Practical software testing: a process-oriented approach

来源:互联网 发布:pci数据采集卡驱动 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 01:33
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The text is unique in its approach to presenting the field of software testing. It introduces testing concepts that are managerial, technical, and process-oriented in nature. Process is emphasized because of its essential role in all engineering disciplines. The widespread application of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and other process improvement models attests to the importance of process in todays software development industry. Unfortunately, discussions of this topic are lacking in the majority of books on software testing.

The author makes use of the Testing Maturity Model(TMM)SM, which was developed to support organizations in assessing and improving their testing processes, as a guiding framework for presenting testing concepts, and as a context for introducing the reader to test process issues. The text uses TMM levels and goals to support a structured presentation of fundamental and advanced test-related concepts to the reader. The TMM structure highlights the important relationships between the testing process and key players such as managers, testers, and client groups.

The readershould note that adaptation of the Testing Maturity Model is not a necessary condition for using this text to learn about software testing. Using this text, you can learn about good testing actices and test process issues and apply them in the context of your individual and organizational needs.

Finally, the author believes that educational material developed for software engineers should be guided by the contents of the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK). In this context this text endeavors to cover many of the topics outlined in the "Software Testing" chapter of the SWEBOK. It also covers material from the chapters on "Software Quality" and "Software Engineering Process" G o a l s In view of the growth of the software engineering profession, the educational requirements of a software testing specialist, and the need for emphasis on process issues, the authors goals for this text are to:

• introduce testing concepts, techniques, and best practices in a systematic way that reflects an orderly evolution of testing process growth on both an individual and organizational level;