
来源:互联网 发布:c语言定时器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 02:03

尊重他人的劳动成果,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/gengqiquan/article/details/53064858, 本文出自:【gengqiquan的博客】

项目使用 Picasso的时候发现一些问题,列表大量快速滑动的时候容易内存过高而崩溃。快速滑动有卡顿。仔细看了下源码。发现Picasso的解析是没有做线程池限制处理的。大量解析容易导致内存来不及释放而崩溃。于是闲来无事自己写了个。当然考虑的没有Picasso等框架全面,只是简单能用对性能消耗不大而已,可拓展性不是特别高。






public class LoaderConfigure {    public int loading = 0;//加载占位图资源id    public int error = 0;//加载失败展位图资源id    int width = -1;//图片目标宽度    int height = -1;//图片目标高度    public boolean roundBitmap = false;//是否圆形图片    public boolean memoryCache = true;//是否需要内存缓存    public boolean diskCache = true;//是否需要本地缓存    public boolean adjust = true;//是否需要按控件大小裁剪    public boolean cacheBaseImage = false;//是否只缓存原图    public LoaderConfigure cacheBaseImage(boolean cache) {        cacheBaseImage = cache;        return this;    }    public LoaderConfigure adjust(boolean cache) {        adjust = cache;        return this;    }    public LoaderConfigure memoryCache(boolean cache) {        memoryCache = cache;        return this;    }    public LoaderConfigure diskCache(boolean cache) {        diskCache = cache;        return this;    }    public LoaderConfigure roundBitmap(boolean round) {        roundBitmap = round;        return this;    }    public LoaderConfigure loading(int res) {        loading = res;        return this;    }    public LoaderConfigure error(int res) {        error = res;        return this;    }    public LoaderConfigure size(int w, int h) {        if (w > 0 && h > 0) {            width = w;            height = h;        }        return this;    }}


public class HelloLoader {    static volatile HelloLoader mInstance;    Context mAppliactionContext;    Cache cache;    String mDiskCachePath;    LoaderConfigure mDefaultConfigure;//默认的全局图片加载配置    Downloader mDownloader;//图片加载器    LinkedList<TaskInfo> mTaskQueue;//解析请求队列    ExecutorService mThreadPool;// 线程池    int threadCount = 4;    Handler mPoolThreadHandler;//线程池循环句柄    Thread mPoolThread;//后台任务调度线程    Type mType = Type.LIFO;//请求加载顺序:正序还是倒序    public enum Type {        FIFO, LIFO;    }    //主线程设置图片句柄    @SuppressLint("HandlerLeak")    private Handler UIHandler = new Handler() {        @Override        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {          //设置图片到imageview        }    };



public interface Downloader {    ResponseInfo downloadImgByUrl(String urlStr);}

ResponseInfo 是定义的请求返回类型,所有自定义的加载器都需要返回这个类型

public class ResponseInfo {    public Bitmap bitmap;    public boolean success;    public ResponseInfo(boolean success) {        this.success = success;    }}


public interface Cache {    /** Retrieve an image for the specified {@code key} or {@code null}. */    Bitmap get(String key);    /** Store an image in the cache for the specified {@code key}. */    Bitmap put(String key, Bitmap bitmap);}



public class LoaderBuilder {    ImageView mImageView;    LoaderConfigure mLoaderConfigure;    Context mContext;    HelloLoader mLoader;    public LoaderBuilder(ImageView mImageView, HelloLoader mLoader) {        this.mImageView = mImageView;        this.mLoader = mLoader;        this.mContext = mImageView.getContext();    }    public LoaderBuilder LoaderConfigure(LoaderConfigure mLoaderConfigure) {        this.mLoaderConfigure = mLoaderConfigure;        return this;    }     public void load(final String uri) {        checkDefault();        mLoader.putTask(mContext, mLoaderConfigure, mImageView, uri);        //从界面移除后取消加载请求        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR1)            mImageView.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(new View.OnAttachStateChangeListener() {                @Override                public void onViewAttachedToWindow(View v) {                }                @Override                public void onViewDetachedFromWindow(View v) {                    mLoader.removeTask(mImageView);                }            });        ImageUtil.pretreatmentImage(mContext, mImageView, mLoaderConfigure);        mLoader.runTask();    }    private void checkDefault() {        if (mLoaderConfigure == null) {            mLoaderConfigure = mLoader.mDefaultConfigure;        }    }}


public static LoaderBuilder bind(ImageView imageView) {        if (imageView == null)            throw new NullPointerException("imageView can not be null");        if (mInstance == null) {            mInstance = new Builder(imageView.getContext()).build();        }        return new LoaderBuilder(imageView, mInstance);    }

返回一个构建对象,然后调用他的 LoadUrl()方法,在这个方法里我们先检查加载配置,如果没有设置加载配置就用全局默认的那个。然后将加载请求放入请求队列

 @NonNullpublic void putTask(final Context context, final LoaderConfigure configure, final ImageView imageView, final String uri) {        //加时间戳,防止列表加载的时候有相同路径的多张图片重复加载错乱问题        final String key = Utils.md5(uri);        final String tag = key+ System.currentTimeMillis();        Bitmap bm = null;        bm = memoryCacheCheck(key);        if (bm != null) {            imageView.setTag(tag);            ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageView, tag, bm, configure);            Message msg = new Message();            msg.what = 0;            msg.obj = imageInfo;            UIHandler.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(msg);//内存找到优先直接加载。速度快        } else {            if (imageView.getTag() != null) {                removeTask(imageView);//顺序不能错,先从任务队列移除这个imageView之前所绑定的任务            }            imageView.setTag(tag);            Runnable runnable;            if (uri.startsWith("http")) {                runnable = getNetImageRunnable(context, configure, imageView, uri, tag,key);            } else {                runnable = getLocalImageRunnable(context, configure, imageView, uri, tag,key);            }            TaskInfo info = new TaskInfo(imageView, runnable);            synchronized (mTaskQueue) {                if (mTaskQueue.contains(info)) {                    mTaskQueue.remove(info);                    mTaskQueue.add(info);                } else {                    mTaskQueue.add(info);                }            }        }    }


 @NonNull    public Runnable getNetImageRunnable(final Context context, final LoaderConfigure configure, final ImageView imageView, final String url, final String tag, final String key) {        return new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                // TODO: 这里其实应该加入优先级。本地如果有这个文件,应该优先级高一点,或者额外给个本地解析任务队列                Bitmap bm = getBitmapFromDiskCache(context, key, imageView);                if (bm == null) {                    ResponseInfo responseInfo = mInstance.mDownloader.downloadImgByUrl(url);                    if (responseInfo.success)// 如果下载成功                    {                        bm = dealImage(configure, imageView, key, responseInfo.bitmap);                    }                }                ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageView, tag, bm, configure);                Message msg = new Message();                msg.what = 0;                msg.obj = imageInfo;                UIHandler.sendMessage(msg);            }        };    }



 private Bitmap dealImage(LoaderConfigure configure, ImageView imageView, String key, Bitmap bm) {        if (configure.cacheBaseImage || !configure.adjust) {//缓存原图,或者不压缩的情况下            putIntoCache(configure, key, bm);        }        if (configure.adjust) {//是否根据控件大小压缩图片大小            bm = ImageUtil.scaleImg(bm, imageView.getWidth(), imageView.getHeight());            if (!configure.cacheBaseImage) {//缓存压缩后图片                putIntoCache(configure, key, bm);            }        }        return bm;    }


 @NonNull    public Runnable getLocalImageRunnable(final Context context, final LoaderConfigure configure, final ImageView imageView, final String path, final String tag, final String key) {        return new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                Bitmap bm = getBitmapFromDiskCache(context, key, imageView);                if (bm == null) {                    bm = getBitmapFromDisk(context, path, imageView);                    if (bm!= null) {                        bm = dealImage(configure, imageView, key, bm);                    }                }                ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageView, tag, bm, configure);                Message msg = new Message();                msg.what = 0;                msg.obj = imageInfo;                UIHandler.sendMessage(msg);            }        };    }


    public static void pretreatmentImage(Context context, ImageView imageView, LoaderConfigure configure) {        Bitmap bm = null;        if (configure.loading > 0)            bm = ReadBitmapById(context, configure.loading);        if (bm != null) {            imageView.setImageBitmap(configureImage(bm, imageView, configure));        }    }


    protected void runTask() {        mPoolThreadHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0);    }


 private void initBackThread() {        mPoolThread = new Thread() {            @Override            public void run() {                Looper.prepare();                mPoolThreadHandler = new Handler() {                    @Override                    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {                        // 线程池去取出一个任务进行执行                        Runnable runnable = getTask();                        if (runnable != null) {                            mThreadPool.execute(runnable);                        }                    }                };                Looper.loop();            }        };        mPoolThread.start();    }


    private Runnable getTask() {        synchronized (mTaskQueue) {            if (mTaskQueue.isEmpty())                return null;            if (mType == Type.FIFO) {                return mTaskQueue.removeFirst().getRunnable();            } else if (mType == Type.LIFO) {                return mTaskQueue.removeLast().getRunnable();            }        }        return null;    }


    if (responseInfo.success)// 如果下载成功                        {                            bm = dealResponse(configure, imageView, tag, responseInfo.bitmap);                        }                    }                    ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageView, tag, bm, configure);                    Message msg = new Message();                    msg.what = 0;                    msg.obj = imageInfo;                    UIHandler.sendMessage(msg);

我们在UIHandler把图片显示在imageview上 ,根据加载配置对图片做显示前的处理,判断图片所对应的tag和imageview是否一致。避免列表加载网络图片显示错乱,如果图片获取失败就显示失败的占位图片

 private Handler UIHandler = new Handler() {        @Override        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {            switch (msg.what) {                case 0:                    ImageInfo imageInfo = (ImageInfo) msg.obj;                    Bitmap bm = imageInfo.getBitmap();                    LoaderConfigure configure = imageInfo.getLoaderConfigure();                    ImageView imageView = imageInfo.getImageView();                    if (imageView.getTag() != null && imageView.getTag().equals(imageInfo.getTag())) {                        if (bm == null) {                            if (configure.error > 0) {                                bm = ImageUtil.ReadBitmapById(mAppliactionContext, configure.error);                            }                        }                        if (bm != null) {                            bm = ImageUtil.configureImage(bm, imageView, configure);                            imageView.setImageBitmap(bm);                        }                    }                    break;            }        }    };

完整的HelloLoader 类

package com.sunshine.view.library;import android.annotation.SuppressLint;import android.app.Activity;import android.content.Context;import android.graphics.Bitmap;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.Looper;import android.os.Message;import android.support.annotation.NonNull;import android.widget.ImageView;import com.sunshine.view.library.cache.Cache;import com.sunshine.view.library.cache.LruCache;import com.sunshine.view.library.data.ImageInfo;import com.sunshine.view.library.data.ResponseInfo;import com.sunshine.view.library.data.TaskInfo;import com.sunshine.view.library.download.Downloader;import com.sunshine.view.library.download.HttpUrlConnectionDownLoader;import com.sunshine.view.library.utils.ImageSizeUtil;import com.sunshine.view.library.utils.ImageUtil;import com.sunshine.view.library.utils.Utils;import java.io.File;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;import java.util.concurrent.Executors;/** * Created by Administrator on 2016/11/1. */public class HelloLoader {    static volatile HelloLoader mInstance;    Context mAppliactionContext;    Cache cache;    String mDiskCachePath;    LoaderConfigure mDefaultConfigure;//默认的全局图片加载配置    Downloader mDownloader;//图片加载器    LinkedList<TaskInfo> mTaskQueue;//解析请求队列    ExecutorService mThreadPool;// 线程池    int threadCount = 4;    Handler mPoolThreadHandler;//线程池循环句柄    Thread mPoolThread;//后台任务调度线程    Type mType = Type.LIFO;//请求加载顺序:正序还是倒序    public enum Type {        FIFO, LIFO;    }    //主线程设置图片句柄    @SuppressLint("HandlerLeak")    private Handler UIHandler = new Handler() {        @Override        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {            switch (msg.what) {                case 0:                    ImageInfo imageInfo = (ImageInfo) msg.obj;                    Bitmap bm = imageInfo.getBitmap();                    LoaderConfigure configure = imageInfo.getLoaderConfigure();                    ImageView imageView = imageInfo.getImageView();                    if (imageView.getTag() != null && imageView.getTag().equals(imageInfo.getTag())) {                        if (bm == null) {                            if (configure.error > 0) {                                bm = ImageUtil.ReadBitmapById(mAppliactionContext, configure.error);                            }                        }                        if (bm != null) {                            bm = ImageUtil.configureImage(bm, imageView, configure);                            imageView.setImageBitmap(bm);                        }                    }                    break;            }        }    };    public HelloLoader(Context mAppliactionContext, Cache cache, String mDiskCachePath, LoaderConfigure mDefaultConfigure            , Downloader downloader) {        this.mAppliactionContext = mAppliactionContext;        this.cache = cache;        this.mDiskCachePath = mDiskCachePath;        this.mDefaultConfigure = mDefaultConfigure;        this.mDownloader = downloader;        mTaskQueue = new LinkedList<>();        threadCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();        mThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount + 1);        initBackThread();    }    public static LoaderBuilder bind(ImageView imageView) {        if (imageView == null)            throw new NullPointerException("imageView can not be null");        if (mInstance == null) {            mInstance = new Builder(imageView.getContext()).build();        }        return new LoaderBuilder(imageView, mInstance);    }    private Bitmap memoryCacheCheck(String key) {        Bitmap cached = cache.get(key);        return cached;    }    private Bitmap put2MemoryCache(String key, Bitmap bitmap) {        if (key == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("cache key can not be null");        }        if (bitmap == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("the bitmap put to cache is null");        }        Bitmap cached = cache.put(key, bitmap);        return cached;    }    /**     * 初始化后台轮询线程     */    private void initBackThread() {        mPoolThread = new Thread() {            @Override            public void run() {                Looper.prepare();                mPoolThreadHandler = new Handler() {                    @Override                    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {                        // 线程池去取出一个任务进行执行                        Runnable runnable = getTask();                        if (runnable != null) {                            mThreadPool.execute(runnable);                        }                    }                };                Looper.loop();            }        };        mPoolThread.start();    }    protected void runTask() {        mPoolThreadHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0);    }    private Runnable getTask() {        synchronized (mTaskQueue) {            if (mTaskQueue.isEmpty())                return null;            if (mType == Type.FIFO) {                return mTaskQueue.removeFirst().getRunnable();            } else if (mType == Type.LIFO) {                return mTaskQueue.removeLast().getRunnable();            }        }        return null;    }    protected void removeTask(ImageView imageView) {        synchronized (mTaskQueue) {            mTaskQueue.remove(new TaskInfo(imageView, null));        }    }    /**     * 从内存取,,取到直接加载。因为不占据请求和解析资源,而且刚刚加载过的图片滑动过来再次加载也不合理     * 没取到则放入解析和请求队列     *     * @date 2016/11/3 9:45     */    @NonNull    public void putTask(final Context context, final LoaderConfigure configure, final ImageView imageView, final String uri) {        //加时间戳,防止列表加载的时候有相同路径的多张图片重复加载错乱问题        final String key = Utils.md5(uri);        final String tag = key+ System.currentTimeMillis();        Bitmap bm = null;        bm = memoryCacheCheck(key);        if (bm != null) {            imageView.setTag(tag);            ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageView, tag, bm, configure);            Message msg = new Message();            msg.what = 0;            msg.obj = imageInfo;            UIHandler.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(msg);//内存找到优先直接加载。速度快        } else {            if (imageView.getTag() != null) {                removeTask(imageView);//顺序不能错,先从任务队列移除这个imageView之前所绑定的任务            }            imageView.setTag(tag);            Runnable runnable;            if (uri.startsWith("http")) {                runnable = getNetImageRunnable(context, configure, imageView, uri, tag,key);            } else {                runnable = getLocalImageRunnable(context, configure, imageView, uri, tag,key);            }            TaskInfo info = new TaskInfo(imageView, runnable);            synchronized (mTaskQueue) {                if (mTaskQueue.contains(info)) {                    mTaskQueue.remove(info);                    mTaskQueue.add(info);                } else {                    mTaskQueue.add(info);                }            }        }    }    @NonNull    public Runnable getNetImageRunnable(final Context context, final LoaderConfigure configure, final ImageView imageView, final String url, final String tag, final String key) {        return new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                // TODO: 这里其实应该加入优先级。本地如果有这个文件,应该优先级高一点,或者额外给个本地解析任务队列                Bitmap bm = getBitmapFromDiskCache(context, key, imageView);                if (bm == null) {                    ResponseInfo responseInfo = mInstance.mDownloader.downloadImgByUrl(url);                    if (responseInfo.success)// 如果下载成功                    {                        bm = dealImage(configure, imageView, key, responseInfo.bitmap);                    }                }                ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageView, tag, bm, configure);                Message msg = new Message();                msg.what = 0;                msg.obj = imageInfo;                UIHandler.sendMessage(msg);            }        };    }    @NonNull    public Runnable getLocalImageRunnable(final Context context, final LoaderConfigure configure, final ImageView imageView, final String path, final String tag, final String key) {        return new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                Bitmap bm = getBitmapFromDiskCache(context, key, imageView);                if (bm == null) {                    bm = getBitmapFromDisk(context, path, imageView);                    if (bm!= null) {                        bm = dealImage(configure, imageView, key, bm);                    }                }                ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageView, tag, bm, configure);                Message msg = new Message();                msg.what = 0;                msg.obj = imageInfo;                UIHandler.sendMessage(msg);            }        };    }    private Bitmap getBitmapFromDiskCache(Context mContext, String key, ImageView imageView) {        Bitmap bm = null;        File file = Utils.getDiskCacheDir(mInstance.mDiskCachePath, key);        if (file.exists())// 如果在本地缓存文件中发现        {            ImageSizeUtil.ImageSize imageSize = ImageSizeUtil.getImageViewSize(imageView);            // 根据控件大小获取本地压缩处理后的图片            bm = ImageUtil.decodeSampledBitmapFromPath(file.getAbsolutePath(), imageSize);        }        return bm;    }    private Bitmap getBitmapFromDisk(Context mContext, String path, ImageView imageView) {        Bitmap bm = null;        if (!Utils.checkNULL(path))// 如果文件路径不为空        {            ImageSizeUtil.ImageSize imageSize = ImageSizeUtil.getImageViewSize(imageView);            // 根据控件大小获取本地压缩处理后的图片            bm = ImageUtil.decodeSampledBitmapFromPath(path, imageSize);        }        return bm;    }    private Bitmap dealImage(LoaderConfigure configure, ImageView imageView, String key, Bitmap bm) {        if (configure.cacheBaseImage || !configure.adjust) {//缓存原图,或者不压缩的情况下            putIntoCache(configure, key, bm);        }        if (configure.adjust) {//是否根据控件大小压缩图片大小            bm = ImageUtil.scaleImg(bm, imageView.getWidth(), imageView.getHeight());            if (!configure.cacheBaseImage) {//缓存压缩后图片                putIntoCache(configure, key, bm);            }        }        return bm;    }    private void putIntoCache(LoaderConfigure configure, String key, Bitmap bm) {        if (configure.memoryCache) {            put2MemoryCache(key, bm);//放入内存缓存        }        if (configure.diskCache) {            Utils.write2File(mInstance.mDiskCachePath, bm, key);//写入本地文件        }    }    public static class Builder {        Context mContext;        LoaderConfigure mDefaultConfigure;        Cache mCache;        String mDiskCachePath;        Downloader mDownloader;        public Builder(Context context) {            try {//防止传入的是activity的上下文                Activity activity = (Activity) context;                mContext = context.getApplicationContext();            } catch (Exception e) {                e.printStackTrace();                mContext = context;            }        }        public Builder defaultLoaderConfigure(LoaderConfigure loaderConfigure) {            mDefaultConfigure = loaderConfigure;            return this;        }        public Builder downloader(Downloader downloader) {            mDownloader = downloader;            return this;        }        public Builder cache(Cache cache) {            mCache = cache;            return this;        }        public Builder diskCachePath(String loaderConfigure) {            mDiskCachePath = loaderConfigure;            return this;        }        public HelloLoader build() {            if (mDefaultConfigure == null) {                mDefaultConfigure = new LoaderConfigure();            }            if (mCache == null) {                mCache = createDefaultCache();            }            if (Utils.checkNULL(mDiskCachePath)) {                mDiskCachePath = mContext.getCacheDir().getPath();            }            if (mDownloader == null) {                mDownloader = createDefaultDownloader();            }            mInstance = new HelloLoader(mContext, mCache, mDiskCachePath, mDefaultConfigure, mDownloader);            return mInstance;        }        private Downloader createDefaultDownloader() {            return new HttpUrlConnectionDownLoader();        }        private Cache createDefaultCache() {            int memoryCacheSize = Utils.getMemoryCacheSize(mContext);            return new LruCache(memoryCacheSize);        }    }}


  loaderConfigure = new LoaderConfigure()                .memoryCache(true)                .loading(R.mipmap.ic_launcher).error(R.mipmap.ic_launcher);        loader = new HelloLoader                .Builder(this)               .downloader(new VolleyDownLoader(Volley.newRequestQueue(this)))//                .downloader(new Okhttp3DownLoader(client))                .defaultLoaderConfigure(loaderConfigure)                .build();


public class Okhttp3DownLoader implements Downloader {    OkHttpClient client;    public Okhttp3DownLoader(OkHttpClient client) {        this.client = client;    }    @Override    public ResponseInfo downloadImgByUrl(String urlStr) {        ResponseInfo responseInfo = new ResponseInfo(false);        InputStream is = null;        Bitmap bm = null;        Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder().url(urlStr);        try {            okhttp3.Response response = client.newCall(builder.build()).execute();            int responseCode = response.code();            if (responseCode == 200) {                is = response.body().byteStream();                if (is != null) {                    bm = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, null);                }                if (bm != null) {                    responseInfo.success = true;                    responseInfo.bitmap = bm;                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {        }        return responseInfo;    }}


public class VolleyDownLoader implements Downloader {    RequestQueue requestQueue;    public VolleyDownLoader(RequestQueue requestQueue) {        this.requestQueue = requestQueue;    }    @Override    public ResponseInfo downloadImgByUrl(String urlStr) {        RequestFuture future = RequestFuture.newFuture();        Bitmap bm = null;        ResponseInfo responseInfo = new ResponseInfo(false);        ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(urlStr, future, 0, 0, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565, future);        requestQueue.add(request);        try {            bm= (Bitmap) future.get();            if (bm != null) {                responseInfo.success = true;                responseInfo.bitmap = bm;            }        } catch (Exception e) {        }        return responseInfo;    }}

完整的示例项目Githu地址 https://github.com/gengqiquan/HelloLoader.git



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