spark2.0 MessageHandler和 TransportResponseHandler

来源:互联网 发布:网络拓扑算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 12:00

MessageHandler处理Netty发送或者接收的消息。一个MessageHandler和一个 Netty通道关联在一起,尽管一个 Netty通道可以为多个client对象服务。


/** * Handles either request or response messages coming off of Netty. A MessageHandler instance * is associated with a single Netty Channel (though it may have multiple clients on the same * Channel.) */public abstract class MessageHandler<T extends Message> {  /** Handles the receipt of a single message. */  public abstract void handle(T message) throws Exception;  /** Invoked when the channel this MessageHandler is on is active. */  public abstract void channelActive();  /** Invoked when an exception was caught on the Channel. */  public abstract void exceptionCaught(Throwable cause);  /** Invoked when the channel this MessageHandler is on is inactive. */  public abstract void channelInactive();}

/** * Handler that processes server responses, in response to requests issued from a * [[TransportClient]]. It works by tracking the list of outstanding requests (and their callbacks). * * Concurrency: thread safe and can be called from multiple threads. */public class TransportResponseHandler extends MessageHandler<ResponseMessage> {  private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransportResponseHandler.class);  private final Channel channel;  private final Map<StreamChunkId, ChunkReceivedCallback> outstandingFetches;  private final Map<Long, RpcResponseCallback> outstandingRpcs;  private final Queue<StreamCallback> streamCallbacks;  private volatile boolean streamActive;  /** Records the time (in system nanoseconds) that the last fetch or RPC request was sent. */  private final AtomicLong timeOfLastRequestNs;  public TransportResponseHandler(Channel channel) { = channel;    this.outstandingFetches = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();    this.outstandingRpcs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();    this.streamCallbacks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();    this.timeOfLastRequestNs = new AtomicLong(0);  }  public void addFetchRequest(StreamChunkId streamChunkId, ChunkReceivedCallback callback) {    updateTimeOfLastRequest();    outstandingFetches.put(streamChunkId, callback);  }  public void removeFetchRequest(StreamChunkId streamChunkId) {    outstandingFetches.remove(streamChunkId);  }  public void addRpcRequest(long requestId, RpcResponseCallback callback) {    updateTimeOfLastRequest();    outstandingRpcs.put(requestId, callback);  }  public void removeRpcRequest(long requestId) {    outstandingRpcs.remove(requestId);  }  public void addStreamCallback(StreamCallback callback) {    timeOfLastRequestNs.set(System.nanoTime());    streamCallbacks.offer(callback);  }  @VisibleForTesting  public void deactivateStream() {    streamActive = false;  }  /**   * Fire the failure callback for all outstanding requests. This is called when we have an   * uncaught exception or pre-mature connection termination.   */  private void failOutstandingRequests(Throwable cause) {    for (Map.Entry<StreamChunkId, ChunkReceivedCallback> entry : outstandingFetches.entrySet()) {      entry.getValue().onFailure(entry.getKey().chunkIndex, cause);    }    for (Map.Entry<Long, RpcResponseCallback> entry : outstandingRpcs.entrySet()) {      entry.getValue().onFailure(cause);    }    // It's OK if new fetches appear, as they will fail immediately.    outstandingFetches.clear();    outstandingRpcs.clear();  }  @Override  public void channelActive() {  }  @Override  public void channelInactive() {    if (numOutstandingRequests() > 0) {      String remoteAddress = getRemoteAddress(channel);      logger.error("Still have {} requests outstanding when connection from {} is closed",        numOutstandingRequests(), remoteAddress);      failOutstandingRequests(new IOException("Connection from " + remoteAddress + " closed"));    }  }  @Override  public void exceptionCaught(Throwable cause) {    if (numOutstandingRequests() > 0) {      String remoteAddress = getRemoteAddress(channel);      logger.error("Still have {} requests outstanding when connection from {} is closed",        numOutstandingRequests(), remoteAddress);      failOutstandingRequests(cause);    }  }  @Override  public void handle(ResponseMessage message) throws Exception {    if (message instanceof ChunkFetchSuccess) {      ChunkFetchSuccess resp = (ChunkFetchSuccess) message;      ChunkReceivedCallback listener = outstandingFetches.get(resp.streamChunkId);      if (listener == null) {        logger.warn("Ignoring response for block {} from {} since it is not outstanding",          resp.streamChunkId, getRemoteAddress(channel));        resp.body().release();      } else {        outstandingFetches.remove(resp.streamChunkId);        listener.onSuccess(resp.streamChunkId.chunkIndex, resp.body());        resp.body().release();      }    } else if (message instanceof ChunkFetchFailure) {      ChunkFetchFailure resp = (ChunkFetchFailure) message;      ChunkReceivedCallback listener = outstandingFetches.get(resp.streamChunkId);      if (listener == null) {        logger.warn("Ignoring response for block {} from {} ({}) since it is not outstanding",          resp.streamChunkId, getRemoteAddress(channel), resp.errorString);      } else {        outstandingFetches.remove(resp.streamChunkId);        listener.onFailure(resp.streamChunkId.chunkIndex, new ChunkFetchFailureException(          "Failure while fetching " + resp.streamChunkId + ": " + resp.errorString));      }    } else if (message instanceof RpcResponse) {      RpcResponse resp = (RpcResponse) message;      RpcResponseCallback listener = outstandingRpcs.get(resp.requestId);      if (listener == null) {        logger.warn("Ignoring response for RPC {} from {} ({} bytes) since it is not outstanding",          resp.requestId, getRemoteAddress(channel), resp.body().size());      } else {        outstandingRpcs.remove(resp.requestId);        try {          listener.onSuccess(resp.body().nioByteBuffer());        } finally {          resp.body().release();        }      }    } else if (message instanceof RpcFailure) {      RpcFailure resp = (RpcFailure) message;      RpcResponseCallback listener = outstandingRpcs.get(resp.requestId);      if (listener == null) {        logger.warn("Ignoring response for RPC {} from {} ({}) since it is not outstanding",          resp.requestId, getRemoteAddress(channel), resp.errorString);      } else {        outstandingRpcs.remove(resp.requestId);        listener.onFailure(new RuntimeException(resp.errorString));      }    } else if (message instanceof StreamResponse) {      StreamResponse resp = (StreamResponse) message;      StreamCallback callback = streamCallbacks.poll();      if (callback != null) {        if (resp.byteCount > 0) {          StreamInterceptor interceptor = new StreamInterceptor(this, resp.streamId, resp.byteCount,            callback);          try {            TransportFrameDecoder frameDecoder = (TransportFrameDecoder)              channel.pipeline().get(TransportFrameDecoder.HANDLER_NAME);            frameDecoder.setInterceptor(interceptor);            streamActive = true;          } catch (Exception e) {            logger.error("Error installing stream handler.", e);            deactivateStream();          }        } else {          try {            callback.onComplete(resp.streamId);          } catch (Exception e) {            logger.warn("Error in stream handler onComplete().", e);          }        }      } else {        logger.error("Could not find callback for StreamResponse.");      }    } else if (message instanceof StreamFailure) {      StreamFailure resp = (StreamFailure) message;      StreamCallback callback = streamCallbacks.poll();      if (callback != null) {        try {          callback.onFailure(resp.streamId, new RuntimeException(resp.error));        } catch (IOException ioe) {          logger.warn("Error in stream failure handler.", ioe);        }      } else {        logger.warn("Stream failure with unknown callback: {}", resp.error);      }    } else {      throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown response type: " + message.type());    }  }  /** Returns total number of outstanding requests (fetch requests + rpcs) */  public int numOutstandingRequests() {    return outstandingFetches.size() + outstandingRpcs.size() + streamCallbacks.size() +      (streamActive ? 1 : 0);  }  /** Returns the time in nanoseconds of when the last request was sent out. */  public long getTimeOfLastRequestNs() {    return timeOfLastRequestNs.get();  }  /** Updates the time of the last request to the current system time. */  public void updateTimeOfLastRequest() {    timeOfLastRequestNs.set(System.nanoTime());  }}

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