A a; A a(); A a(""); 没有严谨的态度,就做不好C++

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺体检中心 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 00:47

现在时间是2016-11-8 17:31:24


#pragma once#include <chrono>#include <string>class CostTime{public:  CostTime(const std::string& msg = "");  ~CostTime();private:  std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t_;  std::string msg_;};#define __COST_TIME__ CostTime(__FUNCTION__);
#include "CostTime.h"#include <iostream>CostTime::CostTime(const std::string& msg /* = "" */)  : t_(std::chrono::steady_clock::now())  , msg_(msg){}CostTime::~CostTime(){  std::cout << msg_     << " [cost time: "    << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t_ ).count()    << "ms]"     << std::endl;}


  {    std::cout << "begin..." << std::endl;    CostTime ct();    std::this_thread::sleep_for(2s);  }

CostTime ct(“”);
CostTime ct{};
CostTime ct{“”};
CostTime ct;


<vig> hi,i have a double: what's diff between "A a;" and "A a();"?  A<vig> A is a class<Moto-chan> Well...<Moto-chan> Oh, nevermind, you mean double question, not you have the double data type.<Moto-chan> Confusing...<Moto-chan> In the case of a class, there's nothing different between those two, they'll both call the default constructor.<Moto-chan> And they'll both have the same value.<velco> A a(); is fucntion declaration;<Moto-chan> If it were not a class and were a primitive though, then it'd be different, as one would be uninitialized, and the other would be zero initialized, respectively.<Moto-chan> And as velco is saying, depends on the context aswell, is this inside a function, or at namespace scope.<vig> sorry for my pool en. A is a class, <xaxxon> A a(); is a function declaration - a funciton named a taking no parameters and returning a value of type A<vig> if i use "A a()", then i find destructor never be called<xaxxon> [00:53]  <velco> A a(); is fucntion declaration;<vig> and if i use "A a("");" , then everything is ok<Moto-chan> { A a(); } class A {};<geordi> <no output><Moto-chan> He's obviously talking about calling a constructor...<xaxxon> its' a vexing parse, right?* Moto-chan wishes freenode could stop being pedantic for just one minute and attempt to help someone.<velco> if the goal is to instantiate an object, the syntax is "A a;". Or "A a{};"<Princess17b29a> { A a(); a.x; } class A { int x; };<geordi> error: request for member 'x' in 'a', which is of non-class type 'A()'<Princess17b29a> it is a function declaration<Moto-chan> Since when can you declare functions inside a function o.O<et> since C.<velco> since C<velco> heh<Moto-chan> Fuck that noise<TheSchaf> { A a((0)); a.x; } class A { int x; };<geordi> error: no matching function for call to 'A::A(int)'<vig> yes ,i want to init a object, then i find "A a;" or "A a{};" or A a("") or A a{""} is working, just A a(); is not<xaxxon> vig: because the last one declares a functio<xaxxon> n<xaxxon> A a; is what you want<xaxxon> instead of A a();<Moto-chan> That's some damn confusing syntax right there.<Moto-chan> And here I thought I had a grasp of the fucking thing >.<<xaxxon> Moto-chan, are you drunk?<xaxxon> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_vexing_parse<Moto-chan> A() calls constructor, A a() function declaration, A a(arg) calls constructor...<Moto-chan> ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻<vig> i write "bool operator ()() = delete;" in class A<Moto-chan> xaxxon: If so, more than I should be for the amount I drank<xaxxon> Moto-chan, i find it hard to believe you haven't run into MVP before<Moto-chan> I don't believe I have, as when I began I wouldn't have noticed, and when I actually was into programming far enough to have noticed anything like this, C++11 was already a thing and I was using {} by default.<xaxxon> it's like every 100th question on stack overflow<xaxxon> 100th c++ question<Moto-chan> I avoid that place whenever possible :P Too much misinformation :P<Moto-chan> It's useful sometimes, but other times... Meh, I'd ask here first.<xaxxon> sure.   but I'd just suppose it owuld be frequent here too<Moto-chan> Or consult a book/reference.<Moto-chan> ┐( ゚ー゚)┌<Moto-chan> Doubt I'll forget it now though xD<xaxxon> anyhow, that's it's name.. Most Vexing Parse and it's the "if it can be a variable or a function, it's a function" part of the spec<Moto-chan> Heh, good old spec, C++, the language that doesn't know about a stack, except for when it does.<Moto-chan> All it has is "automatic storage duration" until it gets to "stack unwinding"<Moto-chan> hue<Moto-chan> Or so I believe anyway<vig> thank you everyone ,thank you moto-chan . i think your version is right and easy to explain the question <Moto-chan> Nope, I was incorrect in this case. Listen to the other guys, I'm a moron :P<vig> a function declare in a function. i never think about that . princess17 xaxxon , you are right. thank you. all of you <xaxxon> good luck vig

好吧 我捉急的英语太尴尬,不过最后还是解开了我的迷惑。

最后,在测试中,我发现了一条警告, 而无知的我并没有注意警告了(刚工作的前几年,我连一个警告都不会放过,现在都是写一次代码,最后一次编译成功的心态,让我没有去注意这明显的警告)。

好吧 最后说一句,送给自己:做一个好的程序员

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