AspectJ in Action: Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming

来源:互联网 发布:java 如何运行jar包 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 20:41
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Modularizing code into objects cannot be fully achieved in pure OOP. In practice some objects must deal with aspects that are not their main business. A method to modularize aspects-and benefit from a clean maintainable result-is called aspect-oriented programming. AspectJ is an open-source Java extension and compiler designed for AOP development. Now integrated with Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder, and other IDEs, AspectJ v1.1 is ready for the real world.

It is time to move from AOP theory and toy examples to AOP practice and real applications. With this unique book you can make that move. It teaches you AOP concepts, the AspectJ language, and how to develop industrial-strength systems. It shows you examples which you can reuse. It unleashes the true power of AOP through unique patterns of AOP design. When you are done, you will be eager-and able-to build new systems, and enhance your existing ones, with the help of AOP.

Whats Inside:
* What is aspect-oriented programming?
* How AspectJ works with JAAS, Jess, log4j, Ant, JTA, POJOs
* Best practices and design patterns
* How to implement policy enforcement resource pooling and caching thread-safety authentication and authorization transaction management business rules