
来源:互联网 发布:足球关注分析软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 17:43

1) 正常的锁(concurrent.locks或synchronized锁)在任何时候都只允许一个任务访问一项资源,而java.util.concurrent.Semaphore计数信号量允许n个任务同时访问该资源,可以把信号量看成是向外分发使用资源的许可证
class Pool<T>{     private Semaphore avaliable;     //管理计数信号量     private List<T> items = new ArrayList<T>();   //管理对象列表     private volatile boolean[] checkOut;     //管理对象列表上相应下标的对象的签出情况     private int size;          public Pool(Class<T> classObject,int size){          this.size = size;          checkOut = new boolean[size];          available = new Semaphore(size);          for(int i=0;i<size;i++){               try{                    items.add(classObject.newInstance());               }catch(Exception e){                    throw new RunTimeException(e);               }          }      }     public T checkOut() throw InterruptedException{   //签出对象池的信号量          available.acquire();          return getItem();     }     public T getItem(){          for(int i=0;i<size;i++){               if(!checkOut[i]){                    checkOut[i] =true;                    return item.get(i);                }          }     }     public void checkIn(T x){    //签入对象池的信号量          if(releaseItem(x))               available.release();     }     public boolean releaseItem(T x){          int index = items.indexOf(x);          if(index == -1)               retrun false;          if(checkOut[index]){               checkOut[idnex] = false;               return true;          }          return false;     }}//Testclass Demo(){}class CheckOutWorker<T> implements Runnable{     priavte Pool<T> pool;     public CheckOutWorker(Pool<T> pool){ this.pool = pool; }     public void run(){          try{               T item = pool.checkOut();               <using item to do something>               pool.checkIn(item);          }catch(Interruptedexception ex){          }     }         /*or 记录所有已被签出的对象,返回对象列表供主程使用      priavte Pool<T> pool;        private List<T> checkOutList = new ArrayList<T>();     public CheckOutWorker(Pool<T> pool){ this.pool = pool;this.checkOutList = checkOutList; }     public void run(){          try{               T item = pool.checkOut();               checkOutList.add(item);               <using checkOutList to do something>               pool.checkIn(item);               checkOutList.remove(item);          }catch(Interruptedexception ex){          }     }*/}class Driver{     void main(){          Pool<Demo> pool = new Pool(Demo.class,N);          ExecutorService exec = Executors.newChacedTheadPool();          for(int i=0;i<N;i++)               exec.execute(new CheckOut(pool));          exec.shoudown();     }}

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