
来源:互联网 发布:魔方oa办公源码最新版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 17:57


职工号 职工姓名 职务 职称
1 张军 教员 讲师
2 沈灵 系主任 教授
3 叶明 校长 教授`public class staff {
private int ID;
private String name;
private String post;
private String title;

staff(int ID, String name,String post, String title){    this.ID = ID ; = post ;    this.title = title ; = name;    }int getID(){    return ID;}String getName(){    return name;}String getPost(){    return post;}String getTitle(){    return title;}

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class createIdx {
//staff sf0 = new staff(0,”“,”“,”“);
staff sf1 = new staff(1,”张军”,”教员”,”讲师”);
staff sf2 = new staff(2,”沈灵”,”系主任”,”教授”);
staff sf3 = new staff(3,”叶明”,”校长”,”教授”);

//LinkedHashMap<Integer , String> lhm1 = new LinkedHashMap<Integer , String>();/*public LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> staffIdx(){        lhm1.put(1, sf1.getName());        lhm1.put(2, sf2.getName());        lhm1.put(3, sf3.getName());        return lhm1;}*/ArrayList<staff> list = new ArrayList<staff>();public ArrayList<staff> staffIdx(){    //list.add(0,sf0);    list.add(sf1);    list.add(sf2);    list.add(sf3);    staff aa = (staff)list.get(1);    System.out.println(aa.getName());    for(staff sf : list){        System.out.println(sf.getName());    }        return list;}public String searchName(int i){    staff sf = (staff)list.get(i);    return sf.getName();}public String searchPost(int i){    staff sf = (staff)list.get(i);    return sf.getPost();}public String searchTitle(int i){    staff sf = (staff)list.get(i);    return sf.getTitle();}public StringBuffer searchStaff(int id){    StringBuffer sr = new StringBuffer();    if(id>list.size() || id<0){        sr.append("不存在此人");        }    else{    staff sa = (staff)list.get(id);    String s1 = sa.getPost().toString();    if(s1.equals("教员"))        for(staff sf : list){            String s2 = sf.getPost().toString();            //String s3 = sf.getName().toString();            if(s2.equals("系主任")){                    sr.append(sa.getName()+"是教员"+"被"+sf.getName()+"领导");            }        }    else if(s1.equals("系主任"))        for(staff sf : list){            String s2 = sf.getPost().toString();            if(s2.equals("校长"))                sr.append("被"+sf.getName()+"领导,"+"。");            if(s2.equals("教员")){                sr.append(sa.getName()+"是系主任"+"领导教员"+sf.getName()+",");                }        }    else{        for(staff sf : list){            String s2 = sf.getPost().toString();            if(s2.equals("系主任")){                sr.append(sa.getName()+"是校长,"+"领导"+sf.getName());                }    }}

return sr;

}public StringBuffer searchLuc(){    String[] luc = new String[10];    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();    for(staff sf : list){        String s1 = sf.getTitle().toString();        if(s1.equals("讲师")){            sb.append(sf.getName());            for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++){                String s2 = sf.getName().toString();                luc[i]=(s2);            }        }    }    return sb;}public StringBuffer searchPro(){    StringBuffer su = new StringBuffer();    for(staff sf : list){        String s1 = sf.getTitle().toString();        if(s1.equals("教授") )            su.append(sf.getName()+"\t");        }    return su;}public StringBuffer searchAssPro(){    StringBuffer sa = new StringBuffer();    int flag = 0;    for(staff sf : list){        String s1 = sf.getTitle().toString();        if(s1.equals("副教授") ){            sa.append(sf.getName());        }else{             if(flag == 0){                sa.append("不存在");                flag = 1;            }        }    }    return sa;}

}``import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
public class view {

public static void main(String[] args) {        // 创建 JFrame 实例    JFrame frame = new JFrame("search");    // Setting the width and height of frame    frame.setSize(350, 300);    frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);    JPanel panel = new JPanel();        // 添加面板    frame.add(panel);    /*      * 调用用户定义的方法并添加组件到面板     */    placeComponents(panel);    // 设置界面可见    frame.setVisible(true);}private static  void placeComponents(JPanel panel) {    /*     * 这边设置布局为 null     */    panel.setLayout(null);    // 创建 JLabel    //JLabel userLabel = new JLabel("查询员工:");    /* 这个方法定义了组件的位置。     * setBounds(x, y, width, height)     * x 和 y 指定左上角的新位置,由 width 和 height 指定新的大小。     */    //userLabel.setBounds(5,20,80,25);    //panel.add(userLabel);    /*      * 创建文本域用于用户输入     */    JTextField idText = new JTextField(20);    idText.setBounds(150,250,50,25);    panel.add(idText);    JButton IdButton = new JButton("查询员工");    IdButton.setBounds(10, 100, 100, 25);    IdButton.setLocation(50,250);    panel.add(IdButton);    IdButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {            createIdx cd = new createIdx();            cd.staffIdx();            String si = idText.getText();            int i = Integer.parseInt(si);            String ss = cd.searchStaff(i).toString();            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(IdButton,ss);        }    }    );    // 创建按钮    JButton LucButton = new JButton("查询讲师");    LucButton.setBounds(10, 100, 100, 25);    LucButton.setLocation(50,200);    LucButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {            createIdx cd = new createIdx();            cd.staffIdx();            String ss = cd.searchLuc().toString();            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(LucButton,ss);        }    }    );    panel.add(LucButton);    JButton ProButton = new JButton("查询教授");    ProButton.setBounds(10, 100, 100, 25);    ProButton.setLocation(50,150);   ProButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {            createIdx cd = new createIdx();            cd.staffIdx();            String ss = cd.searchPro().toString();            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ProButton,ss);        }    }    );    panel.add(ProButton);    JButton AssProButton = new JButton("查询副教授");    AssProButton.setBounds(10, 100, 100, 25);    AssProButton.setLocation(50, 100);    AssProButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {            createIdx cd = new createIdx();            cd.staffIdx();            String ss = cd.searchAssPro().toString();            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ProButton,ss);        }    }    );    panel.add(AssProButton);}


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