RAC 知识点(三)

来源:互联网 发布:高考复读知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 00:13

#import "NSObject+RACSelectorSignal.h"


/// Creates a signal associated with the receiver, which will send a tuple of the

/// method's arguments each time the given selector is invoked.


a tuple of the method's arguments  方法的参数

each time the given selector is invoked  每次方法被调用的时候


/// If the selector is already implemented on the receiver, the existing

/// implementation will be invoked _before_ the signal fires.



/// If the selector is not yet implemented on the receiver, the injected

/// implementation will have a `void` return type and accept only object

/// arguments. Invoking the added implementation with non-object values, or

/// expecting a return value, will result in undefined behavior.

如果这个方法在接受者的类里没有实现,注入的实现会有一个  void的返回类型  和只能接受对象参数;



/// This is useful for changing an event or delegate callback into a signal. 

/// For example, on an NSView:


///     [[view rac_signalForSelector:@selector(mouseDown:)] subscribeNext:^(RACTuple *args) {

///         NSEvent *event = args.first;

///         NSLog(@"mouse button pressed: %@", event);

///     }];


/// selector - The selector for whose invocations are to be observed. 


If it doesn't exist, it will be implemented to accept object arguments and return void.

This cannot have C arrays or unions as arguments or C arrays, unions, structs, complex or vector types as return type.


/// Returns a signal which will send a tuple of arguments upon each invocation of the selector, 

// then completes when the receiver is deallocated. 

// `next` events will be sent synchronously from the thread that invoked the method. 

// If a runtime call fails, the signal will send an error in the RACSelectorSignalErrorDomain.

- (RACSignal *)rac_signalForSelector:(SEL)selector;

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