android 关于音乐进度 circular-music-progressbar

来源:互联网 发布:mac怎么升级至os10.11 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:40


简介:Beautiful Circular Progress Bar with album art for android

Hero Image


This Circular Progress bar is a designed and made for music players that need beautiful music progress bar.


To use Circular Music ProgressBar you must add it as a dependency in your Gradle build:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {        repositories {            ...            maven { url "" }        }    }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {    compile 'com.github.aliab:circular-music-progressbar:v1.0'}

Then add the view to your layout:

    <info.abdolahi.CircularMusicProgressBar        xmlns:app=""        android:id="@+id/album_art"        android:layout_width="300dp"        android:layout_height="300dp"        android:layout_gravity="center"        android:src="@drawable/maron5"        app:border_color="#00796B"        app:border_width="2dp"        app:centercircle_diammterer="1"        app:progress_color="#80CBC4"        app:progress_startAngle="40" />

XML attributes

    <info.abdolahi.CircularMusicProgressBar        ...        app:border_color="#00796B"        app:border_width="2dp"        app:centercircle_diammterer="1"        app:progress_color="#80CBC4"        app:progress_startAngle="40"        ...         />

XML attributes

NameTypeDefaultDescriptionborder_colorColorColor.BLACKProgressBar background colorborder_widthdimen2Thicknes of progress barcentercircle_diammtererFloat0.805fNumber between 0 and 1, that change diammeter of album art imageprogress_colorColorColor.BLUEProgressBar active state colorprogress_startAngleFloat0Number between 0 and 360 that describe Start angle of progress bar active state

Public Methods

NameDescriptionsetValue(float)change value of progress with animationsetBorderProgressColor(Color)set progressbar active state colorsetBorderColor(Color)set progressbar non-active state color

Note: Because I extended ImageView you can use all ImageView public methods too.


  • The ScaleType is always CENTER_CROP and you'll get an exception if you try to change it. This is (currently) by design as it's perfectly fine for music album art.
  • Enabling adjustViewBounds is not supported as this requires an unsupported ScaleType
  • If you use an image loading library like Picasso or Glide, you need to disable their fade animations to avoid messed up images. For Picasso use the noFade() option, for Glide use dontAnimate(). If you want to keep the fadeIn animation, you have to fetch the image into a Target and apply a custom animation yourself when receiving the Bitmap.
  • Using a TransitionDrawable with CircleImageView doesn't work properly and leads to messed up images.


  • Animation interpolator setter
  • Animation disable/enable method
  • Buffering mode animation
  • Drag to seek listener
  • change thickness of borderes independently
  • support shadow/glow



  • Initial release


  • Special Thanks to CircleImageView.
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