self.y = y        self.nextSb = nextSb    def __repr__(self):        s = 'None'        if self.nextSb is not None: s = '<obj>'        return "(y:%i, nextSb:%s)" % (self.y, s)#交点class IntersectNode(object):    __slots__ = ('e1','e2','pt','nextIn')    def __init__(self, e1, e2, pt):        self.e1 = e1        self.e2 = e2        self.pt = pt        self.nextIn = Noneclass OutPt(object):    __slots__ = ('idx','pt','prevOp','nextOp')    def __init__(self, idx, pt):        #从最外圈数进去第几个环,从-1开始计数        self.idx = idx        self.pt = pt        self.prevOp = None        self.nextOp = Noneclass OutRec(object):    __slots__ = ('idx','bottomPt','isHole','FirstLeft', 'pts','PolyNode')    def __init__(self, idx):        self.idx = idx        self.bottomPt = None        self.isHole = False        self.FirstLeft = None        self.pts = None        self.PolyNode = Noneclass JoinRec(object):    __slots__ = ('pt1a','pt1b','poly1Idx','pt2a', 'pt2b','poly2Idx')class HorzJoin(object):    edge = None    savedIdx = 0    prevHj = None    nextHj = None    def __init__(self, edge, idx):        self.edge = edge        self.savedIdx = idx        #===============================================================================# Unit global functions ...#===============================================================================def IntsToPoints(ints):    result = []    for i in range(0, len(ints), 2):        result.append(Point(ints[i], ints[i+1]))    return resultdef Area(polygon):    # see http://www.mathopenref.com/coordpolygonarea2.html    highI = len(polygon) - 1    A = (polygon[highI].x + polygon[0].x) * (polygon[0].y - polygon[highI].y)    for i in range(highI):        A += (polygon[i].x + polygon[i+1].x) * (polygon[i+1].y - polygon[i].y)    return float(A) / 2def Orientation(polygon):    return Area(polygon) > 0.0#===============================================================================# Edge class #===============================================================================class Edge(object):    def __init__(self):#界定范围的六个量        #边是从y轴从小到大划线, top代表边的y值较小的点        self.xBot, self.yBot, self.xCurr, self.yCurr, = 0, 0, 0, 0        self.xTop, self.yTop = 0, 0#斜率相关三个量        self.dx, self.deltaX , self.deltaY = Decimal(0), Decimal(0), Decimal(0)#类型两个量        self.polyType = PolyType.Subject         self.side = EdgeSide.Left#穿插回转指示量三个        self.windDelta, self.windCnt, self.windCnt2 = 0, 0, 0 #        self.outIdx = -1#相关边和线段七个量        self.nextE, self.prevE, self.nextInLML = None, None, None        self.prevInAEL, self.nextInAEL, self.prevInSEL, self.nextInSEL = None, None, None, None            def __repr__(self):        return "(%i,%i . %i,%i {dx:%0.2f} %i {%x})" % \            (self.xBot, self.yBot, self.xTop, self.yTop, self.dx, self.outIdx, id(self))    def __str__(self):        return "[[%i, %i], [%i, %i]]" % (self.xBot, self.yBot, self.xTop, self.yTop)        #===============================================================================# ClipperBase class (+ data structs & ancilliary functions)#===============================================================================#是否相同点def _PointsEqual(pt1, pt2):    return (pt1.x == pt2.x) and (pt1.y == pt2.y)#是否相同斜率def _SlopesEqual(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 = None):    if pt4 is None:        return (pt1.y-pt2.y)*(pt2.x-pt3.x) == (pt1.x-pt2.x)*(pt2.y-pt3.y)    else:        return (pt1.y-pt2.y)*(pt3.x-pt4.x) == (pt1.x-pt2.x)*(pt3.y-pt4.y)def _SlopesEqual2(e1, e2):    return e1.deltaY * e2.deltaX == e1.deltaX * e2.deltaY#边的斜率def _SetDx(e):    #两端点的dx    e.deltaX = Decimal(e.xTop - e.xBot)    #两端点的dy    e.deltaY = Decimal(e.yTop - e.yBot)    if e.deltaY == 0: e.dx = horizontal    else: e.dx = e.deltaX/e.deltaYdef _SwapSides(e1, e2):    side    = e1.side    e1.side = e2.side    e2.side = sidedef _SwapPolyIndexes(e1, e2):    idx       = e1.outIdx    e1.outIdx = e2.outIdx    e2.outIdx = idxdef _InitEdge(e, eNext, ePrev, pt, polyType):    e.nextE = eNext    e.prevE = ePrev    e.xCurr = pt.x    e.yCurr = pt.y    #边是从y轴从小到大划线, top代表边的y值较小的点    if e.yCurr >= e.nextE.yCurr:        e.xBot = e.xCurr        e.yBot = e.yCurr        e.xTop = e.nextE.xCurr        e.yTop = e.nextE.yCurr        e.windDelta = 1    else:        e.xTop = e.xCurr        e.yTop = e.yCurr        e.xBot = e.nextE.xCurr        e.yBot = e.nextE.yCurr        e.windDelta = -1    _SetDx(e)    e.outIdx = -1    e.PolyType = polyTypedef _SwapX(e):    e.xCurr = e.xTop    e.xTop = e.xBot    e.xBot = e.xCurr#===============================================================================# PolyNode & PolyTree classes (+ ancilliary functions)#===============================================================================class PolyNode(object):    """Node of PolyTree"""        def __init__(self):        self.Contour = []        self.Childs = []        self.Parent = None        self.Index = 0        self.ChildCount = 0        def IsHole(self):        result = True        while (self.Parent is not None):            result = not result            self.Parent = self.Parent.Parent        return result        def GetNext(self):        if (self.ChildCount > 0):            return self.Childs[0]        else:            return self._GetNextSiblingUp()        def _AddChild(self, node):        self.Childs.append(node)        node.Index = self.ChildCount        node.Parent = self        self.ChildCount += 1        def _GetNextSiblingUp(self):        if (self.Parent is None):            return None        elif (self.Index == self.Parent.ChildCount - 1):            return self.Parent._GetNextSiblingUp()        else:            return self.Parent.Childs[self.Index +1]class PolyTree(PolyNode):    """Container for PolyNodes"""    def __init__(self):        PolyNode.__init__(self)        self._AllNodes = []            def Clear(self):        self._AllNodes = []        self.Childs = []        self.ChildCount = 0        def GetFirst(self):        if (self.ChildCount > 0):            return self.Childs[0]        else:            return None        def Total(self):        return len(self._AllNodes)def _AddPolyNodeToPolygons(polynode, polygons):    """Internal function for PolyTreeToPolygons()"""    if (len(polynode.Contour) > 0):        polygons.append(polynode.Contour)    for i in range(polynode.ChildCount):        _AddPolyNodeToPolygons(polynode.Childs[i], polygons)def PolyTreeToPolygons(polyTree):    result = []    _AddPolyNodeToPolygons(polyTree, result)    return resultclass ClipperBase(object):    def __init__(self):        self._EdgeList      = []       # 2D array        self._LocalMinList  = None     # single-linked list of LocalMinima        self._CurrentLocMin = None            def _InsertLocalMinima(self, lm):        if self._LocalMinList is None:            self._LocalMinList = lm        elif lm.y >= self._LocalMinList.y:            lm.nextLm = self._LocalMinList            self._LocalMinList = lm        else:            tmp = self._LocalMinList            while tmp.nextLm is not None and lm.y < tmp.nextLm.y:                    tmp = tmp.nextLm            lm.nextLm = tmp.nextLm            tmp.nextLm = lm    def _AddBoundsToLML(self, e):        e.nextInLML = None        e = e.nextE        while True:            if e.dx == horizontal:                if (e.nextE.yTop < e.yTop) and (e.nextE.xBot > e.prevE.xBot): break                if (e.xTop != e.prevE.xBot): _SwapX(e)                e.nextInLML = e.prevE            elif e.yBot == e.prevE.yBot: break            else: e.nextInLML = e.prevE            e = e.nextE        if e.dx == horizontal:            if (e.xBot != e.prevE.xBot): _SwapX(e)            lm = LocalMinima(e.prevE.yBot, e.prevE, e)        elif (e.dx < e.prevE.dx):            lm = LocalMinima(e.prevE.yBot, e.prevE, e)        else:            lm = LocalMinima(e.prevE.yBot, e, e.prevE)        lm.leftBound.side = EdgeSide.Left        lm.rightBound.side = EdgeSide.Right        self._InsertLocalMinima(lm)        while True:            if e.nextE.yTop == e.yTop and e.nextE.dx != horizontal: break            e.nextInLML = e.nextE            e = e.nextE            if e.dx == horizontal and e.xBot != e.prevE.xTop: _SwapX(e)        return e.nextE    def _Reset(self):        lm = self._LocalMinList        if lm is not None: self._CurrentLocMin = lm        while lm is not None:            e = lm.leftBound            while e is not None:                e.xCurr    = e.xBot                e.yCurr    = e.yBot                e.side     = EdgeSide.Left                e.outIdx = -1                e = e.nextInLML            e = lm.rightBound            while e is not None:                e.xCurr    = e.xBot                e.yCurr    = e.yBot                e.side     = EdgeSide.Right                e.outIdx = -1                e = e.nextInLML            lm = lm.nextLm                def AddPolygon(self, polygon, polyType):        ln = len(polygon)        if ln < 3: return False        pg = polygon[:]        j = 0        # remove duplicate points and co-linear points        for i in range(1, len(polygon)):            if _PointsEqual(pg[j], polygon[i]):                 continue            elif (j > 0) and _SlopesEqual(pg[j-1], pg[j], polygon[i]):                if _PointsEqual(pg[j-1], polygon[i]): j -= 1            else: j += 1            pg[j] = polygon[i]        if (j < 2): return False        # remove duplicate points and co-linear edges at the loop around        # of the start and end coordinates ...        ln = j +1        while (ln > 2):            if _PointsEqual(pg[j], pg[0]): j -= 1            elif _PointsEqual(pg[0], pg[1]) or _SlopesEqual(pg[j], pg[0], pg[1]):                pg[0] = pg[j]                j -= 1            elif _SlopesEqual(pg[j-1], pg[j], pg[0]): j -= 1            elif _SlopesEqual(pg[0], pg[1], pg[2]):                for i in range(2, j +1): pg[i-1] = pg[i]                j -= 1            else: break            ln -= 1        if ln < 3: return False        edges = []        for i in range(ln):            edges.append(Edge())        edges[0].xCurr = pg[0].x        edges[0].yCurr = pg[0].y        _InitEdge(edges[ln-1], edges[0], edges[ln-2], pg[ln-1], polyType)        for i in range(ln-2, 0, -1):            _InitEdge(edges[i], edges[i+1], edges[i-1], pg[i], polyType)        _InitEdge(edges[0], edges[1], edges[ln-1], pg[0], polyType)        e = edges[0]        eHighest = e        while True:            e.xCurr = e.xBot            e.yCurr = e.yBot            if e.yTop < eHighest.yTop: eHighest = e            e = e.nextE            if e == edges[0]: break        # make sure eHighest is positioned so the following loop works safely ...        if eHighest.windDelta > 0: eHighest = eHighest.nextE        if eHighest.dx == horizontal: eHighest = eHighest.nextE        # finally insert each local minima ...        e = eHighest        while True:            e = self._AddBoundsToLML(e)            if e == eHighest: break        self._EdgeList.append(edges)    def AddPolygons(self, polygons, polyType):        result = False        for p in polygons:            if self.AddPolygon(p, polyType): result = True        return result    def Clear(self):        self._EdgeList = []        self._LocalMinList    = None        self._CurrentLocMin = None    def _PopLocalMinima(self):        if self._CurrentLocMin is not None:            self._CurrentLocMin = self._CurrentLocMin.nextLmclass Clipper(ClipperBase):    def __init__(self):        ClipperBase.__init__(self)#测试生成边集def tmp():    vert_subj =  [[199, 133], [577, 464], [468, 386], [130, 128], [336, 140], [324, 418], [91, 223], [67, 455], [168, 458], [639, 227]]    vert_clip =  [[233, 423], [193, 76], [369, 373], [538, 416], [155, 301], [215, 323], [82, 473], [136, 405], [466, 145], [250, 336], [480, 218], [135, 320], [492, 135], [40, 361], [467, 323], [347, 26]]    c = Clipper()    pft = PolyFillType.EvenOdd    subj, clip = [], [];    for i in range(len(vert_subj)):        subj.append(Point(vert_subj[i][0], vert_subj[i][1]));    for i in range(len(vert_clip)):        clip.append(Point(vert_clip[i][0], vert_clip[i][1]));        c.AddPolygons([subj], PolyType.Subject)    c.AddPolygons([clip], PolyType.Clip);    for i in range(len(c._EdgeList)):        s = '[';        print(len(c._EdgeList[i]));        for j in range(len(c._EdgeList[i])):            s += str(c._EdgeList[i][j]);            s += ',';        s += ']';        print(s);>>> 10[[[577, 464], [199, 133]],[[577, 464], [468, 386]],[[468, 386], [130, 128]],[[336, 140], [130, 128]],[[324, 418], [336, 140]],[[324, 418], [91, 223]],[[67, 455], [91, 223]],[[168, 458], [67, 455]],[[168, 458], [639, 227]],[[639, 227], [199, 133]],]16[[[233, 423], [193, 76]],[[369, 373], [193, 76]],[[538, 416], [369, 373]],[[538, 416], [155, 301]],[[215, 323], [155, 301]],[[82, 473], [215, 323]],[[82, 473], [136, 405]],[[136, 405], [466, 145]],[[250, 336], [466, 145]],[[250, 336], [480, 218]],[[135, 320], [480, 218]],[[135, 320], [492, 135]],[[40, 361], [492, 135]],[[40, 361], [467, 323]],[[467, 323], [347, 26]],[[233, 423], [347, 26]],]>>>#</span>

<span style="font-size:18px;">//if (1) {var r = 20;              config.setSector(8,15,7,2);                config.graphPaper2D(0, 0, r);              config.axis2D(0, 0, 450, 1.2);   //坐标轴设定                var scaleX = 2*r, scaleY = 2*r;                  var spaceX = 50, spaceY = 50;                   var xS = 0, xE = 640;                  var yS = 0, yE = 480;                  config.axisSpacing(xS, xE, spaceX, scaleX, 'X');                    config.axisSpacing(yS, yE, spaceY, scaleY, 'Y');                                        var transform = new Transform();    var lable = [];for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {lable.push(i.toFixed(0));}var colorArray = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'purple'];var color = 0;var seg = [];var subjEdges = $subj_edge.length;var clipEdges = $clip_edge.length;for (var i = 0; i < subjEdges; i++) {seg = transform.scale($subj_edge[i], scaleX/spaceX, scaleY/spaceY);shape.multiLineDraw([].concat(seg), 'red');}for (var i = 0; i < clipEdges; i++) {seg = transform.scale($clip_edge[i], scaleX/spaceX, scaleY/spaceY);shape.multiLineDraw([].concat(seg), 'blue');}//主多边形seg = transform.scale($vert_subj, scaleX/spaceX, scaleY/spaceY);shape.pointDraw([].concat(seg), 'red', 1, 1, lable);//从多边形seg = transform.scale($vert_clip, scaleX/spaceX, scaleY/spaceY);shape.pointDraw([].concat(seg), 'blue', 1, 1, lable);plot.fillText('图:主多边形和从多边形的边', 10, 60, 300);}//</span>


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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 第一次太疼了有心理阴影了怎么办 天梭机械表调了时间忽然慢怎么办 支付宝信用住到酒店没房间怎么办 拳头打在硬上骨头肿了怎么办 领导决策出现了失误你该怎么办 我的直销团队走到瓶颈了怎么办 孕妇8个月便秘大便带血怎么办 爱他美金装冲泡有泡沫怎么办 做雅思听力时理解不了原文怎么办 英国读语言班不想读研了怎么办 英国读研本科学位不够分怎么办 英国华威大学读研没分到宿舍怎么办 英国留学申请大学成绩没通过怎么办 很想上专升本但是专科挂科怎么办 英国学校申请的gpa太低了怎么办 博士面试通过后导师不签名怎么办 资助出国留学协议书写错了怎么办 人生最低谷运气最差的时候怎么办 孩子出国留学一年后想回国怎么办 领导给我娃的钱我怎么办 在西浦大三成绩不好影响申研怎么办 日本国想在中国开分公司要怎么办 美国生完孩子做飞机婴儿怎么办 会计专硕复试英语面试不好怎么办 被打过狂犬疫苗的狗咬了怎么办 保姆和雇主带孩子玩受伤了怎么办 银行流水造假拒签10年怎么办 老师进修被学校扣工资该怎么办 老婆性格太倔结婚一年想离婚怎么办 天正打图窗户线条太粗怎么办 孩子在幼儿园不敢跟老师说话怎么办 温州教育准考证号密码忘了怎么办 高等继续教育网打不开课程怎么办 安运继续教育的登录密码忘了怎么办 金蝶k3账套管理打不开了怎么办 仁和会计课堂app不能用怎么办 光大银行已经下卡了终审被拒怎么办 过了上诉期和申诉期该怎么办 北外大四学生要实习半年课程怎么办 电脑发给手机的文件过期了怎么办 农民给土地卖了30年后怎么办