spoj104 highways(矩阵树定理)

来源:互联网 发布:网络招聘怎么做 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 12:19

HIGH - Highways

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In some countries building highways takes a lot of time... Maybe that's because there are many possiblities to construct a network of highways and engineers can't make up their minds which one to choose. Suppose we have a list of cities that can be connected directly. Your task is to count how many ways there are to build such a network that between every two cities there exists exactly one path. Two networks differ if there are two cities that are connected directly in the first case and aren't in the second case. At most one highway connects two cities. No highway connects a city to itself. Highways are two-way.


The input begins with the integer t, the number of test cases (equal to about 1000). Then t test cases follow. The first line of each test case contains two integers, the number of cities (1<=n<=12) and the number of direct connections between them. Each next line contains two integers a and b, which are numbers of cities that can be connected. Cities are numbered from 1 to n. Consecutive test cases are separated with one blank line.


The number of ways to build the network, for every test case in a separate line. Assume that when there is only one city, the answer should be 1. The answer will fit in a signed 64-bit integer.


Sample input:44 53 44 22 31 21 32 12 11 03 31 22 33 1Sample output:8113


通过看题解发现这道题可以用矩阵树定理(matrix tree)很轻松地解出来

#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <math.h>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;const int maxn=107;double c[maxn][maxn];int a[maxn][maxn],b[maxn][maxn];int n;double eps=1e-8;double det(){int i,j,k,r;for(i=1;i<=n;i++){r=i;for(j=i+1;j<=n;j++)if(fabs(c[j][i])>fabs(c[r][i])) r=j;if(c[r][i]<eps){return 0;}if(r!=i) for(j=1;j<=n;j++) swap(c[i][j],c[r][j]);for(j=i+1;j<=n;j++){double f=c[j][i]/c[i][i];for(k=i;k<=n;k++){c[j][k]-=f*c[i][k];}}}double ans=1.0;if(n&1) ans=ans;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ans*=c[i][i];}return ans;}int main(){int t;scanf("%d",&t);while(t--){int m;scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);memset(a,0,sizeof(a));memset(b,0,sizeof(b));n--;for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){int u,v;scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);u--;v--;a[u][u]++;a[v][v]++;b[u][v]++;b[v][u]++;}for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)for(int k=1;k<=n;k++)c[i][k]=(double)a[i][k]-b[i][k];printf("%.0lf",det());}return 0;}

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