HDU 1664 Different Digits (数论 -- 鸽笼原理 + BFS搜索 + 余数判重)

来源:互联网 发布:vb.net和c#区别 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:52




肯定是搜索的题目,我们得先考虑数字m 不同数字的种类个数,以便缩小搜索范围。


那么num1 = AAAAAAAAA

       num2 = AAAA

那么num1 - num2肯定是n的倍数   num1 - num2  = AAAA00000的形式!




1.搜到目前为止,字符串长度已经长于已经更新好的答案了 直接return了!

2.搜到当前数字对n 取模与之前重复的话,就不搜了。


先想搜索1种数字的,当你取模完后 值于之前重了,那么你下一步取模 肯定也会重复,因此形成循环!



因此 只要余数重复就停止搜索!


因为搜索两种数字 时  得记录字符串前指针,因此这里bfs 手写队列会比queue好很多,还省了不少空间!

#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <queue>#include <string>using namespace std;const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;struct Node{    char ch;    int mod;    int la;    int len;}qq[1000000];int head,tail;int anslen = inf;int num[10],n;bool vis[65540];string res;bool bfs1(int k){    memset(vis,0,sizeof vis);    int v = 0;    string ans = "";    int len2 = 0;    while(1){        ans += '0' + k;        ++len2;        if (len2 > anslen)return false;        v = (v * 10 + k) % n;        if (!v){            if (anslen == inf || ans.length() < anslen || (ans.length() == anslen && ans < res)){                res = ans;                anslen = ans.length();                return 1;            }            return 0;        }        if (vis[v])return 0;        vis[v] = 1;    }}void dfs(string& ans,int cur){    if (~cur)dfs(ans,qq[cur].la);    else {        return ;    }    ans += qq[cur].ch;}bool bfs2(int num1,int num2){    memset(vis,0,sizeof vis);    head = tail = 0;    int flag = 0;    if (num1){        qq[tail].ch = num1 + 48;        qq[tail].mod = num1 % n ;        qq[tail].len = 1;//        vis[qq[tail].mod ] = 1;        qq[tail++].la = -1;    }    qq[tail].ch = num2 + 48;    qq[tail].mod = num2 % n ;    qq[tail].len = 1;//    vis[qq[tail].mod ] = 1;    qq[tail++].la = -1;    num[0] = num1, num[1] = num2;    while(head < tail){        if (qq[head].len > anslen)return false;        if (vis[qq[head].mod ]){            ++head;            continue;        }        vis[qq[head].mod ] = 1;        if (qq[head].mod == 0){            string ans = "";            dfs(ans,head);////            if (ans == "16")puts("haha");            if (anslen == inf || ans.length() < res.length() || (ans.length() == res.length() && ans < res)){                res = ans;                anslen = ans.length();                return 1;            }            return 0;        }        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i){            int mod = (qq[head].mod * 10 + num[i]) % n;//            if (vis[mod])break;//            vis[mod] = 1;            qq[tail].ch = num[i] + 48;            qq[tail].mod = mod;            qq[tail].len = qq[head].len+1;            qq[tail++].la = head;        }        ++head;    }    return 0;}int main(){    while(~scanf("%d",&n) && n){        bool ok = 0; res = ""; anslen = inf;        for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i){            if (bfs1(i)){                ok = 1;            }        }        if (ok){            printf("%s\n",res.c_str());            continue;        }        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){            for (int j = i + 1; j < 10; ++j){                if (bfs2(i,j)){                    ok = 1;                }            }        }        printf("%s\n",res.c_str());    }    return 0;}

Different Digits

Time Limit: 10000/4000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1580    Accepted Submission(s): 445

Problem Description
Given a positive integer n, your task is to find a positive integer m, which is a multiple of n, and that m contains the least number of different digits when represented in decimal. For example, number 1334 contains three different digits 1, 3 and 4.

The input consists of no more than 50 test cases. Each test case has only one line, which contains a positive integer n ( 1<=n < 65536). There are no blank lines between cases. A line with a single `0' terminates the input.

For each test case, you should output one line, which contains m. If there are several possible results, you should output the smallest one. Do not output blank lines between cases.

Sample Input
7 15 16 101 0

Sample Output

2004 Asia Regional Shanghai


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