vs 自绘控件--自绘多按钮控件

来源:互联网 发布:手机源码怎么用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 19:10




    public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl //自定义控件类
        #region Members
        private int rowNo = 4; //Button的行数
        private int colNo = 4;//Button的列数
        private int bHeight = 30;//按钮的高
        private int bWidth = 20;//按钮的宽
        private int bBorder = 1;//按钮的边界宽度
        private Size iSize =new Size(120,80);//控件大小

        private String[][] title = null;//每个按钮的文本内容
        private MyButton[][] _buttons = null;//自定义MyButton类的数组,用于引发事件


        private int lastR = 4;
        private int lastC = 4;
        private int lastX = 0;
        private int lastY = 0;


        public event MyButtonEventHandle MyButtonEventHandle;

        #region Properties
        [Description("The no. of rows"),Browsable(true),DisplayName("Row No."),Category("Settings of Button")]
        public int RowNo
            get { return rowNo; }
            set {
                if (value > 1)rowNo = value;
                ButtonHeight = (this.Height-2) / rowNo;

        [Description("The no. of columns"), Browsable(true), DisplayName("Col. No."), Category("Settings of Button")]
        public int ColNo
            get { return colNo; }
            set {
                if (value > 1)colNo = value;
                ButtonWidth = (this.Width-2) / colNo;

        [Description("height of button"), Browsable(true), DisplayName("ButtomHeight"), Category("Settings of Button")]
        public int ButtonHeight
            get { return bHeight; }
            set {
                if (value > 1)bHeight = value;
                if (ButtonHeight * RowNo+2 != Size.Height)
                    this.Height = ButtonHeight * RowNo+2;
                    this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width, ButtonHeight * RowNo+2);

        [Description("Width of button"), Browsable(true), DisplayName("ButtomWidth"), Category("Settings of Button")]
        public int ButtonWidth
            get { return bWidth; }
            set {
                if (value > 1)bWidth = value;
                if (ButtonWidth * ColNo+2 != Size.Width)
                    this.Width = ButtonWidth * ColNo+2;
                    this.Size = new Size(ButtonWidth * ColNo+2, this.Size.Height);

        [Description("Width of button"), Browsable(true), DisplayName("ButtomBorder"), Category("Settings of Button")]
        public int ButtonBorder
            get { return bBorder; }
            set { if (value > 0 && value < bWidth && value < bHeight)bBorder = value; }

        public new Size Size
            get {
                iSize = base.Size;
                return iSize;
            set {
                iSize = value;
                base.Size = iSize;
                if ((Size.Width-2) / ColNo != ButtonWidth || (Size.Height-2) / RowNo != ButtonHeight)
                    ButtonHeight = (Size.Height-2) / RowNo;
                    ButtonWidth = (Size.Width-2) / ColNo;

        public string[][] Title
            set { if(value.Length < (rowNo*colNo) || value.Length > 0)title = value; }

        public UserControl1()//构造函数

        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)//控件OnLoad事件响应
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)//绘制控件
            _buttons = new MyButton[rowNo][];
            for (int i = 0; i < rowNo; i++)
                _buttons[i] = new MyButton[colNo];
                for (int j = 0; j < colNo; j++)

                    // Declare and instantiate a new pen.
                    Pen lightSide = new Pen(Color.White);
                    Pen darkSide = new Pen(Color.Black);

                    Point pos1 = new Point(j*ButtonWidth+1,i*ButtonHeight+1);
                    Point pos2 = new Point(j*ButtonWidth+1+ButtonWidth-ButtonBorder,i*ButtonHeight+1);
                    Point pos3 = new Point(j * ButtonWidth + 1, i * ButtonHeight + 1 + ButtonHeight - ButtonBorder);
                    Point pos4 = new Point(j * ButtonWidth + 1 + ButtonWidth - ButtonBorder, i * ButtonHeight + 1 + ButtonHeight - ButtonBorder);
                    Size size = new Size(ButtonWidth - ButtonBorder, ButtonHeight-ButtonBorder);

                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(lightSide, pos1, pos2);
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(lightSide, pos1, pos3);
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(darkSide, pos2, pos4);
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(darkSide, pos3, pos4);

                    if (title == null)
                        e.Graphics.DrawString(i + "," + j, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), Brushes.Blue, pos1);
                        _buttons[i][j] = new MyButton(i, j, i + "," + j);
                    else {
                        e.Graphics.DrawString(title[i][j].ToString(), new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), Brushes.Blue, pos1);
                        _buttons[i][j] = new MyButton(i, j, title[i][j].ToString());

        private void Do_Down(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)//响应鼠标按下事件
            int x,y,inx,iny;
            x = e.X;
            y = e.Y;
            inx = x % (bWidth-bBorder);
            iny = y % (bHeight-bBorder);
            lastX = x / bWidth;
            lastY = y / bHeight;
            if (inx < bWidth && iny < bHeight && lastX < colNo && lastY < rowNo)
                System.Drawing.Pen myPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Black);
                Point pos1 = new Point(lastX * bWidth + 1, lastY * bHeight + 1);
                Point pos2 = new Point(lastX * bWidth + 3, lastY * bHeight + 3);
                Point pos3 = new Point(lastX * ButtonWidth + 1 + ButtonWidth - ButtonBorder, lastY * ButtonHeight + 1);
                Point pos4 = new Point(lastX * ButtonWidth + 1, lastY * ButtonHeight + 1 + ButtonHeight - ButtonBorder);
                Size size = new Size(bWidth - bBorder + 2, bHeight - bBorder + 2);
                Graphics a = this.CreateGraphics();
                a.DrawLine(myPen, pos1, pos3);
                a.DrawLine(myPen, pos1, pos4);
                for (int pointX = (lastX * bWidth + 6); pointX < (lastX * bWidth + 1 + ButtonWidth - ButtonBorder - 2); pointX += 2)
                    a.DrawLine(myPen, pointX, lastY * bHeight + 2, pointX + 1, lastY * bHeight + 3);
                    a.DrawLine(myPen, pointX, lastY * bHeight + bHeight - 3 - ButtonBorder, pointX + 1, lastY * bHeight + bHeight -1 - ButtonBorder);
                for (int pointY = (lastY * bHeight + 6); pointY < (lastY * bHeight + 1 + ButtonHeight - ButtonBorder - 2); pointY += 2)
                    a.DrawLine(myPen, lastX * bWidth + 2, pointY, lastX * bWidth + 3, pointY+1);
                    a.DrawLine(myPen, lastX * bWidth -2 - ButtonBorder + bWidth, pointY, lastX * bWidth - ButtonBorder + bWidth-1, pointY + 1);
                if (title == null)
                        a.DrawString(lastY + "," + lastX, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), pos1);
                        a.DrawString(lastY + "," + lastX, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), Brushes.Blue, pos2);
                        a.DrawString(title[lastY][lastX].ToString(), new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), pos1);
                        a.DrawString(title[lastY][lastX].ToString(), new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), Brushes.Blue, pos2);
                lastC = lastX;
                lastR = lastY;
            else { }
        private void Do_Up(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)//响应鼠标松开事件
            if (lastR < rowNo && lastC < colNo)
                System.Drawing.Pen myPen = new System.Drawing.Pen(this.BackColor);
                Pen lightSide = new Pen(Color.White);
                Point pos1 = new Point(lastX * bWidth + 1, lastY * bHeight + 1);
                Point pos2 = new Point(lastX * bWidth + 3, lastY * bHeight + 3);
                Point pos3 = new Point(lastX * ButtonWidth + 1 + ButtonWidth - ButtonBorder, lastY * ButtonHeight + 1);
                Point pos4 = new Point(lastX * ButtonWidth + 1, lastY * ButtonHeight + 1 + ButtonHeight - ButtonBorder);
                Size size = new Size(bWidth - bBorder + 2, bHeight - bBorder + 2);
                Graphics a = this.CreateGraphics();
                string _buttonText = null;

                a.DrawLine(lightSide, pos1, pos3);
                a.DrawLine(lightSide, pos1, pos4);
                for (int pointX = (lastX * bWidth + 6); pointX < (lastX * bWidth + 1 + ButtonWidth - ButtonBorder - 2); pointX += 2)
                    a.DrawLine(myPen, pointX, lastY * bHeight + 2, pointX + 1, lastY * bHeight + 3);
                    a.DrawLine(myPen, pointX, lastY * bHeight + bHeight - 3 - ButtonBorder, pointX + 1, lastY * bHeight + bHeight - 1 - ButtonBorder);
                for (int pointY = (lastY * bHeight + 6); pointY < (lastY * bHeight + 1 + ButtonHeight - ButtonBorder - 2); pointY += 2)
                    a.DrawLine(myPen, lastX * bWidth + 2, pointY, lastX * bWidth + 3, pointY + 1);
                    a.DrawLine(myPen, lastX * bWidth - 2 - ButtonBorder + bWidth, pointY, lastX * bWidth - ButtonBorder + bWidth - 1, pointY + 1);
                if (title == null)
                    a.DrawString(lastY + "," + lastX, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), pos2);
                    a.DrawString(lastY + "," + lastX, new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), Brushes.Blue, pos1);
                    _buttonText = lastR.ToString()+","+lastC.ToString();
                    a.DrawString(title[lastY][lastX].ToString(), new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), pos2);
                    a.DrawString(title[lastY][lastX].ToString(), new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9.0f), Brushes.Blue, pos1);
                    _buttonText = title[lastY][lastX];

                MyButtonClickEventArgs _newEvent = new MyButtonClickEventArgs(_buttons[lastR][lastC]);
            else { }
        public Point GetButtonIndex()
            Point index = new Point(lastR, lastC);
            return index;
        protected virtual void OnClick(MyButtonClickEventArgs e)

            if (MyButtonEventHandle != null)
                MyButtonEventHandle(this, e);

        protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
            PaintEventArgs pe = new PaintEventArgs(this.CreateGraphics(), this.ClientRectangle);
            this.RaisePaintEvent(this, pe);


    public delegate void MyButtonEventHandle(object sender, MyButtonClickEventArgs args);



    public  class MyButtonClickEventArgs : EventArgs
        private readonly MyButton _button;

        public MyButtonClickEventArgs(MyButton button)
            _button = button;

        public MyButton OnClickButton
            get { return _button; }



    public class MyButton
        private readonly int _row = -1;
        private readonly int _col = -1;
        private readonly string _buttontext = null;

        public MyButton(int row, int col, string text)
            _buttontext = text;
            _row = row;
            _col = col;

        public int Row
            get { return _row; }

        public int Col
            get { return _col; }

        public string ButtonText
            get { return _buttontext; }