Intel WebRTC之woogeen_config.js文件内容示例

来源:互联网 发布:解放战争国民党知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 09:38

Intel WebRTC之woogeen_config.js文件内容示例

最近在解决 stun, turn,ICE 相关问题时看到此文件,这里记录一下。

请注意,在新的版本 Release-v3.2.1 中已经不存在此文件。

var config = {}/********************************************************* COMMON CONFIGURATION It's used by Nuve, ErizoController, ErizoAgent and ErizoJS**********************************************************/config.rabbit = {}; = 'localhost'; //default value: 'localhost'config.rabbit.port = 5672; //default value: 5672config.logger = {};config.logger.config_file = '../log4js_configuration.json'; //default value: "../log4js_configuration.json"/********************************************************* CLOUD PROVIDER CONFIGURATION It's used by Nuve and ErizoController**********************************************************/config.cloudProvider = {}; = '';//In Amazon Ec2 instances you can specify the zone host. By default is '' = '';config.cloudProvider.accessKey = '';config.cloudProvider.secretAccessKey = '';config.certificate = {};// A string or Buffer containing the certificate key of the server in PEM format. (Required)config.certificate.cert = "../../cert/cert.pem";// A string or Buffer containing the private key of the server in PEM format. (Required)config.certificate.key =  "../../cert/key.pem";config.certificate.cert2="/home/oracle/Release-v2.0/extras/basic_example/cert/cert.crt"config.certificate.key2 ="/home/oracle/Release-v2.0/extras/basic_example/cert/cert.key"// A string of passphrase for the private key or pfxconfig.certificate.passphrase = "";// An array of strings or Buffers of trusted certificates in PEM format. If this is omitted several well known "root" CAs will be used, like VeriSign. These are used to authorize = "";/********************************************************* NUVE CONFIGURATION**********************************************************/config.nuve = {};config.nuve.dataBaseURL = "localhost/nuvedb"; // default value: 'localhost/nuvedb'config.nuve.superserviceID = '54c100fa11274c36bb58785e'; // default value: ''config.nuve.superserviceKey = '5555'; // default value: ''config.nuve.testErizoController = 'localhost:443'; // default value: 'localhost:8080'/********************************************************* ERIZO CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION**********************************************************/config.erizoController = {};//Use undefined to run clients without Stun config.erizoController.stunServerUrl = undefined; // default value: ''// Default and max video bandwidth parameters to be used by clientsconfig.erizoController.defaultVideoBW = 300; //default value: 300config.erizoController.maxVideoBW = 2048; //default value: 300// Public erizoController IP for websockets (useful when behind NATs)// Use '' to automatically get IP from the interfaceconfig.erizoController.publicIP = ''; //default value: ''// Use '' to use the public IP address instead of a hostnameconfig.erizoController.hostname = ''; //default value: ''config.erizoController.port = 443; //default value: 8080// Use true if clients communicate with erizoController over SSLconfig.erizoController.ssl = true; //default value: false// Use the name of the inferface you want to bind to for websockets// config.erizoController.networkInterface = 'eth1' // default value: undefined//Use undefined to run clients without Turnconfig.erizoController.turnServer = {}; // default value: undefinedconfig.erizoController.turnServer.url = 'turn:'; // default value: nullconfig.erizoController.turnServer.username = 'pruffme'; // default value: nullconfig.erizoController.turnServer.password = 'pruffme'; // default value: nullconfig.erizoController.warning_n_rooms = 50; // default value: 15config.erizoController.limit_n_rooms = 100; // default value: 20config.erizoController.interval_time_keepAlive = 1000; // default value: 1000// Roles to be used by servicesconfig.erizoController.roles ={"presenter": {"publish": true, "subscribe": true, "record": true},    "viewer": {"subscribe": true},    "viewerWithData": {"subscribe": true, "publish": {"audio": false, "video": false, "screen": false, "data": true}}}; // default value: {"presenter":{"publish": true, "subscribe":true, "record":true}, "viewer":{"subscribe":true}, "viewerWithData":{"subscribe":true, "publish":{"audio":false,"video":false,"screen":false,"data":true}}}// If true, erizoController sends stats to rabbitMQ queue "stats_handler" config.erizoController.sendStats = false; // default value: false// If undefined, the path will be /tmp/config.erizoController.recording_path = undefined; // default value: undefined// If true, the streams from different clients in a room will be mixed by the media server.config.erizoController.mixer = false;// If true and the maxProcesses allows, the mixer will be run in a dedicated process.config.erizoController.outOfProcessMixer = false;/********************************************************* ERIZO AGENT CONFIGURATION**********************************************************/config.erizoAgent = {};// Max processes that ErizoAgent can runconfig.erizoAgent.maxProcesses   = 50; // default value: 13// Number of precesses that ErizoAgent runs when it starts. Always lower than or equals to maxProcesses.config.erizoAgent.prerunProcesses = 1; // default value: 1/********************************************************* ERIZO JS CONFIGURATION**********************************************************/config.erizo = {};//STUN server IP address and port to be used by the server.//if '' is used, the address is discovered locallyconfig.erizo.stunserver = ''; // default value: ''config.erizo.stunport = 0; // default value: 0//note, this won't work with all versions of libnice. With 0 all the available ports are usedconfig.erizo.minport = 0; // default value: 0config.erizo.maxport = 0; // default value: 0// If true and the machine has the capability, the mixer will be accelerated by hardware graphic chips.config.erizo.hardwareAccelerated = false;// This configuration is only for software media engine. Hardware graphic acceleration provides H.264 by default.// "true" means OpenH264 is deployed for H.264. Otherwise no support of H.264 in MCU.config.erizo.openh264Enabled = false;// Config the mixed video layout. Default is "fluid" layout.// Otherwise, "custom" layout can be used for video layout customization.config.erizo.videolayout = {};config.erizo.videolayout.type = "fluid";config.erizo.videolayout.defaultrootsize = "vga"; // Default 640x480 root size. See docs for more details.config.erizo.videolayout.defaultbackgroundcolor = "black"; // Default black root background color . See docs for more details./***** END *****/// Following lines are always needed.var module = module || {};module.exports = config;

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