
来源:互联网 发布:windows下php exec 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 03:48

错误认识2:编译器合成出来的default constructor会明确设定’“class内每一个data member的默认值”。但这两种种认识是有误的,不全面的。

#include<iostream>  using namespace std;  class Foo  {   public:     int val;     Foo *pnext;  };  void foo_fo(){   Foo fo;   if (fo.val || fo.pnext)      {         cout << fo.val << endl;        cout << fo.pnext << endl;      }  }  int main()  {   foo_fo();   system("pause");   }  


#include<iostream>  using namespace std;   #include<iostream>   using namespace std;   class Foo   {     private:     int val;   };   class Bar:public Foo   {   public:     char *str;     int i;   };   void foo_bar()   {      Bar bar;      cout<<bar.i<<endl;   if (bar.str )   {      cout << "Print the content !" << endl; }  }   int main()   {     foo_bar();     system("pause");     return 0;   }  

如果一个class中含有成员对象,而且这个对象有default constructor(如Foo foo,Foo类中有default constructor), 那么编译器就会给这个class(Bar)合成一个default constructor, 但是这个合成动作只有在调用需要时才会产生。也就是说,在需要时才会合成。

#include<iostream>   using namespace std;   class Foo   {   public:     Foo();     Foo( int );  private:      int val;   };   Foo::Foo()   {     cout << "Call Foo::Foo() Constructor !"<< endl;     val = 0;   }   Foo::Foo(int i)   {     cout << "Call Foo::Foo(int i) Constructor !"<< endl;     val = i;   }   class Bar   {   public:    Foo foo;     char *str;   };  void foo_bar()   {     Bar bar; // Bar::foo must be initialized here if (bar.str )     { cout << "Print the content !" << endl; }   }   int main()   {     foo_bar();     system("pause");     return 0;   }  


inline Bar::Bar() { // Pseudo C++ Code foo.Foo::Foo(); }  

结论:如果class中内含一个以上的含有default constructor的object,那在为class合成的default constructor中,会按照object的声明次序调用object 的 default constructor。

#include<iostream>   using namespace std;  class Foo   {   public:     Foo();     Foo( int );   private:     int val;   };  Foo::Foo()   {     cout << "Call Foo::Foo() Constructor !"<< endl;     val = 0;   }   Foo::Foo(int i)   {     cout << "Call Foo::Foo(int i) Constructor !"<< endl;     val = i;   }   class Bar   {   public:     Foo foo;     char *str;     Bar(){}//默认构造函数   };   void foo_bar()   {     Bar bar;   if (bar.str ) {    cout << "Print the content !" << endl;   }   }   int main()   {     foo_bar();     system("pause");    return 0;   }  



#include<iostream>   using namespace std;   class Foo   {   public:     Foo(); //去掉默认构造函数会报错     Foo( int );   private:     int val;  };   Foo::Foo()   {     cout << "Call Foo::Foo() Constructor !"<< endl;     val = 0;   }   Foo::Foo(int i)   {     cout << "Call Foo::Foo(int i) Constructor !"<< endl;     val = i;   }   class Bar   {   public:     Foo foo(1); //不是默认构造函数产生的成员,也会报错。expected `;' before '(' token char *str;   };   void foo_bar()   {     Bar bar; // Bar::foo must be initialized here   if (bar.str )   {     cout << "Print the content !" << endl; }   }   int main()   {     foo_bar();     system("pause");     return 0;   }   


#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Foo { public:     Foo() { cout << "Call Foo::Foo() Constructor !"<< endl; val = 0; }     Foo(int i) { cout << "Call Foo::Foo(int i) Constructor !"<< endl; val = i; } private: int val; }; class Foo1 { public:     Foo1() { cout << "Call Foo1::Foo1() Constructor !"<< endl; val1 = 0; }    Foo1(int i) { cout << "Call Foo1::Foo1(int i) Constructor !"<< endl; val1 = i; } private:     int val1; }; class Bar { public:     int x;     Foo foo;     Foo1 fo1;     Foo fo;     char *str;     Bar(){}//默认构造函数     Bar(int i){x=i;} }; void foo_bar() {     Bar bar;     if (bar.str )     {         cout << "Print the content !" << endl;     } } int main() {     foo_bar();     system("pause");    return 0; }

2.2 一个类的父类自定义的无参构造函数(有non-trival的默认构造函数)。

#include<iostream>   using namespace std;   class Foo   {   public:     Foo()     {       cout << "Call Foo::Foo() Constructor !"<< endl;       val = 0;     }     Foo(int i)     {       cout << "Call Foo::Foo(int i) Constructor !"<< endl;       val = i;      }   private:     int val;   };   class Bar:public Foo   {   public: //Foo foo;   char *str;   };   void foo_bar()   {     Bar bar;     if (bar.str )     {     cout << "Print the content !" << endl;     }   }   int main()   {     foo_bar();     system("pause");     return 0;   }  

如果一个没有任何constructor的派生类继承自一个带有default constructor(用户定义的)的base class, 那么这个派生类的default constructor被认为是nontrivial,而对于nontrivial的default constructor, 编译器会为他合成出来。在合成出的default constructor中调用base class的default constuctor.
如果设计者提供了多个constructor,但为提供default constuctor,那编译器不会合成新的default constructor,而是会扩展所有的现有的constructor,安插进去default constructor所必须的代码。如果此类中仍存在第一种情况,也就是说存在有menber object, 而且object含有default constructor, 那这些default constructor 也会被调用,在base class的default constructor被调用后。
如果把//Foo foo这句也加上,结果为:
2.3一个类里隐式的含有Virtual tabel(Vtbl)或者pointer member(vptr),并且其基类无任何构造函数或者有用户自定义的默认构造函数。
vtbl或vptr需要编辑器隐式的合成出来,那么编辑器就把合成动作放在了默认构造函数里,所以编辑器必需自己产生一个构造函数来完成这些动作。所以你的类里只要含有virtual function,那么编辑器就会生成默认的构造函数。
无论一个class是声明(或继承)了一个virtual function, 还是派生自一个继承串联,其中有一个或多个virtual base class.不管上述哪种情况,由于缺乏由user声明的constructor, 编译器会详细记录合成一个default constructor的详细信息。
(1) 一个virtual function table会被编译器产生出来,内含virtual functions的地址。
(2) 编译器会合成一个vptr, 插入每一个object中。
而合成出来的default constructor,当然会为每一个object 设定vptr的初值。但不会为类的成员变量初始化。
class Base{ public: int x; // Base(){} 有没有这句效果都是一样的 virtual void set() { cout<<”Base set”<

#include<iostream>  using namespace std;  class Widget  {  public:       virtual void flip() = 0;  };  class Bell: public Widget  {  public:     void flip()    {       cout <<"Bell." << endl;      }  };  class Whistle: public Widget  {  public:     void flip()    {      cout <<"Whistle." << endl; }    };  void flip(Widget &widget)  {      widget.flip();  }  void foo()  {     Bell b;     Whistle w;     flip(b);     flip(w);  }  int main()  {   foo();    system("pause");  }  

2.4 如果一个类虚继承与其他类

#include<iostream>  using namespace std;  class Base  {   public:     int x;   void set()   {     cout<<"Base set"<<endl;     cout<<x<<endl;   }   };  class Derived1:virtual public Base  {   public:     int y;   void set()   {     cout<<"Derived1 set"<<endl;     cout<<y<<endl;   }   };  class Derived2:virtual public Base  {   public:   int z;   void set()   {   cout<<"Derived2 set"<<endl;   cout<<z<<endl;   }   };  int main()  {   Base b;   b.set();   Derived1 d1;   d1.set();   Derived2 d2;   d2.set();   system("pause");   } 


#include<iostream>  using namespace std;  class Base  {   public:   int x;   Base()//用户定义的默认构造函数 {}   Base(int i)//用用户定义的含参构造函数   { x=i; }   void set()   {   cout<<"Base set"<<endl;   cout<<x<<endl;   }   };  class Derived1:virtual public Base  {   public:   int y;  void set()   {   cout<<"Derived1 set"<<endl;   cout<<y<<endl;   }   };  class Derived2:virtual public Base  {   public:   int z;   void set()   {   cout<<"Derived2 set"<<endl;   cout<<z<<endl;   }   };  int main()  {   Base b;   b.set();   Derived1 d1;   d1.set();   Derived2 d2;   d2.set();   system("pause");   }  


#include<iostream>  using namespace std;  class Point  {   protected:   int x0,y0;   public:   void set()//或者virtual void set()   { cout<<"Base"<<endl; }   };   class Derived:public Point   { protected:   int x1,y1;   public:   Derived(int m=0,int n=0)   { x1=m; y1=n; }   void set()  {cout<<"Derived_set()"<<endl;}   void draw(){cout<<"Derived_draw()"<<endl;}   };  void test(Point *b){ b->set(); }  int main()  {   Derived *dr=new Derived;   test(dr);   Derived drr;   test(&drr);   system("pause");   }  


virtual void set()



#include<iostream>  using namespace std;  class Point  {   protected:   int x0,y0;   public:   void set()   { cout<<"Base"<<endl;   }   Point(){//基类无参构造函数   }  };   class Derived:public Point   {   protected:   int x1,y1;   public:   Derived(int m=0,int n=0)   { x1=m; y1=n; }   void set(){cout<<"Derived_set()"<<endl;}   void draw(){cout<<"Derived_draw()"<<endl;}   };  void test(Point *b)  {   b->set();   }  int main()  {   Derived *dr=new Derived;   test(dr);   Derived drr;   test(&drr);   system("pause");   }  



#include<iostream>  using namespace std;  class Point  {   protected:   int x0,y0;   public:   void set()   { cout<<"Base"<<endl; }   Point(int i,int j)  { x0=i; y0=j; }   };   class Derived:public Point   {   protected: int x1,y1;   public:   Derived(int m=0,int n=0,int i=0,int j=0):Point(i,j)   { x1=m; y1=n; }   void set()  {cout<<"Derived_set()"<<endl;}   void draw()  {cout<<"Derived_draw()"<<endl;}   };  void test(Point *b)  { b->set(); }  int main()  {   Derived *dr=new Derived;   test(dr);   Derived drr;   test(&drr);   system("pause");   }  



#include<iostream>  using namespace std;  class Point  {   protected:   int x0,y0;   public:   Point(int i,int j)   { x0=i; y0=j; }   virtual void set()=0;   virtual void draw()=0;   };  class Line:public Point  {   protected: int x1,y1;   public: Line(int i=0,int j=0,int m=0,int n=0):Point(i,j)   { x1=m; y1=n; }   void set()  {cout<<"Line_set()"<<endl;}   void draw(){cout<<"Line_draw()"<<endl;}   };  class Ellipse:public Point  {   protected:   int x2,y2;   public:   Ellipse(int i=0,int j=0,int p=0,int q=0):Point(i,j)   { x2=p; y2=q; }   void set()  {cout<<"Ellipse_set()"<<endl;}   void draw()  {cout<<"Ellipse_draw()"<<endl;}   };  void drawobj(Point *p)  {   p->draw();   }  void setobj(Point *p)  { p->set(); }  int main()  {   Line *li=new Line();//new Line;   drawobj(li);   setobj(li);   cout<<endl;   Ellipse *el=new Ellipse();//new Ellipse;   drawobj(el);   setobj(el);   cout<<endl;   Line *li2=new Line;   drawobj(li2);   setobj(li2);   cout<<endl;   Ellipse elp;   drawobj(&elp);   setobj(&elp);   cout<<endl;   system("pause");   }  
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