python 小脚本 通过关键词在百度网盘 搜索 高清电影并生成html浏览

来源:互联网 发布:小册子打印软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 04:32


  1. 保持脚本为,然后 python -h 查看帮助。

  2. -p:指定第几页; -k:关键词

  3. 把符合的电影最后生成Html文件然后浏览(文件位置自己再修改下或者改成动态的吧)。

  4. 设置alias:alias baidu="python",然后 在命令行中 执行 baidu -p 1 -k 2016

  5. 脚本地址:

  6. 脚本:

#! /usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# __author__ = 'kute'# __mtime__ = '16/10/22 17:49'"""关键词 过滤  查看 百度网盘的高清电影太懒了我"""import argparseimport requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport dominatefrom dominate.tags import meta, div, table, tr, td, aimport webbrowserclass GetFilm(object):    def __init__(self, page=1, keyword="2016"): = page or 1        self.keyword = keyword        self.baiduurl = "{}"        self.baidufile = "/Users/kute/Desktop/baidu.html"    def request(self):        print("========1. Curent page is {} and the keyword is {}.========".format(, self.keyword))        res = requests.get(self.baiduurl.format(        parse = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")        tbodylist ="tbody[id^='normalthread']")        filmlist = []        for tbody in tbodylist:            parse2 = BeautifulSoup(str(, "html.parser")            a = parse2.select_one("a[class='s xst']")            if self.keyword:                if a.string.find(self.keyword) != -1:                    filmlist.append((a["href"], a.string))            else:                filmlist.append((a["href"], a.string))        print("========2. Finish scrapy the page and begin generate the html:{}.========".format(self.baidufile))        self.generate_html(filmlist)    def generate_html(self, filmlist):        doc = dominate.document(title='Dominate your HTML')        with doc.head:            meta({"http-equiv": "Content-Type", "content": "text/html; charset=UTF-8"})        with doc:            with div():                with table():                    for url, text in filmlist:                        with tr():                            with td():                                a(text, href=url, target="_blank")        with open(self.baidufile, "w") as f:            f.write(doc.render())        print("========3. All finished, have a look please.========")"file://{}".format(self.baidufile), new=0, autoraise=True)def main():    parse = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate films file")    parse.add_argument("-k", "--keyword", help="the film year you want to see, default 2016")    parse.add_argument("-p", "--page", help="next page loop, default 1")    args = parse.parse_args()    g = GetFilm(, args.keyword)    g.request()if __name__ == '__main__':    main()
  1. 效果:
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