spark2.0 rpc.netty.Dispatcher

来源:互联网 发布:php解析xml字符串方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 07:01

Dispatcher 包含一个receivers的消息队列,消息队列中的对象类型是Endpoint,一个处理消息的线程池。当接收一个消息时,把消息放到相应Endpoint的inbox队列中,然后把这个Endpoint放到receiver中。线程池中的线程不断从receivers中取出Endpoint元素,然后处理该Endpoint的一个消息。

private[netty] class Dispatcher(nettyEnv: NettyRpcEnv) extends Logging {   private class EndpointData(      val name: String,      val endpoint: RpcEndpoint,      val ref: NettyRpcEndpointRef) {    val inbox = new Inbox(ref, endpoint)  }   private val endpoints: ConcurrentMap[String, EndpointData] =    new ConcurrentHashMap[String, EndpointData]  private val endpointRefs: ConcurrentMap[RpcEndpoint, RpcEndpointRef] =    new ConcurrentHashMap[RpcEndpoint, RpcEndpointRef]   // Track the receivers whose inboxes may contain messages.  private val receivers = new LinkedBlockingQueue[EndpointData]   /**   * True if the dispatcher has been stopped. Once stopped, all messages posted will be bounced   * immediately.   */  @GuardedBy("this")  private var stopped = false   def registerRpcEndpoint(name: String, endpoint: RpcEndpoint): NettyRpcEndpointRef = {    val addr = RpcEndpointAddress(nettyEnv.address, name)    val endpointRef = new NettyRpcEndpointRef(nettyEnv.conf, addr, nettyEnv)    synchronized {      if (stopped) {        throw new IllegalStateException("RpcEnv has been stopped")      }      if (endpoints.putIfAbsent(name, new EndpointData(name, endpoint, endpointRef)) != null) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"There is already an RpcEndpoint called $name")      }      val data = endpoints.get(name)      endpointRefs.put(data.endpoint, data.ref)      receivers.offer(data)  // for the OnStart message    }    endpointRef  }   def getRpcEndpointRef(endpoint: RpcEndpoint): RpcEndpointRef = endpointRefs.get(endpoint)   def removeRpcEndpointRef(endpoint: RpcEndpoint): Unit = endpointRefs.remove(endpoint)   // Should be idempotent  private def unregisterRpcEndpoint(name: String): Unit = {    val data = endpoints.remove(name)    if (data != null) {      data.inbox.stop()      receivers.offer(data)  // for the OnStop message    }    // Don't clean `endpointRefs` here because it's possible that some messages are being processed    // now and they can use `getRpcEndpointRef`. So `endpointRefs` will be cleaned in Inbox via    // `removeRpcEndpointRef`.  }   def stop(rpcEndpointRef: RpcEndpointRef): Unit = {    synchronized {      if (stopped) {        // This endpoint will be stopped by Dispatcher.stop() method.        return      }      unregisterRpcEndpoint(    }  }   /**   * Send a message to all registered [[RpcEndpoint]]s in this process.   *   * This can be used to make network events known to all end points (e.g. "a new node connected").   */  def postToAll(message: InboxMessage): Unit = {    val iter = endpoints.keySet().iterator()    while (iter.hasNext) {      val name =      postMessage(name, message, (e) => logWarning(s"Message $message dropped. ${e.getMessage}"))    }  }   /** Posts a message sent by a remote endpoint. */  def postRemoteMessage(message: RequestMessage, callback: RpcResponseCallback): Unit = {    val rpcCallContext =      new RemoteNettyRpcCallContext(nettyEnv, callback, message.senderAddress)    val rpcMessage = RpcMessage(message.senderAddress, message.content, rpcCallContext)    postMessage(, rpcMessage, (e) => callback.onFailure(e))  }   /** Posts a message sent by a local endpoint. */  def postLocalMessage(message: RequestMessage, p: Promise[Any]): Unit = {    val rpcCallContext =      new LocalNettyRpcCallContext(message.senderAddress, p)    val rpcMessage = RpcMessage(message.senderAddress, message.content, rpcCallContext)    postMessage(, rpcMessage, (e) => p.tryFailure(e))  }   /** Posts a one-way message. */  def postOneWayMessage(message: RequestMessage): Unit = {    postMessage(, OneWayMessage(message.senderAddress, message.content),      (e) => throw e)  }   /**   * Posts a message to a specific endpoint.   *   * @param endpointName name of the endpoint.   * @param message the message to post   * @param callbackIfStopped callback function if the endpoint is stopped.   */  private def postMessage(      endpointName: String,      message: InboxMessage,      callbackIfStopped: (Exception) => Unit): Unit = {    val error = synchronized {      val data = endpoints.get(endpointName)      if (stopped) {        Some(new RpcEnvStoppedException())      } else if (data == null) {        Some(new SparkException(s"Could not find $endpointName."))      } else {        receivers.offer(data)        None      }    }    // We don't need to call `onStop` in the `synchronized` block    error.foreach(callbackIfStopped)  }   def stop(): Unit = {    synchronized {      if (stopped) {        return      }      stopped = true    }    // Stop all endpoints. This will queue all endpoints for processing by the message loops.    endpoints.keySet().asScala.foreach(unregisterRpcEndpoint)    // Enqueue a message that tells the message loops to stop.    receivers.offer(PoisonPill)    threadpool.shutdown()  }   def awaitTermination(): Unit = {    threadpool.awaitTermination(Long.MaxValue, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)  }   /**   * Return if the endpoint exists   */  def verify(name: String): Boolean = {    endpoints.containsKey(name)  }   /** Thread pool used for dispatching messages. */  private val threadpool: ThreadPoolExecutor = {    val numThreads = nettyEnv.conf.getInt("spark.rpc.netty.dispatcher.numThreads",      math.max(2, Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()))    val pool = ThreadUtils.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(numThreads, "dispatcher-event-loop")    for (i <- 0 until numThreads) {      pool.execute(new MessageLoop)    }    pool  }   /** Message loop used for dispatching messages. */  private class MessageLoop extends Runnable {    override def run(): Unit = {      try {        while (true) {          try {            val data = receivers.take()            if (data == PoisonPill) {              // Put PoisonPill back so that other MessageLoops can see it.              receivers.offer(PoisonPill)              return            }            data.inbox.process(Dispatcher.this)          } catch {            case NonFatal(e) => logError(e.getMessage, e)          }        }      } catch {        case ie: InterruptedException => // exit      }    }  }   /** A poison endpoint that indicates MessageLoop should exit its message loop. */  private val PoisonPill = new EndpointData(null, null, null)}

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