
来源:互联网 发布:彩票免费计划软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 21:08


有多种方式来实现一个队列:list,linked list,array都可以。首先看一个list实现的队列
1、用python list实现队列

class Queue : # Creates an empty queue. def __init__( self ):  self._qList = list()# Returns True if the queue is empty. def isEmpty( self ):  return len( self ) == 0 # Returns the number of items in the queue. def __len__( self ):  return len( self._qList ) # Adds the given item to the queue. def enqueue( self, item ):  self._qList.append( item ) # Removes and returns the first item in the queue. def dequeue( self ):  assert not self.isEmpty(), "Cannot dequeue from an empty queue."  return self._qList.pop( 0 )


myQueue = Queue()myQueue.enqueue("apple")myQueue.enqueue("1000")myQueue.enqueue("机器")print(len(myQueue))myQueue.dequeue()print(myQueue.isEmpty())


我们可以用另一种数据结构–环形数组(circular Array)来改善这种情况。环形数组仍然是一个数组,只不过被视作一个圆环而不是一条线。如图:


from myArray import Arrayclass Queue2 : # Creates an empty queue. def __init__( self, maxSize ) :  self._count = 0  self._front = 0  self._back = maxSize - 1  self._qArray = Array( maxSize ) # Returns True if the queue is empty. def isEmpty( self ) :  return self._count == 0 # Returns True if the queue is full. def isFull( self ) :  return self._count == len(self._qArray) # Returns the number of items in the queue. def __len__( self ) :  return self._count # Adds the given item to the queue. def enqueue( self, item ):  assert not self.isFull(), "Cannot enqueue to a full queue."  maxSize = len(self._qArray)  self._back = (self._back + 1) % maxSize  self._qArray[self._back] = item  self._count += 1 # Removes and returns the first item in the queue. def dequeue( self ):  assert not self.isEmpty(), "Cannot dequeue from an empty queue."  item = self._qArray[ self._front ]  maxSize = len(self._qArray)  self._front = (self._front + 1) % maxSize  self._count -= 1  return item


aqueue = Queue2(10)aqueue.enqueue("orange")aqueue.enqueue("300")print("aqueue的长度:%d" %len(aqueue))aqueue.dequeue()print("aqueue的长度:%d" %len(aqueue))


使用python list实现的队列最大的不足是入队和出队时的时间开销,用环形数组虽然解决了这个不足,但环形数组容量有大小限制。一个更好的解决方法是使用链表,如图

class Queue3: def __init__(self):  self._qhead = None  self._qtail = None  self._count = 0 def __len__(self):  return self._count def isEmpty(self):  return self._qhead is None def enqueue(self,item):   node = _QueueNode(item)   if self.isEmpty():    self._qhead = node   else:    self._qtail = node   self._qtail = None   self._count += 1 def dequeue(self):  assert not self.isEmpty(), "buneng"  node = self._qhead  if self._qhead is self._qtail:   self._qtail = None  else:   self._qhead = self._qhead.next  self._count -= 1  return node.itemclass _QueueNode(object): def __init__(self, item):  self.item = item  self.next = None


anoqueue = Queue3()anoqueue.enqueue("banana")anoqueue.enqueue("咖啡")print("anoqueue长度是%d" %len(anoqueue))print(anoqueue.dequeue())



import ctypesclass Array : # Creates an array with size elements. def __init__( self, size ):  assert size > 0, "Array size must be > 0"  self._size = size # Create the array structure using the ctypes module.  PyArrayType = ctypes.py_object * size  self._elements = PyArrayType() # Initialize each element.  self.clear( None ) # Returns the size of the array. def __len__( self ):  return self._size # Gets the contents of the index element. def __getitem__( self, index ):  assert index >= 0 and index < len(self), "Array subscript out of range"  return self._elements[ index ] # Puts the value in the array element at index position. def __setitem__( self, index, value ):  assert index >= 0 and index < len(self), "Array subscript out of range"  self._elements[ index ] = value # Clears the array by setting each element to the given value. def clear( self, value ):  for i in range( len(self) ) :   self._elements[i] = value # Returns the array's iterator for traversing the elements. def __iter__( self ):  return _ArrayIterator( self._elements ) # An iterator for the Array ADT.class _ArrayIterator : def __init__( self, theArray ):   self._arrayRef = theArray   self._curNdx = 0 def __iter__( self ):  return self def __next__( self ):  if self._curNdx < len( self._arrayRef ) :   entry = self._arrayRef[ self._curNdx ]   self._curNdx += 1   return entry  else :   raise StopIteration

据 Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python一书整理

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