HDU5927 Auxiliary Set(dfs)

来源:互联网 发布:js面向对象编程案例 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 08:00

Auxiliary Set

Time Limit: 9000/4500 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 937    Accepted Submission(s): 289

Problem Description
Given a rooted tree with n vertices, some of the vertices are important.

An auxiliary set is a set containing vertices satisfying at least one of the two conditions:

It is an important vertex
It is the least common ancestor of two different important vertices.

You are given a tree with n vertices (1 is the root) and q queries.

Each query is a set of nodes which indicates the unimportant vertices in the tree. Answer the size (i.e. number of vertices) of the auxiliary set for each query.

The first line contains only one integer T (T1000), which indicates the number of test cases.

For each test case, the first line contains two integers n (1n100000), q (0q100000).

In the following n -1 lines, the i-th line contains two integers ui,vi(1ui,vin) indicating there is an edge between uii and vi in the tree.

In the next q lines, the i-th line first comes with an integer mi(1mi100000) indicating the number of vertices in the query set.Then comes with mi different integers, indicating the nodes in the query set.

It is guaranteed that qi=1mi100000.

It is also guaranteed that the number of test cases in which n1000  orqi=1mi1000 is no more than 10.

For each test case, first output one line "Case #x:", where x is the case number (starting from 1).

Then q lines follow, i-th line contains an integer indicating the size of the auxiliary set for each query.

Sample Input
16 36 42 55 41 55 33 1 2 31 53 3 1 4

Sample Output
Case #1:363
For the query {1,2, 3}:•node 4, 5, 6 are important nodes For the query {5}:•node 1,2, 3, 4, 6 are important nodes•node 5 is the lea of node 4 and node 3 For the query {3, 1,4}:• node 2, 5, 6 are important nodes

2016CCPC东北地区大学生程序设计竞赛 - 重现赛
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define maxn 100010int head[maxn<<1], tot;int son[maxn], fa[maxn], cop[maxn];int dep[maxn], d[maxn];struct node{    int to, next;}G[maxn<<1];void add(int u, int v){    G[tot].to = v;    G[tot].next = head[u];    head[u] = tot++;}void dfs(int now, int pre){    fa[now] = pre, son[now] = 0, dep[now] = dep[pre]+1;    for(int i = head[now];i != -1;i = G[i].next){        int to = G[i].to;        if(to==pre) continue;        dfs(to, now);        son[now]++;    }}bool cmp(int a, int b){    return dep[a] > dep[b];}int main(){    int T, n, q, u, v, k = 1, m, i, j, ans;    scanf("%d", &T);    while(T--){        scanf("%d %d", &n, &q);        tot = 1;        memset(head, -1, sizeof head);        for(i = 0;i < n-1;i++){            scanf("%d %d", &u, &v);            add(u, v);            add(v, u);        }        printf("Case #%d:\n", k++);        dfs(1, 0);        for(i = 0;i < q;i++){            scanf("%d", &m);            for(j = 0;j < m;j++) scanf("%d", &d[j]);            sort(d, d+m, cmp);            for(j = 0;j < m;j++) cop[d[j]] = son[d[j]];            ans = n-m;            for(j = 0;j < m;j++){                if(cop[d[j]]>=2) ans++;                else if(cop[d[j]]==0) cop[fa[d[j]]]--;            }            printf("%d\n", ans);        }    }}

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