
来源:互联网 发布:php b2c商城系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:07

#This script is for un-ollvm
#the core is to link between flag set and flag compare positions
import copy

MAXTURN = 60    # we trace 30 instructions once at most

def determine_ifjmp(inst, freg, compstat):
    #compstat   None => not two regs        1 => both reg None      2 => one reg None       3 => none None
    #signed jump
    #return   3:should jmp  2:should not jmp  1:do not known
    if inst == "BGT":#signed
        if freg[1] != None:
            if freg[1] > 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    elif inst == "BLT" or inst == "BMI":#signed
        if freg[1] != None:
            if freg[1] < 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    elif inst == "BLE":#signed
        if freg[1] != None:
            if freg[1] <= 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    elif inst == "BGE" or inst == "BPL":#signed
        if freg[1] != None:
            if freg[1] >= 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    elif inst == "BNE":
        if freg[0] != None:
            if freg[0] != 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    elif inst == "BEQ":
        if freg[0] != None:
            if freg[0] == 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    #unsigned jump
    elif inst == "BHI":#unsigned
        if freg[0] != None:
            if freg[0] > 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    elif inst == "BHIS" or inst == "BCS":#unsigned
        if freg[0] != None:
            if freg[0] >= 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    elif inst == "BLO" or inst == "BCC":#unsigned
        if freg[0] != None:
            if freg[0] < 0:
                return 3
                return 2     
    elif inst == "BLOS" or inst == "BLS":#unsigned
        if freg[0] != None:
            if freg[0] <= 0:
                return 3
                return 2
    #compare ollvm-flag reg with unknown reg,
    if compstat == 2:
        return 2
    return 1

changelist = {}
def roll_back():
    #this function uses only when we find out the modify on jmp is wrong
    for addr in changelist:
        PatchByte(addr, changelist[addr])
def clear():
    changelist = {}
def trace_dest(addr, regs, freg):
    #this function find out what inst finally reach in a ollvm-switch(the real functionally code)
    #regs : registers stored before jump
    #addr : current address
    #begin: block begin
    #end  : block end
    #freg store compare inst result (unsigned/signed)
    print "--------------trace %x" % addr
    endaddr = None
    alreadyrun = []
    passjumpnum = 0
    curaddr = addr
    count = 0
    canhandle = False
    while count < MAXTURN:
        print hex(curaddr),GetDisasm(curaddr),regs
        canhandle = False
        if curaddr in alreadyrun:
            endaddr = None
        mnem = GetMnem(curaddr)
        if mnem == "LDR":
            if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg:
                if GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_mem:
                    regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = Dword(GetOperandValue(curaddr, 1))
                    canhandle = True
                    curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
        elif mnem == "MOV":
            if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg:
                if GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_reg:
                    regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 1)]
                    canhandle = True
                    curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
        elif mnem == "CMP":
            freg = [None, None]
            if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg and GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_reg:
                f, s = GetOpnd(curaddr, 0), GetOpnd(curaddr, 1)
                if regs[f] != None and regs[s] != None:
                    freg[0] = regs[f] - regs[s]
                    tmpf = regs[f]
                    if regs[f] > 0x80000000:
                        tmpf = regs[f] - 0x100000000
                    tmps = regs[s]
                    if regs[s] > 0x80000000:
                        tmps = regs[s] - 0x100000000
                    freg[1] = tmpf - tmps
                    canhandle = True
                    curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
        elif mnem == "BLX":#we cannot let execute any real code
            canhandle = False
        elif mnem == "B":
            inst = GetDisasm(curaddr).split(' ')[0]
            if inst == "B":
                canhandle = True
                curaddr = GetOperandValue(curaddr, 0)
            elif inst in ["BGT", "BLT", "BLE", "BGE", "BNE", "BEQ", "BHI", "BHIS", "BLO", "BLS",  "BLOS", "BCS", "BCC", "BMI", "BPL"]:
                ret = determine_ifjmp(inst, freg, -1) # -1 => set unknown compare to unknown result
                if ret == 3:
                    passjumpnum = passjumpnum + 1
                    canhandle = True
                    curaddr = GetOperandValue(curaddr, 0)
                elif ret == 2:
                    passjumpnum = passjumpnum + 1
                    canhandle = True
                    curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
                    canhandle = False
                print "unhandle %x" % curaddr 
            canhandle = False
        if not canhandle:
            if passjumpnum >= 1:
                endaddr = curaddr
        count = count - 1
    if endaddr != None:
        #endaddr2 = trace_dest(endaddr, regs, freg)
        #if endaddr2 != None:
            #endaddr = endaddr2
        print "from %x to %x"%(addr, endaddr)
    return endaddr

def try_trace_fix_ollvm(begin, end):
    #this function find out all jmp trunk for region and modify them
    #these regs specific for ollvm
    print "begin=0x%x, end=0x%x" % (begin, end)
    regs = {"R0":None, "R1":None, "R2":None, "R3":None, "R4":None, "R5":None, "R6":None,
        "R7":None, "R8":None, "R9":None, "R10":None, "R11":None, "R12":None}
    freg = [None, None]
    compstat = None
    #   None => not two regs        1 => both reg None      2 => one reg None       3 => none None
    curaddr = begin
    count = 0
    if FT_TYPE == FT_ELF:
        while curaddr >= begin and curaddr <= end and count < MAXTURN:
            #print hex(curaddr), GetDisasm(curaddr), regs, compstat
            mnem = GetMnem(curaddr)
            if mnem == "LDR":
                if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg:
                    if GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_mem:
                        regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = Dword(GetOperandValue(curaddr, 1))
                        #if LDR R,=flag is the last inst, we see if can change to jump inst
                        if curaddr == end - 2:
                            print "trace branch +5 %x" % curaddr
                            dst = trace_dest(curaddr + 2, copy.copy(regs), copy.copy(freg))
                            if dst != None:
                                #we trace this route and modify the jump
                                x = (dst - curaddr - 4) / 2
                                if x >= 0x7ff or x <= -0x7ff:
                                    print "error here"
                                    obyte = (x & 0x7FF) + 0xE000
                                    if curaddr not in changelist:
                                        #if we haven't modify yet
                                        changelist[curaddr] = Byte(curaddr)
                                        changelist[curaddr+1] = Byte(curaddr+1)
                                        PatchByte(curaddr, obyte & 0xff)
                                        PatchByte(curaddr + 1, (obyte >> 8) & 0xff)
                                        print "patch %x from %x to %x" %(curaddr, changelist[curaddr], obyte)
                        regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = None
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
            elif mnem == "MOV":
                if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg:
                    if GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_reg:
                        regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 1)]
                        regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = None
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
            elif mnem == "CMP":
                freg = [None, None]
                compstat = None
                if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg and GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_reg:
                    f, s = GetOpnd(curaddr, 0), GetOpnd(curaddr, 1)
                    if regs[f] != None and regs[s] != None:
                        compstat = 3
                        freg[0] = regs[f] - regs[s]
                        tmpf = regs[f]
                        if regs[f] > 0x80000000:
                            tmpf = regs[f] - 0x100000000
                        tmps = regs[s]
                        if regs[s] > 0x80000000:
                            tmps = regs[s] - 0x100000000
                        freg[1] = tmpf - tmps
                    elif regs[f] != None or regs[s] != None:
                        compstat = 2
                        compstat = 1
                    compstat = None
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
            elif mnem == "BLX":#skip this
                regs["R0"] = None
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
            elif mnem == "B":
                #if we can ensure at the circumstance of regs, the brach go only one way then we break here, or else we follow more branchs
                objaddr = GetOperandValue(curaddr, 0)
                inst = GetDisasm(curaddr).split(' ')[0]
                if inst == "B":
                    print "trace branch +4 %x" % curaddr
                    dst = trace_dest(objaddr, copy.copy(regs), copy.copy(freg))
                    if dst != None:
                        #we trace this route and modify the jump
                        x = (dst - curaddr - 4) / 2
                        if x >= 0x7ff or x <= -0x7ff:
                            print "error here"
                            obyte = (x & 0x7FF) + 0xE000
                            if curaddr not in changelist:
                                #if we haven't modify yet
                                changelist[curaddr] = Byte(curaddr)
                                changelist[curaddr+1] = Byte(curaddr+1)
                                PatchByte(curaddr, obyte & 0xff)
                                PatchByte(curaddr + 1, (obyte >> 8) & 0xff)
                                print "patch %x from %x to %x" %(curaddr, changelist[curaddr], obyte)
                    curaddr = objaddr
                elif inst in ["BGT", "BLT", "BLE", "BGE", "BNE", "BEQ", "BHI", "BHIS", "BLS","BLO", "BLOS", "BCS", "BCC", "BMI", "BPL"]:
                    ret = determine_ifjmp(inst, freg, compstat)
                    #return   3:should jmp  2:should not jmp  1:do not known
                    #this branch is certainly be passed under current circumstance
                    if ret == 3:
                        print "trace branch +3 %x" % curaddr
                        dst = trace_dest(objaddr, copy.copy(regs), copy.copy(freg))
                        if dst != None:
                            #we trace this route and modify the jump
                            x = (dst - curaddr - 4) / 2
                            if x >= 0xff or x <= -0xff:
                                print "error here"
                                obyte = x & 0xFF
                                if curaddr not in changelist:
                                    #if we haven't modify yet
                                    changelist[curaddr] = Byte(curaddr)
                                    PatchByte(curaddr, obyte)
                                    print "patch %x from %x to %x" %(curaddr, changelist[curaddr], obyte)
                        #stop here
                    #this branch is certainly not be passed under current circumstance
                    elif ret == 2:
                        print "trace branch +2 %x" % curaddr
                        curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
                    #this branch is unknown whether be passed under current circumstance
                    elif ret == 1:
                        print "trace branch +0 %x" % curaddr
                        dst = trace_dest(objaddr, copy.copy(regs), copy.copy(freg))
                        if dst != None:
                            #we trace this route and modify the jump
                            x = (dst - curaddr - 4) / 2
                            if x >= 0xff or x <= -0xff:
                                print "error here"
                                obyte = x & 0xFF
                                if curaddr not in changelist:
                                    #if we haven't modify yet
                                    changelist[curaddr] = Byte(curaddr)
                                    PatchByte(curaddr, obyte)
                                    print "patch %x from %x to %x" %(curaddr, changelist[curaddr], obyte)           
                        curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
                    print "unhandle b:", GetDisasm(curaddr)
                print "skip handle:", GetDisasm(curaddr)
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[allinsts]
            count = count + 1
    elif FT_TYPE == FT_MACHO:
        while curaddr >= begin and curaddr <= end and count < MAXTURN:
            #print hex(curaddr), GetDisasm(curaddr), regs, compstat
            mnem = GetMnem(curaddr)
            if mnem == "LDR":
                if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg:
                    if GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_mem:
                        regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = Dword(GetOperandValue(curaddr, 1))
                        #if LDR R,=flag is the last inst, we see if can change to jump inst
                        if curaddr == end - 2:
                            print "trace branch +5 %x" % curaddr
                            dst = trace_dest(curaddr + 2, copy.copy(regs), copy.copy(freg))
                            if dst != None:
                                #we trace this route and modify the jump
                                x = (dst - curaddr - 4) / 2
                                if x >= 0x7ff or x <= -0x7ff:
                                    print "error here"
                                    obyte = (x & 0x7FF) + 0xE000
                                    if curaddr not in changelist:
                                        #if we haven't modify yet
                                        changelist[curaddr] = Byte(curaddr)
                                        changelist[curaddr+1] = Byte(curaddr+1)
                                        PatchByte(curaddr, obyte & 0xff)
                                        PatchByte(curaddr + 1, (obyte >> 8) & 0xff)
                                        print "patch %x from %x to %x" %(curaddr, changelist[curaddr], obyte)
                        regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = None
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
            elif mnem == "MOV":
                if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg:
                    if GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_reg:
                        regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 1)]
                        regs[GetOpnd(curaddr, 0)] = None
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
            elif mnem == "CMP":
                freg = [None, None]
                compstat = None
                if GetOpType(curaddr, 0) == o_reg and GetOpType(curaddr, 1) == o_reg:
                    f, s = GetOpnd(curaddr, 0), GetOpnd(curaddr, 1)
                    if regs[f] != None and regs[s] != None:
                        compstat = 3
                        freg[0] = regs[f] - regs[s]
                        tmpf = regs[f]
                        if regs[f] > 0x80000000:
                            tmpf = regs[f] - 0x100000000
                        tmps = regs[s]
                        if regs[s] > 0x80000000:
                            tmps = regs[s] - 0x100000000
                        freg[1] = tmpf - tmps
                    elif regs[f] != None or regs[s] != None:
                        compstat = 2
                        compstat = 1
                    compstat = None
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[allinsts]
            elif mnem == "BLX":#skip this
                regs["R0"] = None
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
            elif mnem == "B":
                #if we can ensure at the circumstance of regs, the brach go only one way then we break here, or else we follow more branchs
                objaddr = GetOperandValue(curaddr, 0)
                inst = GetDisasm(curaddr).split(' ')[0]
                if inst == "B":
                    print "trace branch +4 %x" % curaddr
                    dst = trace_dest(objaddr, copy.copy(regs), copy.copy(freg))
                    if dst != None:
                        #we trace this route and modify the jump
                        x = (dst - curaddr - 4) / 2
                        if x >= 0x7ff or x <= -0x7ff:
                            print "error here"
                            obyte = (x & 0x7FF) + 0xE000
                            if curaddr not in changelist:
                                #if we haven't modify yet
                                changelist[curaddr] = Byte(curaddr)
                                changelist[curaddr+1] = Byte(curaddr+1)
                                PatchByte(curaddr, obyte & 0xff)
                                PatchByte(curaddr + 1, (obyte >> 8) & 0xff)
                                print "patch %x from %x to %x" %(curaddr, changelist[curaddr], obyte)
                    curaddr = objaddr
                elif inst in ["BGT", "BLT", "BLE", "BGE", "BNE", "BEQ", "BHI", "BHIS", "BLS","BLO", "BLOS", "BCS", "BCC", "BMI", "BPL"]:
                    ret = determine_ifjmp(inst, freg, compstat)
                    #return   3:should jmp  2:should not jmp  1:do not known
                    #this branch is certainly be passed under current circumstance
                    if ret == 3:
                        print "trace branch +3 %x" % curaddr
                        dst = trace_dest(objaddr, copy.copy(regs), copy.copy(freg))
                        if dst != None:
                            #we trace this route and modify the jump
                            x = (dst - curaddr - 4) / 2
                            if x >= 0xff or x <= -0xff:
                                print "error here"
                                obyte = x & 0xFF
                                if curaddr not in changelist:
                                    #if we haven't modify yet
                                    changelist[curaddr] = Byte(curaddr)
                                    PatchByte(curaddr, obyte)
                                    print "patch %x from %x to %x" %(curaddr, changelist[curaddr], obyte)
                        #stop here
                    #this branch is certainly not be passed under current circumstance
                    elif ret == 2:
                        print "trace branch +2 %x" % curaddr
                        curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
                    #this branch is unknown whether be passed under current circumstance
                    elif ret == 1:
                        print "trace branch +0 %x" % curaddr
                        dst = trace_dest(objaddr, copy.copy(regs), copy.copy(freg))
                        if dst != None:
                            #we trace this route and modify the jump
                            x = (dst - curaddr - 4) / 2
                            if x >= 0xff or x <= -0xff:
                                print "error here"
                                obyte = x & 0xFF
                                if curaddr not in changelist:
                                    #if we haven't modify yet
                                    changelist[curaddr] = Byte(curaddr)
                                    PatchByte(curaddr, obyte)
                                    print "patch %x from %x to %x" %(curaddr, changelist[curaddr], obyte)           
                        curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[curaddr]
                    print "unhandle b:", GetDisasm(curaddr)
                print "skip handle:", GetDisasm(curaddr)
                curaddr = curaddr + allinsts[allinsts]
            count = count + 1

def get_jmplist(funcaddr):
    #this function find out all addr list to deal with
    tmp = set([])
    #for android elf
    addr = funcbegin
    while addr < funcend:
        if GetMnem(addr) == "B":
            objaddr = GetOperandValue(addr, 0)
            if objaddr > funcbegin and objaddr < funcend:
        addr = addr + allinsts[addr]
    for addr in tmp:

def check_ollvm(addr):
    if GetDisasm(addr) == GetDisasm(addr+2): #arm or thumb ?
        return False
    begin = GetFunctionAttr(addr, FUNCATTR_START)
    end = GetFunctionAttr(addr, FUNCATTR_END)
    ollvm_flag_num = 0
    l_insts = []
    l_allinsts = {}
    for item in FuncItems(begin):
    for i in range(0, len(l_insts) - 1):
        l_allinsts[l_insts[i]] = l_insts[i + 1] - l_insts[i]
    #for android elf
    if FT_TYPE == FT_ELF:
        addr = begin
        while addr < end:
            inst = GetDisasm(addr).split(' ')[0]
            if inst == "LDR" and GetOpType(addr, 0) == o_reg and GetOpType(addr, 1) == o_mem:
                val = Dword(GetOperandValue(addr,1))
                if val >= 0x1000000 and (val>>16) != 0xFFFF:
                    ollvm_flag_num = ollvm_flag_num + 1
            addr = addr + l_allinsts[addr]
    #for ios mach-o
        addr = begin
        while addr < end:
            inst = GetDisasm(addr).split(' ')[0]
            if inst == "MOV" and GetOpType(addr, 0) == o_reg and GetOpType(addr, 1) == o_imm:
                val = GetOperandValue(addr,1)
                if val >= 0x1000000 and (val>>16) != 0xFFFF:
                    ollvm_flag_num = ollvm_flag_num + 1
            addr = addr + l_allinsts[addr]
    return ollvm_flag_num > ((end - begin) / 20)
def get_funcset():
    addr = PrevFunction(0xffffffff)
    if FT_TYPE == FT_ELF:
        while addr < 0xffffffff:
            if SegName(addr) in [".text"]:
            addr = PrevFunction(addr)
    if FT_TYPE == FT_MACHO:
        while addr < 0xffffffff:
            if SegName(addr) in ["__text"] and GetFunctionName(addr).find("[") == -1:
            addr = PrevFunction(addr)      
def get_all_instructions():
    #this function get all disassemble lines for a function
    insts = []
    for item in FuncItems(funcbegin):
    for i in range(0, len(insts) - 1):
        allinsts[insts[i]] = insts[i + 1] - insts[i]

def find_ios_ollvm_branches(funcaddr):
    funcbegin = GetFunctionAttr(funcaddr, FUNCATTR_START)
    funcend = GetFunctionAttr(funcaddr, FUNCATTR_END)
    ollvmmap = {}
    insts = []
    for item in FuncItems(funcbegin):
    for i in range(0, len(insts)):
        curaddr = insts[i]
        inst = GetDisasm(curaddr).split(' ')[0]
        if inst.startswith("BEQ"):
            beaddr = insts[i-3]
            if GetMnem(beaddr) == "MOV" and GetOpType(beaddr, 1) == o_imm:
                ollvmmap[GetOperandValue(beaddr, 1)] = GetOperandValue(curaddr, 0)
    for i in ollvmmap:
        print "%x-%x"%(i,ollvmmap[i])  

def set_jump(srcaddr, dstaddr):
    curaddr = srcaddr
    x = (dstaddr - curaddr - 4) / 2
    if x >= 0x7ff or x <= -0x7ff:
        print "error here"
        obyte = (x & 0x7FF) + 0xE000
        if curaddr not in changelist:
            PatchByte(curaddr, obyte & 0xff)
            PatchByte(curaddr + 1, (obyte >> 8) & 0xff)  
FT_MACHO = 25  #FT_ELF = 18
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if ARCH != "ARM":
    if FT_TYPE != FT_MACHO and FT_TYPE != FT_ELF:
    funcaddr = 0x72A8A8  #an address in function
    funcbegin = GetFunctionAttr(funcaddr, FUNCATTR_START)
    funcend = GetFunctionAttr(funcaddr, FUNCATTR_END)
    #alllabel is each entry for ollvm flag set  (such as R0=0x88991122)
    alllabel = []
    #insts is all instructions in a function, addr<->inst len
    allinsts = {}
    #all function in this file
    funcset = []


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