
来源:互联网 发布:可以看亚丝娜本子软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 04:27


        /// <summary>        /// 页面跳转同步通知页面        /// </summary>        /// <returns></returns>        public ActionResult PayResult()        {            SortedDictionary<string, string> sPara = GetRequestGet();            T_Trade objTrade = null;            if (sPara.Count > 0)//判断是否有带返回参数            {                Notify aliNotify = new Notify();                bool verifyResult = aliNotify.Verify(sPara, Request.QueryString["notify_id"], Request.QueryString["sign"]);                if (verifyResult)//验证成功                {                    //商户订单号                    string out_trade_no = Request.QueryString["out_trade_no"];                    //支付宝交易号                    string trade_no = Request.QueryString["trade_no"];                    //交易状态                    string trade_status = Request.QueryString["trade_status"];                    //验证订单状态并处理业务逻辑                    VerifyPay(out_trade_no, trade_no, trade_status);                    var db = DBHelper.QueryDB();                    string strSql = string.Format(@"select * from T_Trade where ID='{0}'", out_trade_no);                    objTrade = db.Sql(strSql).QuerySingle<T_Trade>();                    strSql = string.Format(@"select UserName from T_User where ID={0}", objTrade.UserID);                    ViewBag.UserName = db.Sql(strSql).QuerySingle<string>();                }            }            return View(objTrade);        }
 ///    <summary>        /// 服务器异步通知页面        /// </summary>        /// <returns></returns>        [AllowAnonymous]        public ActionResult PayNotify()        {            SortedDictionary<string, string> sPara = GetRequestPost();            if (sPara.Count > 0)//判断是否有带返回参数            {                Notify aliNotify = new Notify();                bool verifyResult = aliNotify.Verify(sPara, Request.Form["notify_id"], Request.Form["sign"]);                if (verifyResult)//验证成功                {                    //商户订单号                    string out_trade_no = Request.Form["out_trade_no"];                    //支付宝交易号                    string trade_no = Request.Form["trade_no"];                    //交易状态                    string trade_status = Request.Form["trade_status"];                    //验证订单状态并处理业务逻辑                    VerifyPay(out_trade_no, trade_no, trade_status);                    Response.Write("success");  //请不要修改或删除                }                else//验证失败                {                    Response.Write("fail");                }            }            else            {                Response.Write("无通知参数");            }            return View();        }
        public bool VerifyPay(string strOutTradeNo, string strTradeNo, string strTradeStatus)        {            bool bRes = false;            string strSql = string.Format(@"select * from T_Trade where ID='{0}'", strOutTradeNo);            T_Trade objTrade = DBHelper.QueryDB().Sql(strSql).QuerySingle<T_Trade>();            if (strTradeStatus == "TRADE_FINISHED" || strTradeStatus == "TRADE_SUCCESS")            {                if (objTrade.State != 2)                {                    objTrade.TradeNo = strTradeNo;                    objTrade.FinishTime = DateTime.Now;                    objTrade.State = 2;                    doPay(objTrade);                }                bRes = true;            }            else if (strTradeStatus == "TRADE_CLOSED")            {                if (objTrade.State != 1)                {                    objTrade.TradeNo = strTradeNo;                    objTrade.FinishTime = DateTime.Now;                    objTrade.State = 1;                    doPay(objTrade);                }                bRes = false;            }            return bRes;        }
        /// <summary>        /// 获取支付宝GET过来通知消息,并以“参数名=参数值”的形式组成数组        /// </summary>        /// <returns>request回来的信息组成的数组</returns>        public SortedDictionary<string, string> GetRequestGet()        {            int i = 0;            SortedDictionary<string, string> sArray = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();            NameValueCollection coll;            //Load Form variables into NameValueCollection variable.            coll = Request.QueryString;            // Get names of all forms into a string array.            String[] requestItem = coll.AllKeys;            for (i = 0; i < requestItem.Length; i++)            {                sArray.Add(requestItem[i], Request.QueryString[requestItem[i]]);            }            return sArray;        }        /// <summary>        /// 获取支付宝POST过来通知消息,并以“参数名=参数值”的形式组成数组        /// </summary>        /// <returns>request回来的信息组成的数组</returns>        public SortedDictionary<string, string> GetRequestPost()        {            int i = 0;            SortedDictionary<string, string> sArray = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();            NameValueCollection coll;            //Load Form variables into NameValueCollection variable.            coll = Request.Form;            // Get names of all forms into a string array.            String[] requestItem = coll.AllKeys;            for (i = 0; i < requestItem.Length; i++)            {                sArray.Add(requestItem[i], Request.Form[requestItem[i]]);            }            return sArray;        }       
        /// <summary>        /// 提交支付请求到支付宝        /// </summary>        public ActionResult PostToAlipay(int id)        {            int uid = id;            var db = DBHelper.QueryDB();            string strSql = string.Format(@"select count(ID) from T_Trade where UserID={0} and State=2", uid);            //如果已经支付过则跳转到首页            if (db.Sql(strSql).QuerySingle<int>() > 0)            {                return Redirect("/home");            }            //查找没有支付的订单            strSql = string.Format(@"select * from T_Trade where UserID={0} and State=0", uid);            var objTrade = db.Sql(strSql).QuerySingle<T_Trade>();            //支付类型,1为商品购买            string payment_type = "1";            //服务器异步通知页面路径,需http://格式的完整路径,不能加?id=123这类自定义参数            string notify_url = "http://zc.jcxt99.com/pay/paynotify";            //string notify_url = "";            //页面跳转同步通知页面路径,需http://格式的完整路径,不能加?id=123这类自定义参数,不能写成http://localhost/            string return_url = "http://zc.jcxt99.com/pay/payresult";            //string return_url = "";            //商户订单号,商户网站订单系统中唯一订单号,必填            string out_trade_no = objTrade == null ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").Trim() : objTrade.ID;            //订单名称,必填            string subject = "会员资格";            //付款金额,必填            string total_fee = "200.00";            //string total_fee = "0.01";            string it_b_pay = "30m";            //防钓鱼时间戳,若要使用请调用类文件submit中的query_timestamp函数            //string anti_phishing_key = Com.Alipay.Submit.Query_timestamp();            //客户端的IP地址,非局域网的外网IP地址,如:            //string exter_invoke_ip = "";            //把请求参数打包成数组            SortedDictionary<string, string> sParaTemp = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();            sParaTemp.Add("partner", Config.Partner);            sParaTemp.Add("seller_email", Config.Seller_email);            sParaTemp.Add("_input_charset", Config.Input_charset.ToLower());            sParaTemp.Add("service", "create_direct_pay_by_user");            sParaTemp.Add("payment_type", payment_type);            sParaTemp.Add("notify_url", notify_url);            sParaTemp.Add("return_url", return_url);            sParaTemp.Add("out_trade_no", out_trade_no);            sParaTemp.Add("subject", subject);            sParaTemp.Add("total_fee", total_fee);            sParaTemp.Add("it_b_pay", it_b_pay);            //sParaTemp.Add("body", body);            //sParaTemp.Add("show_url", show_url);            //sParaTemp.Add("anti_phishing_key", anti_phishing_key);            //sParaTemp.Add("exter_invoke_ip", exter_invoke_ip);            //建立请求            string sHtmlText = Submit.BuildRequest(sParaTemp, "get", "确认");            if (objTrade == null)            {                objTrade = new T_Trade();                objTrade.ID = out_trade_no;                objTrade.UserID = uid;                objTrade.TradeTime = DateTime.Now;                objTrade.Value = total_fee;                objTrade.TradeNo = "";                objTrade.FinishTime = DateTime.Now;                objTrade.State = 0;                if (db.Insert<T_Trade>("T_Trade", objTrade).AutoMap().Execute() > 0)                {                    Response.Write(sHtmlText);                }                else                {                    return Content("生成订单失败,请刷新页面重试!");                }            }            else            {                Response.Write(sHtmlText);            }            return null;        }
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