java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Control character in cookie value or attribute

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝电商是什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:16

I am trying to set the unicode value inside the cookie but it doesn't accept this and throws Exception. I have checked the hexadecimal value of the string and it is correct but throws Exception while adding to a cookie.

private void fnSetCookieValues(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)     {        Cookie[] cookies=request.getCookies();        for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {            System.out.println(""+cookies.length+"Name"+cookies[i].getName());            if(cookies[i].getName().equals("DNString"))            {                   System.out.println("Inside if:: "+cookies[i].getValue()+""+cookies.length);                try {                    String strValue;                    strValue = new String(request.getParameter("txtIIDN").getBytes("8859_1"),"UTF8");                    System.out.println("Cookie Value To be stored"+strValue);                    for (int j = 0; j < strValue.length(); j++) {                        System.out.println("Code Point"+Integer.toHexString(strValue.codePointAt(j)));                    }                    Cookie ck = new Cookie("DNString",strValue);                    response.addCookie(ck);                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        }    }

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Control character in cookie value or attribute.

when adding the cookie to response object. I am using Tomcat 7 and Java 7 as the runtime environment.

Version 0 cookie values are restrictive in allowed characters. It only allows URL-safe characters. This covers among others the alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z and 0-9) and only a few lexical characters, including -_.~ and %. All other characters are invalid in version 0 cookies.

Your best bet is to URL-encode those characters. This way every character which is not allowed in URLs will be percent-encoded in this form %xx which is valid as cookie value.

So, when creating the cookie do:

Cookie cookie = new Cookie(name, URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"));// ...

And when reading the cookie, do:

String value = URLDecoder.decode(cookie.getValue(), "UTF-8");// ...
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