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简介:Progress view with retry button

Maven Central

ProgressBar with button and text below it.

Progressing Stopped without image Stopped with image

Sample Usage

XML Layout

Without styles.xml

<id.gits.baso.BasoProgressView    android:id="@+id/baso_ProgressView"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"    android:background="#FFF"    android:gravity="center"    app:baso_finishButtonText="Retry"    app:baso_finishSrc="@drawable/baso_sample_error"    app:baso_finishSrcWidth="160dp"    app:baso_finishText="Something happened"    app:baso_finishTextSize="18sp"    app:baso_progressText="Loading"/>

With styles.xml

<id.gits.baso.BasoProgressView    android:id="@+id/baso_ProgressView"    style="@style/BasoCustom"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
<style name="BasoCustom">    <item name="android:background">#FFF</item>    <item name="baso_finishText">Something happened</item>    <item name="baso_finishTextSize">18sp</item>    <item name="baso_finishButtonText">Try Again</item>    <item name="baso_progressText">Loading</item>    <item name="baso_finishSrc">@drawable/baso_sample_error</item>    <item name="baso_finishSrcWidth">160dp</item></style>

How to start and stop the progress

Start the progress

final BasoProgressView basoProgressView = (BasoProgressView) findViewById(;   basoProgressView.startProgress();

Stop progress and show the button

The button will be automatically visible if you had written baso_finishButtonText on xml layout. Once you have completed the action and you wanted to stop the progress and show a message (or error message), you can just call stop or stopAndError method.

// set message on the TextView or you can set baso_finishText on your xml layout.basoProgressView.setFinishedText("Something happened");// stop the progressbasoProgressView.stop();

Or you can simply call stopAndError.

basoProgressView.stopAndError("Oops. Something happened.");

Stop progress and show both image and button

You have to declare baso_finishSrc either on your xml layout or programmatically withsetFinishedImageResource method.

basoProgressView.setFinishedImageResource(R.drawable.baso_sample_error);basoProgressView.stopAndError("Oops. Something happened.");

Complete the progress and make it invisible

Once you have completed the action and you wanted to hide BasoProgressView, you can just call stopAndGoneand use startProgress to start progressing again.


Set the button click listener

Don't forget to create click listener for the button.

basoProgressView.setOnButtonClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {    @Override    public void onClick(View v) {        basoProgressView.startProgress();        //TODO: your action here such as call api    }});

For complete sample usage, you can take a look at the sample project.


dependencies {   compile 'id.gits:baso:1.0'}

About GITS Indonesia

GITS Indonesia has been active in IT Industry since 2010. Since then, we have developed a lot of applications, both initiative projects and client requests. Our developers are familiar with desktop, website, and mobile programming, but we are currently focusing in mobile.

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