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SQL Server提供了大量的函数,




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SQL Server里面有十六进制转化为十进制的函数吗







MS SQL Server 2000 中文模糊搜寻存储过程及函数





SQL code
T-SQL: 15 个与日期时间相关的精典语句函数T-SQL: 15 个与日期时间相关的自定义函数(UDF),周日作为周的最后一天,均不受 @@DateFirst、语言版本影响都是从老文章里收集或提炼出来的!提示:(@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 判断周几是最保险的! 与 @@DateFirst 无关,与语言版本无关@@DateFirst 可能会导致 datepart(weekday,@Date) 不一样!无论 @@DateFirst 等于几,无论是什么语言版本的 SQL Server 下面永远恒成立!(@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)): 2345601 分别代表 周一 到 周日-- */create function udf_GetAge(@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime)returns integer-- 返回精确年龄 select dbo.udf_GetAge('1949-10-01',getdate())beginreturn datediff(year,@StartDate,@EndDate) - case when datediff(day,dateadd(year,datediff(year,@StartDate,@EndDate),@StartDate),@EndDate) >= 0 then 0 else 1 endendgocreate function udf_DaysOfYearByDate(@Date datetime)RETURNS integer-- 返回年的天数 可判断 平(365)、润(366) 年beginreturn datediff(day,dateadd(year,datediff(year,0,@Date),0),dateadd(year,datediff(year,0,@Date )+1,0))endgocreate function udf_DaysOfYear(@Year integer)RETURNS integer-- 返回年的天数 可判断 平(365)、润(366) 年beginreturn datediff(day,dateadd(year,@year - year(0),0),dateadd(year,@year - year(0) + 1,0))endgocreate function udf_HalfDay(@Date datetime)returns datetime-- 返回 @Date 是 上午 返回 @Date 的零点,@Date 是 下午 返回 @Date 的十二点asbeginreturn case when datepart(hour,@Date) gocreate function udf_WeekDiff(@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime)returns integer-- 返回 [@StartDate , @EndDate] 之间周数 周日是当周的最后一天beginreturn datediff(week,@StartDate,@EndDate) -- + 1 + case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@StartDate)) % 7 = 1 then 1 else 0 end - case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@EndDate)) % 7 = 1 then 1 else 0 endendgocreate function udf_WeekOfMonth(@Date datetime)-- 返回 @Date 是所在月的第几周 周日是当周的最后一天returns integerasbeginreturn datediff(week ,case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,@Date),0))) % 7 = 1 then dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,@Date),0) - 1 else dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,@Date),0) end ,case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 1 then @Date-1 else @Date end ) + 1endgocreate function udf_WeekOfQuarter(@Date datetime)-- 返回 @Date 是所在季度的第几周 周日是当周的最后一天returns intasbeginreturn datediff(week ,case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,dateadd(Quarter,datediff(Quarter,0,@Date),0))) % 7 = 1 then dateadd(Quarter,datediff(Quarter,0,@Date),0) - 1 else dateadd(Quarter,datediff(Quarter,0,@Date),0) end ,case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 1 then @Date - 1 else @Date end ) + 1endgocreate function udf_WeekOfYear(@Date datetime)-- 返回 @Date 是所在年的第几周 周日是当周的最后一天returns intasbeginreturn datediff(week ,case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,dateadd(day,0,datediff(day,0,dateadd(year,datediff(year,0,@Date),0))))) % 7 = 1 then dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(day,0,datediff(day,0,dateadd(year,datediff(year,0,@Date),0)))) else dateadd(day,0,datediff(day,0,dateadd(year,datediff(year,0,@Date),0))) --date 所在年的第一天 即: 一月一号 end ,case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 1 then dateadd(day,-1,@Date) else @Date end ) + 1endgocreate function udf_WeekDay(@ int,@Date datetime)returns datetime-- 返回 @Date 映射到 所在周的其他天 周日是当周的最后一天begin/*--周日算作(上一)周的最后一天 当 @ = 7 代表将 @Date 映射到 所在周的星期日可用于按周汇总 Group by,均支持跨年跨月数据*/return dateadd(day ,case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 0 --周六 then case when @ between 1 and 6 then @ - 6 else 1 end when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 1 --周日(七) then case when @ between 1 and 6 then @ - 7 else 0 end when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 between 2 and 6 --周一至周五 then case when @ between 1 and 6 then @ + 1 - (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 else 8 - (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 end end ,@Date)endgocreate function udf_WeekdayDiff(@Weekday integer,@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime)returns integer-- -- 返回 [@StartDate , @EndDate] 之间周一 到 周日的个数 周日是当周的最后一天begin-- @Weekday: 1: Monday , ... ,7: Sundayreturn datediff(week,@StartDate,@EndDate) + case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@StartDate)) % 7 + case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@StartDate)) % 7 = 0 then 7 else 0 end > @Weekday % 7 + 1 then 0 else 1 end - case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@EndDate)) % 7 + case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@EndDate)) % 7 = 0 then 7 else 0 end >= @Weekday % 7 + 1 then 0 else 1 end/* test:declare @b datetimedeclare @e datetimeset @b = '2004-01-29'set @e = '2004-09-05'select @b as BeginDate ,@e as EndDate,dbo.udf_WeekdayDiff(1,@b,@e) as CountOfMonday,dbo.udf_WeekdayDiff(2,@b,@e) as CountOfTuesday,dbo.udf_WeekdayDiff(3,@b,@e) as CountOfWednesday,dbo.udf_WeekdayDiff(4,@b,@e) as CountOfThursday,dbo.udf_WeekdayDiff(5,@b,@e) as CountOfFriday,dbo.udf_WeekdayDiff(6,@b,@e) as CountOfSaturday,dbo.udf_WeekdayDiff(7,@b,@e) as CountOfSunday*/endgocreate function udf_WeekdayID(@Date datetime)returns integer-- 返回 @Date 是 Monday 返回 1, ... ,是 Sunday 返回 1begin--1: Monday , ... ,7: Sundayreturn (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 + case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 gocreate function udf_NextWorkDate(@Date datetime)returns datetime-- 返回 @Date 的下一个工作日begin/*declare @i intset @i = 3declare @Date datetimeset @Date = '2005-01-02'-- */return case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 6 -- Friday then dateadd(day,3,@Date) when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 0 -- saturday then dateadd(day,2,@Date) else dateadd(day,1,@Date) endendgo
SQL code
create function udf_PreviousWorkDate(@Date datetime)returns datetime-- 返回 @Date 的上一个工作日begin/*declare @i intset @i = 3declare @Date datetimeset @Date = '2005-01-02'-- */return case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 2 -- Monday then dateadd(day,-3,@Date) when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 1 -- Sunday then dateadd(day,-2,@Date) else dateadd(day,-1,@Date) endendgocreate function udf_WorkDateAdd(@i integer,@Date datetime)returns datetime-- 返回 @Date 加上一段 @i 个工作日的新值begindeclare @ intset @ = 0while @ = 0 then --dbo.udf_nextworkdate(@Date) case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 6 -- Friday then dateadd(day,3,@Date) when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 0 -- saturday then dateadd(day,2,@Date) else dateadd(day,1,@Date) end else --dbo.udf_previousworkdate(@Date) case when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 2 -- Monday then dateadd(day,-3,@Date) when (@@Datefirst + datepart(weekday,@Date)) % 7 = 1 -- Sunday then dateadd(day,-2,@Date) else dateadd(day,-1,@Date) end end set @ = @ + 1 endreturn @Dateendgocreate function udf_GetStar (@ datetime)RETURNS varchar(100)-- 返回日期所属星座BEGINRETURN(--declare @ datetime--set @ = getdate()select max(star)from(select '魔羯座' as star,1 as [month],1 as [day]union all select '水瓶座',1,20union all select '双鱼座',2,19union all select '牡羊座',3,21union all select '金牛座',4,20union all select '双子座',5,21union all select '巨蟹座',6,22union all select '狮子座',7,23union all select '处女座',8,23union all select '天秤座',9,23union all select '天蝎座',10,24union all select '射手座',11,22union all select '魔羯座',12,22) starswhere dateadd(month,[month] - 1,dateadd(year,year(@) - year(0),0)) + [day] - 1 =(select max(dateadd(month,[month] - 1,dateadd(year,year(@) - year(0),0)) + [day] - 1)from (select '魔羯座' as star,1 as [month],1 as [day]union all select '水瓶座',1,20union all select '双鱼座',2,19union all select '牡羊座',3,21union all select '金牛座',4,20union all select '双子座',5,21union all select '巨蟹座',6,22union all select '狮子座',7,23union all select '处女座',8,23union all select '天秤座',9,23union all select '天蝎座',10,24union all select '射手座',11,22union all select '魔羯座',12,22) starswhere @ >= dateadd(month,[month] - 1,dateadd(year,year(@) - year(0),0)) + [day] - 1))endSQL Server 日期算法一周的第一天select @@DATEFIRST一个月的第一天 select dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,getdate()),0)本周的星期一 select dateadd(wk,datediff(wk,0,getdate()),0)一年的第一天 SELECT DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0) 季度的第一天 SELECT DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(qq,0,getdate()), 0) 当天的零时SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getdate()), 0) 上个月的最后一天 :本月第一天减2ms.SELECT dateadd(ms,-2,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0)) 本月的最后一天 SELECT dateadd(ms,-2,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())+1, 0)) 本月的第一个星期一 去掉时分秒 DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day,0,getdate()), 0) 显示星期几 select datename(weekday,getdate()) 如何取得某个月的天数 SELECT Day(dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())+1, 0))) 判断是否闰年: SELECT case day(dateadd(mm, 2, dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)))) when 28 then '平年' else '闰年' end 一个季度多少天 declare @m tinyint,@time smalldatetime select @m=month(getdate()) select @m=case when @m between 1 and 3 then 1 when @m between 4 and 6 then 4 when @m between 7 and 9 then 7 else 10 end select @time=datename(year,getdate())+'-'+convert(varchar(10),@m)+'-01' select datediff(day,@time,dateadd(mm,3,@time))
SQL code
/*=============================================*//* Author: roy_88 */--2 实现全角与半角字符转换的处理函数CREATE FUNCTION f_Convert(@str NVARCHAR(4000), --要转换的字符串@flag bit --转换标志,0转换成半角,1转换成全角)RETURNS nvarchar(4000)ASBEGIN DECLARE @pat nvarchar(8),@step int,@i int,@spc int IF @flag=0 SELECT @pat=N'%[!-~]%',@step=-65248, @str=REPLACE(@str,N' ',N' ') ELSE SELECT @pat=N'%[!-~]%',@step=65248, @str=REPLACE(@str,N' ',N' ') SET @i=PATINDEX(@pat COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN,@str) WHILE @i>0 SELECT @str=REPLACE(@str, SUBSTRING(@str,@i,1), NCHAR(UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@str,@i,1))+@step)) ,@i=PATINDEX(@pat COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN,@str) RETURN(@str)ENDGOdeclare T_cursor cursor local forselect a.Name, b.Name from sysobjects a join syscolumns b on a.ID=b.IDjoin systypes c on c.xusertype=b.Xtypewhere a.xtype='U' and c.Name in('nvarchar','nchar','varchar','char')declare @tabName sysname,@ColName sysnameopen T_cursorfetch next from T_cursor into @tabName,@ColNamewhile @@fetch_status=0begin exec('update '+@tabName+' set '+@ColName+'=dbo.f_Convert('+@ColName+',0) where PATINDEX(N''%[!-~]%'' COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN'+','+@ColName+')>0' fetch next from T_cursor into @tabName,@ColNameendclose T_cursordeallocate T_cursor-----------------------------------------改列的数据全角为半角declare T_cursor cursor local forselect a.Name, b.Name from sysobjects a join syscolumns b on a.ID=b.IDjoin systypes c on c.xusertype=b.Xtypewhere a.xtype='U' and c.Name in('nvarchar','nchar','varchar','char')declare @tabName sysname,@ColName sysnameopen T_cursorfetch next from T_cursor into @tabName,@ColNamewhile @@fetch_status=0begin exec('update '+@tabName+' set '+@ColName+'=dbo.f_Convert('+@ColName+',0) where PATINDEX(N''%[!-~]%'' COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN'+','+@ColName+')>0')--少了) fetch next from T_cursor into @tabName,@ColNameendclose T_cursordeallocate T_cursorgo--改列名全角为半角declare T_cursor cursor local forselect a.Name, b.Name from sysobjects a join syscolumns b on a.ID=b.IDwhere a.xtype='U' and PATINDEX(N'%[!-~]%' COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN,b.Name)>0declare @tabName sysname,@ColName sysnameopen T_cursorfetch next from T_cursor into @tabName,@ColNamewhile @@fetch_status=0begin exec('exe sp_rename '''+@tabName+'.'+@ColName+''',''dbo.f_Convert('+@ColName+',0)''') fetch next from T_cursor into @tabName,@ColNameendclose T_cursordeallocate T_cursor--------------------------------------------------------改列名全角为半角declare T_cursor cursor local forselect a.Name+'.'+b.Name,NameNew=dbo.f_Convert(b.Name)from sysobjects a join syscolumns b on a.ID=b.IDwhere a.xtype='U' and PATINDEX(N'%[!-~]%' COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN,b.Name)>0declare @tabName sysname,@ColName sysnameopen T_cursorfetch next from T_cursor into @tabName,@ColNamewhile @@fetch_status=0begin exe sp_rename @tabName,@ColName fetch next from T_cursor into @tabName,@ColNameendclose T_cursordeallocate T_cursor
SQL code
---------------------------就用树型表,可到N级.参考如下:create table tb(id int, name varchar(10), pid int, px int)insert into tb values(0 , '栏目分类', 0 , 1)insert into tb values(1 , '动物' , 0 , 1) insert into tb values(2 , '视频' , 0 , 2) insert into tb values(3 , '老虎' , 1 , 1) insert into tb values(4 , '狮子' , 1 , 2) insert into tb values(5 , '搞笑' , 2 , 1) go--查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数 CREATE FUNCTION f_Cid(@ID int) RETURNS @t_Level TABLE(ID int,Level int) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Level int SET @Level=1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT @ID,@Level WHILE @@ROWCOUNT>0 BEGIN SET @Level=@Level+1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT a.ID,@Level FROM tb a,@t_Level b WHERE a.PID=b.ID AND b.Level=@Level-1 END RETURN END GO --调用函数查询id = 1及其所有子节点 SELECT a.* FROM tb a,f_Cid(1) b WHERE a.ID=b.ID /*id name pid px ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- 1 动物 0 13 老虎 1 14 狮子 1 2(所影响的行数为 3 行)*/drop table tbdrop function dbo.f_cid----------------------------------BOM算法--产品配件清单查询示例(邹建)CREATE TABLE Item(ID int,Name varchar(10),Wast decimal(2,2))INSERT Item SELECT 1,N'A产品',0.01UNION ALL SELECT 2,N'B产品',0.02UNION ALL SELECT 3,N'C产品',0.10UNION ALL SELECT 4,N'D配件',0.15UNION ALL SELECT 5,N'E物料',0.03UNION ALL SELECT 6,N'F物料',0.01UNION ALL SELECT 7,N'G配件',0.02CREATE TABLE Bom(ItemID int,ChildId int)INSERT Bom SELECT 1,4UNION ALL SELECT 1,7 --A产品由D配件和G配件组成UNION ALL SELECT 2,1UNION ALL SELECT 2,6UNION ALL SELECT 2,7 --B产品由F物料及G配件组成UNION ALL SELECT 4,5UNION ALL SELECT 4,6 --D配件由F物料组成UNION ALL SELECT 3,2UNION ALL SELECT 3,1 --C产品由A产品和B产品组成GOCREATE FUNCTION f_Bom(@ItemIDs varchar(1000), --要查询物料清单及生产量的产品编号列表(逗号分隔)@Num int --要生产的数量)RETURNS @t TABLE(ItemID int,ChildId int,Nums int,Level int)ASBEGIN DECLARE @Level int SET @Level=1 INSERT @t SELECT a.ItemID,a.ChildId,ROUND(@Num/(1-b.Wast),0),@Level FROM Bom a,Item b WHERE a.ChildId=b.ID AND CHARINDEX(','+RTRIM(a.ItemID)+',',','+@ItemIDs+',')>0 WHILE @@ROWCOUNT>0 and @Level<140 BEGIN SET @Level=@Level+1 INSERT @t SELECT a.ItemID,b.ChildId,ROUND(a.Nums/(1-c.Wast),0),@Level FROM @t a,Bom b,Item c WHERE a.ChildId=b.ItemID AND b.ChildId=c.ID AND a.Level=@Level-1 END RETURNENDGO--调用函数展开产品1、2、3的结构及计算生产10个产品时,各需要多少个配件SELECT a.ItemID,ItemName=b.Name, a.ChildId,ChildName=c.Name, a.Nums,a.LevelFROM f_Bom('1,2,3',10) a,Item b,Item cWHERE a.ItemID=b.ID AND a.ChildId=c.IDORDER BY a.ItemID,a.Level,a.ChildId/*ItemID ItemName ChildId ChildName Nums Level----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -----------1 A产品 4 D配件 12 11 A产品 7 G配件 10 11 A产品 5 E物料 12 21 A产品 6 F物料 12 22 B产品 1 A产品 10 12 B产品 6 F物料 10 12 B产品 7 G配件 10 12 B产品 4 D配件 12 22 B产品 7 G配件 10 22 B产品 5 E物料 12 32 B产品 6 F物料 12 33 C产品 1 A产品 10 13 C产品 2 B产品 10 13 C产品 1 A产品 10 23 C产品 4 D配件 12 23 C产品 6 F物料 10 23 C产品 7 G配件 10 23 C产品 7 G配件 10 23 C产品 4 D配件 12 33 C产品 5 E物料 12 33 C产品 6 F物料 12 33 C产品 7 G配件 10 33 C产品 5 E物料 12 43 C产品 6 F物料 12 4(24 row(s) affected)*/drop table itemdrop table bomdrop function f_Bom-------------------------------------------------------------就用树型表,可到N级.参考如下:create table tb(id int, name varchar(10), pid int, px int)insert into tb values(0 , '栏目分类', 0 , 1)insert into tb values(1 , '动物' , 0 , 1) insert into tb values(2 , '视频' , 0 , 2) insert into tb values(3 , '老虎' , 1 , 1) insert into tb values(4 , '狮子' , 1 , 2) insert into tb values(5 , '搞笑' , 2 , 1) go--查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数 CREATE FUNCTION f_Cid(@ID int) RETURNS @t_Level TABLE(ID int,Level int) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Level int SET @Level=1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT @ID,@Level WHILE @@ROWCOUNT>0 BEGIN SET @Level=@Level+1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT a.ID,@Level FROM tb a,@t_Level b WHERE a.PID=b.ID AND b.Level=@Level-1 END RETURN END GO --调用函数查询id = 1及其所有子节点 SELECT a.* FROM tb a,f_Cid(1) b WHERE a.ID=b.ID /*id name pid px ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- 1 动物 0 13 老虎 1 14 狮子 1 2(所影响的行数为 3 行)*/drop table tbdrop function dbo.f_cid-------------------------------------------------------测试数据CREATE TABLE tb(ID char(3),PID char(3),Name nvarchar(10))INSERT tb SELECT '001',NULL ,'山东省'UNION ALL SELECT '002','001','烟台市'UNION ALL SELECT '004','002','招远市'UNION ALL SELECT '003','001','青岛市'UNION ALL SELECT '005',NULL ,'四会市'UNION ALL SELECT '006','005','清远市'UNION ALL SELECT '007','006','小分市'GO--查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数CREATE FUNCTION f_Cid(@ID char(3))RETURNS @t_Level TABLE(ID char(3),Level int)ASBEGIN DECLARE @Level int SET @Level=1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT @ID,@Level WHILE @@ROWCOUNT>0 BEGIN SET @Level=@Level+1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT a.ID,@Level FROM tb a,@t_Level b WHERE a.PID=b.ID AND b.Level=@Level-1 END RETURNENDGO--调用函数查询002及其所有子节点SELECT a.*FROM tb a,f_Cid('002') bWHERE a.ID=b.ID/*--结果ID PID Name ------ ------- ---------- 002 001 烟台市004 002 招远市--*/--测试数据DECLARE @t TABLE(ID char(3),PID char(3),Name nvarchar(10))INSERT @t SELECT '001',NULL ,'山东省'UNION ALL SELECT '002','001','烟台市'UNION ALL SELECT '004','002','招远市'UNION ALL SELECT '003','001','青岛市'UNION ALL SELECT '005',NULL ,'四会市'UNION ALL SELECT '006','005','清远市'UNION ALL SELECT '007','006','小分市'--深度排序显示处理--生成每个节点的编码累计(相同当单编号法的编码)DECLARE @t_Level TABLE(ID char(3),Level int,Sort varchar(8000))DECLARE @Level intSET @Level=0INSERT @t_Level SELECT ID,@Level,IDFROM @tWHERE PID IS NULLWHILE @@ROWCOUNT>0BEGIN SET @Level=@Level+1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT a.ID,@Level,b.Sort+a.ID FROM @t a,@t_Level b WHERE a.PID=b.ID AND b.Level=@Level-1END--显示结果SELECT SPACE(b.Level*2)+'|--'+a.NameFROM @t a,@t_Level bWHERE a.ID=b.IDORDER BY b.Sort/*--结果|--山东省 |--烟台市 |--招远市 |--青岛市|--四会市 |--清远市 |--小分市--*/-----------------------------------------