Runtime Swizzling方法使用补充材料

来源:互联网 发布:天伟数据恢复中心 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 17:11



这里是一些关于 Method Swizzling的讨论:

  • Method swizzling is not atomic
  • Changes behavior of un-owned code
  • Possible naming conflicts
  • Swizzling changes the method's arguments
  • The order of swizzles matters
  • Difficult to understand (looks recursive)
  • Difficult to debug

Method swizzling is not atomic

我所见过的使用method swizzling实现的方法在并发使用时基本都是安全的。95%的情况里这都不会是个问题。通常你替换一个方法的实现,是希望它在整个程序的生命周期里有效的。也就是说,你会把 method swizzling 修改方法实现的操作放在一个加号方法 +(void)load里,并在应用程序的一开始就调用执行。你将不会碰到并发问题。假如你在 +(void)initialize初始化方法中进行swizzle,那么……rumtime可能死于一个诡异的状态。



Changes behavior of un-owned code




Possible naming conflicts

命名冲突贯穿整个Cocoa的问题. 我们常常在类名和类别方法名前加上前缀。不幸的是,命名冲突仍是个折磨。但是swizzling其实也不必过多考虑这个问题。我们只需要在原始方法命名前做小小的改动来命名就好,比如通常我们这样命名

    @interface NSView : NSObject      - (void)setFrame:(NSRect)frame;      @end         @implementation NSView (MyViewAdditions)      - (void)my_setFrame:(NSRect)frame {          // do custom work          [self my_setFrame:frame];      }      + (void)load {          [self swizzle:@selector(setFrame:) with:@selector(my_setFrame:)];      }      @end  

这段代码运行正确,但是如果my_setFrame: 在别处被定义了会发生什么呢?


    @implementation NSView (MyViewAdditions)      static void MySetFrame(id self, SEL _cmd, NSRect frame);      static void (*SetFrameIMP)(id self, SEL _cmd, NSRect frame);      static void MySetFrame(id self, SEL _cmd, NSRect frame) {          // do custom work          SetFrameIMP(self, _cmd, frame);      }      + (void)load {          [self swizzle:@selector(setFrame:) with:(IMP)MySetFrame store:(IMP *)&SetFrameIMP];      }      @end  


 typedef IMP *IMPPointer;  BOOL class_swizzleMethodAndStore(Class class, SEL original, IMP replacement, IMPPointer store) {      IMP imp = NULL;      Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(class, original);      if (method) {          const char *type = method_getTypeEncoding(method);          imp = class_replaceMethod(class, original, replacement, type);          if (!imp) {              imp = method_getImplementation(method);          }      }      if (imp && store) { *store = imp; }      return (imp != NULL);  }    @implementation NSObject (FRRuntimeAdditions)  + (BOOL)swizzle:(SEL)original with:(IMP)replacement store:(IMPPointer)store {      return class_swizzleMethodAndStore(self, original, replacement, store);  }  @end 

Swizzling changes the method's arguments

我认为这是最大的问题。想正常调用method swizzling 将会是个问题。

  1. [self my_setFrame:frame];  

直接调用my_setFrame: , runtime做的是

  1. objc_msgSend(self, @selector(my_setFrame:), frame);  

runtime去寻找my_setFrame:的方法实现, _cmd参数为 my_setFrame: ,但是事实上runtime找到的方法实现是原始的 setFrame: 的。


The order of swizzles matters

多个swizzle方法的执行顺序也需要注意。假设 setFrame: 只定义在NSView中,想像一下按照下面的顺序执行:
  1. [NSButton swizzle:@selector(setFrame:) with:@selector(my_buttonSetFrame:)];  
  2. [NSControl swizzle:@selector(setFrame:) with:@selector(my_controlSetFrame:)];  
  3. [NSView swizzle:@selector(setFrame:) with:@selector(my_viewSetFrame:)];  

What happens when the method on NSButton is swizzled? Well most swizzling will ensure that it's not replacing the implementation of setFrame: for all views, so it will pull up the instance method. This will use the existing implementation to re-define setFrame: in the NSButton class so that exchanging implementations doesn't affect all views. The existing implementation is the one defined on NSView. The same thing will happen when swizzling on NSControl (again using the NSView implementation).

When you call setFrame: on a button, it will therefore call your swizzled method, and then jump straight to the setFrame: method originally defined on NSView. The NSControl and NSView swizzled implementations will not be called.

But what if the order were:
  1. [NSView swizzle:@selector(setFrame:) with:@selector(my_viewSetFrame:)];  
  2. [NSControl swizzle:@selector(setFrame:) with:@selector(my_controlSetFrame:)];  
  3. [NSButton swizzle:@selector(setFrame:) with:@selector(my_buttonSetFrame:)];  

Since the view swizzling takes place first, the control swizzling will be able to pull up the right method. Likewise, since the control swizzling was before the button swizzling, the button will pull up the control's swizzled implementation of setFrame:. This is a bit confusing, but this is the correct order. How can we ensure this order of things?

Again, just use load to swizzle things. If you swizzle in load and you only make changes to the class being loaded, you'll be safe. The load method guarantees that the super class load method will be called before any subclasses. We'll get the exact right order!

这段贴了原文,硬翻译太拗口……总结一下就是:多个有继承关系的类的对象swizzle时,从子类对象开始 。 如果先swizzle父类对象,那么后面子类对象swizzle时就无法拿到真正的原始方法实现了。 

(感谢评论中 qq373127202 的提醒,在此更正一下,十分感谢

多个有继承关系的类的对象swizzle时,先从父对象开始。 这样才能保证子类方法拿到父类中的被swizzle的实现。在+(void)load中swizzle不会出错,就是因为load类方法会默认从父类开始调用。

Difficult to understand (looks recursive)

(新方法的实现)看起来像递归,但是看看上面已经给出的 swizzling 封装方法, 使用起来就很易读懂.

Difficult to debug



如果使用恰当,Method swizzling 还是很安全的.一个简单安全的方法是,仅在load中swizzle。 和许多其他东西一样,它也是有危险性的,但理解它了也就可以正确恰当的使用它了。

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