
来源:互联网 发布:查看路由器mac地址 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 13:16


path = 'E:\car\20160918MA\data\image\';  pth = 'E:\car\20160918MA\data\imgtmp\';fileExt = '*.jpg';  files = dir(fullfile(path,fileExt));  len = size(files);  for i=1:len  fileName = strcat(path,files(i,1).name)copyfile(fileName, pth);   end; 


% <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">RangTraversal script</span>
function [ mFiles ] = RangTraversal( strPath )      %定义两数组,分别保存文件和路径      mFiles = cell(0,0);      mPath  = cell(0,0);            mPath{1}=strPath;      [r,c] = size(mPath);      while c ~= 0          strPath = mPath{1};          Files = dir(fullfile( strPath,'*.*'));          LengthFiles = length(Files);          if LengthFiles == 0              break;          end          mPath(1)=[];          iCount = 1;          while LengthFiles>0              if Files(iCount).isdir==1                  if Files(iCount).name ~='.'                      filePath = [strPath  Files(iCount).name '/'];                      [r,c] = size(mPath);                      mPath{c+1}= filePath;                  end              else                  filePath = [strPath  Files(iCount).name];                  [row,col] = size(mFiles);                  mFiles{col+1}=filePath;              end                LengthFiles = LengthFiles-1;              iCount = iCount+1;          end          [r,c] = size(mPath);      end        mFiles = mFiles';  end 


%% The directory of your files  str = 'E:/car/20160918MA/data/label/';  pth = 'E:\car\20160918MA\data\mark\';  %% The use of depth-first walk  %mFiles = [];  %[mFiles, iFilesCount] = DeepTravel(str,mFiles,0)  %mFiles = mFiles';    %% The use of breadth first walk  mFiles2 = RangTraversal(str)  len = size(mFiles2);  for i=1:len  fileName =mFiles2{i};copyfile(fileName, pth);   end; 




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