
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝泳装买家秀 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 19:04

1 时间常有,时间在于优先

There’s always time, time is priorities;

2 时间总会有的,每天只计划4~5小时真正的工作时间

Only plan for 4 5 hours of real work per day

3 当你再状态的时候,就多干点;不然就好好休息;有时候连看几天不是工作状态,有时候在工作状态却又能天天忙活12小时,这都很正常

Work more when you’re in the zone, relax when you’re not;

”it's normal to have days where you just can’t work and days where you’ll work 12 hours straight”


4 重视你的时间,并使其值得重视,你的时间值1000美元/小时,你的动起来;

Respect your time and make it respected;

5 不要多任务,这样只会消耗注意力,保持专注,一心一用;

Stop multi-tasking. It merely kills your focus;

6 养成工作习惯,并持之以恒,你的身体会适应

Set up work routine and stick to it, your body will adapt;

7 在有限的时间内,我们总是非常专注并且有效率

We’re always more focused and productive with limited time;

8 进入工作状态的最好方式就是工作,从小任务开始做起,让工作运转起来;

Work is the best way to get working, start with short tasks to get the ball rolling;

9 迭代工作,期待完美收工会令人窒息“做完事情,要胜于完美收工”

Doing is better than perfect;

10 工作时间越长,并不意味着效率越高;

More work hours doesn’t mean more productivity. Use constrains as opportunities;

11 按照工作重要性来工作,提高效率

Separate thinking and execution to execute faster and think better

Separate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive;

12 有会议就尽早安排,用于准备会议的时间往往都浪费掉了

Organize meetings early during the day. Time leading up to and event if often wasted.

13 把会议和沟通(电话和邮件)结合,创造不间断工作时间:一个小会也会毁了一个下午,因为他会把时间撕成两个较小的时间段,以至于啥也干不成。

A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in.

Group meetings and communication (email or phone) to create blocks of uniterrupted work.

14 一整天保持相同的工作环境,在项目和客户之间切换会效率低

Keep the same context throughout the day. Switching between projects/clients is unproductive

15 番茄工作法


16 把不切实际的任务分割成合理的小任务,只要每天都完成小任务,你就会越来越接近那个大目标了。

Break the unreasonable down into little reasonable chunks. A big goal is only achieved when every little thing that you do everyday. Get you closer to that goal.

17 从来没有两个任务会有相同的优先级,总会有更总要的,仔细考虑待办事情列表

No 2 task ever hold the same importance, always prioritize. Be really careful with to-do lists..

18 必须清楚白天必须完成的那件事,是什么,只去做那件有着重大影响的事情

Only ever work on the thing that will have the biggest impact

19 把任务按照时间分段,就能感觉它快被搞定了

Break tasks into hour increments. Long tasks are hard to get into; feels like it all needs to get done.

20 授权并擅用他人的力量 君子善假与物也,如果某件事情他人可以做到八成,那就交给他去做

Delegate and learn to make use of other people

21 把昨天翻过去,只考虑今天和明天。昨天的全垒打赢不了今天的比赛

Turn the page on yesterday. Only ever think about today and tomorrow.

22 给所有事情都设定一个期限,不要让工作无期限的进行下去

Set deadlines for everything. Don’t let tasks go on indefinitely

23 针对事件紧或者有压力的任务,设置结束时间,万事皆可始终

Set end dates for intense or stressful activities. Everything ends at some point.

24 多记,多做笔记

Get a reminder app for everything. Do not trust your own brain for your memory

Always take note

25 进入高校工作状态后,记下任何分散你注意力的东西,比如google搜索词,灵光乍现的想法,新点子等等。如果你把他们记下来,她们就不会再蹦来蹦去了

Write down anything that distracts you google searches, random thoughts, new ideas, whatever the point is, if you write down them down, they’ll stop bubbling up when you’re in the zone

26 休息

Take breaks sometimes

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